Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
thehill | Harris goes off script to address Georgia school shooting: 'It does not have to be this way', 4 Sep opportunity economy
"By the way, I love Gen Z, I just love Gen Z," she said. "One of the things that I asked every time that I went to an auditorium ... raise your hand if at any point from kindergarten to 12th grade you had to go through an active shooter training."
Chat GPT | Harris visits New Hampshire to tout her small business tax plan, 4 Sep
After that, Harris visited another women-owned small business, Port City Pretzels, which was founded in 2015 and had expanded out of its original, 500-foot facility into a larger location.
NY Yella Cake | Harris Tells the Business Community: I'm Friendlier Than Biden, 4 Sep
Ms. Harris's proposal, which she introduced at a campaign event in New Hampshire, was directed squarely at business owners and wealthier Americans who are skeptical of Democrats and have gravitated toward former President Donald J. Trump. In the same speech, she rolled out her new plan for an expanded tax break for start-ups.
¶ 3 Owners of so-called pass-through businesses, the structure for the vast majority of corporations in the United States, already enjoy access to a generous deduction that many progressives view as overwhelmingly benefiting the wealthy.
Mr. Biden had proposed taxing capital gains at 39.6 percent for Americans who make more than $1 million a year. Ms. Harris said on Wednesday that she would tax investment income for those Americans at a rate of 28 percent, a reversal from her earlier support for the tax increases included in the White House budget released this spring.

"If you earn a million dollars a year or more, the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28 percent under my plan," Ms. Harris said at a brewery in North Hampton, N.H.

Chat GPT | Harris goes her own way on capital gains tax hike, 4 Sep nope
"Harris called Wednesday for a smaller capital gains tax increase"

archived volatility in taxing unrealized gains, Yellen millionaire economy

by Cat on Thu Sep 5th, 2024 at 02:25:21 PM EST
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