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Israeli strike on Gaza school slaughters over 100 Palestinians during morning prayer, 10 Aug

UNWRA wutdunnit story developing ...

whitehouse.gov | KIRBY-content, 10 Aug "Art of the Deal"

On Tuesday, the President spoke with Sisi and Tamim on the hostage deal and a way forward to close remaining gaps and to see if we can get this deal concluded.  That's what led to the joint statement yesterday, which, as I know we briefed yesterday on, makes very clear that now is the time to close this deal.
Some critics, like Mr. Smotrich, for example, have claimed that the hostage deal is a surrender to Hamas or that hostages should not be exchanged for prisoners. Mr. Smotrich essentially suggests that the war ought to go on indefinitely, without pause, and with the lives of the hostages of no real concern at all. His arguments are dead wrong. They're misleading the Israeli public.  And I want to take just a moment, if I could, to address some of those claims.

This deal, as negotiated over months, fully protects Israel's national security interests. In fact, on the third of July, over one month ago, Hamas accepted the key terms that had been demanded by Israel: Israeli forces do not withdraw entirely from Gaza during the first phase of the deal, even as the lives of the hostages—all the hostages in the category of women, older men, those who are wounded and sick—are saved and returned to their families.
The idea that he [Genocide Joe] would support a deal that leaves Israel's security at risk is just factually wrong.  It's outrageous.  It's absurd.  And anybody who knows President Biden and how staunchly he's been a defender for Israel, for the entirety of his public service, ought to be ashamed for thinking anything different.
Now I'd like to switch to Africa, if I could.

by Cat on Sat Aug 10th, 2024 at 04:25:40 PM EST

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