by susanhu
Wed Nov 2nd, 2005 at 11:23:16 AM EST
Cross-posted from (and edited for formatting by whataboutbob)
Although we should be boycotting the WaPo, there's Dana Priest's story today -- "CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prison," via Memeorandum and Buzzflash -- that is generating huge buzz on the blogs and even the MSM. MSNBC just interviewed Priest.
As Andrew Sullivan writes in his must-read "TORTURER-IN-CHIEF," "Well, it's all beginning to come out now. The CIA has been operating a secret network of detainment facilities across the globe to capture and interrogate suspected terrorists, facilities that would be illegal in the U.S. and where torture is enforced by explicit permission by the president. These facilities were improvised on the fly - like the rest of the war. ..." (Read all -- Sullivan has been among the most outspoken opponents of the torture policies of the Bush administration.)
ReddHedd at firedoglake blog is also on the story: "As Long as We're Looking Into Things...."
If Priest is correct, Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa), the ranking minority member, and Vice Chairman, of the SSCI (Senate Select Intelligence Committee) -- knew about this. His counterpart in the House, Jane Harman (D-Calif.), may have known as well. However, both Rockefeller and Harman may have not been told much. Priest writes: "[T]he White House has refused to allow the CIA to brief anyone except the House and Senate intelligence committees' chairmen and vice chairmen on the program's generalities."
Update [2005-11-2 14:29:8 by susanhu]: Another must-read: "Secret Prisons in Secret Places" by Meteor Blades, posted at BooTrib.