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WhoIs Derek Mooney?

Derek Mooney, a former government advisor for Fianna Fáil, doesn't think there is a possibility for Sinn Féin being in government.

"There's no possibility whatsoever," he said, "because the simple basic fact and no amount of spinning is going to change it.

"It looks like three out of every ten people who voted Sinn Féin in 2020 have not voted Sinn Féin this time. They've actually turned against Sinn Féin, they have gone to other parties and Sinn Féin cannot talk that away."

Looking at Sinn Féin's previous performances in elections from 2019, Mr Mooney believes the trend for Sinn Féin is going downwards.

"What I think I'd be more worried about if I was Sinn Féin is turn out is down, this isn't just localised, this isn't just in one area, this is right across the board."

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Dec 1st, 2024 at 12:25:42 PM EST

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