Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
vox | The House just passed a sweeping and bipartisan bill to boost unions (09.03.21)
The bill passed the House Tuesday night on a vote of 225-206. One of the bill's most significant provisions is a policy that would override state right-to-work laws that weaken unions by letting unionized workers not pay dues.

bobbyscot.house.gov | Bipartisan Labor Leaders Introduce Bill to Protect Workers' Right to Organize (28.02.23)
The Senate companion was introduced by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

politifact | PRO Act has stalled, but administration is shaping policy through NLRB (19.03.24)
Biden's reshaping of the NLRB's membership has produced significant victories for unions seeking greater freedom to organize.

ChatGPT | Walz unharmed after some of the vehicles near the back of his motorcade crash in Milwaukee (02.09.24)
Images posted on social media showed large passenger vans with crumpled front and backends after the collision, which was said to have occurred on Interstate 794.

yahoo! cnn | Harris to unveil new wave of economic policies for small businesses, communities, in economic speech Wednesday, 3 Sep
as part of a second wave of economic proposals set to be unveiled Wednesday [4 Sep, New Hampshire]
After releasing a first wave of more populist policies to increase government involvement in retail pricing and the housing market, Harris is crafting a pro-business, low-regulation platform aimed at taking the air out of Republican broadsides.
Prepare yourselves. Team Harris-Walz did not consult a basic CPA.
by Cat on Wed Sep 4th, 2024 at 01:33:04 AM EST

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