Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Last night, while searching for the CNN recording, I heard some YouTube reactionary attribute that "big lie" bromide to Hitler.

Then, I learned yer MLB boy poll-of-polls statistician Nate Silver desperately needs help validating his post-2016 uhh calculations. He's a slow learner.

According to Sabby Sabs

@2:23:56: Remember, Nate Silver said, if she didn't get the +14 coming out of that convention like Obama, he was going to have to make adjustments with his predictions.
Now, I don't know what kinda of scientists encourage students to substitute an orange toss from 16 years ago for a coin toss today, but Sabatini further refers to "Presidential Model" notes published beyond the Silver Bulletin subscriber pay-wall.
national average "convention bounce adjustment"?

Apparently, he hadn't figured on "high-quality" state polls spoiling the model's "electoral bias" and "house bias" co-efficients... until last night. Now, he's preparing to concede that Kamala?! might "win" the popular vote but "lose" the electors, although that's not his substack front page story.
by Cat on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 at 04:28:16 PM EST
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by Cat on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 at 04:32:33 PM EST
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