Macros are commands placed between double parentheses:
They can be placed ad lib in diaries and comments.
Macro names and arguments are case-sensitive. Use Preview to check that your macro is correctly typed and is producing what you wanted.
For faulty statistics:
[Bad Statistics Alert!]
To point out the system is broken:
[System.Is.Broken Alert]
Citation needed:
[citation needed]
Macho Alert:
((username macho))
[username's Macho Moment of the Day™ Technology]
Neoconservative thinking ahoy!
[Neocon Moment Alert]
Smells like propaganda:
[Propaganda™ Alert]
For unfortunate instances of Russophobia:
[Russophobia alert!]
For strong Europessimism:
[Europe.Is.Doomed™ Alert]
For "What about... ?" situations:
[Whataboutism Alert]
Media alerts
Murdoch media in general:
[Murdoch Alert]
Conservative views from the British Telegraph:
[Torygraph Alert]
Neoliberal or Atlanticist views from Der Spiegel:
Here comes NYT columnist Thomas Friedman!
[Moustache of Understanding Alert]
France 24 all too often:
FRANCE 24 is SUCH rubbish
Ironic bad:
You say that like it's a bad thing
Accompanies dire predictions of doom:
((username doom))
[username's Crystal Ball of Doom™ Technology]
For Condie Rice-style "unpredictable" events:
Who Could Have Predicted?
For likely official censorship:
Roll eyes
That was obvious!
[No Shit, Sherlock!]
Channeling Capt Renault from "Casablanca":
I'm SHOCKED, I tell you, SHOCKED
For 1789 situations:
When encountering Orwellian language:
Orwell Lives
When calling bullshit:
When CT radio waves come on too strong:
For "Well, duh" situations:
For head-scratching situations: