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EuroPDB: July 13, 2005

by soj Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 07:46:40 AM EST

Welcome to the "Euro PDB", a briefing paper on today's events affecting Europe and European interests.

Today's big stories... the CDU in Germany tries out its new election platform... the North Caucuses War continues.. and riot police in Northern Ireland use tear gas and cannon to break up protestors...

In English

The United Nations' new report on the crackdown in May in fun-lovin' terrorist-bustin' Uzbekistan say the official death toll of 176 is "several hundred" short:
"In the view of those interviewed, the actions of the armed and security forces were taken less with the intent of establishing law and order and re-arresting the prisoners that had escaped from the Andijan prison than with the aim of killing as many people as possible, including women and children.
The North Caucuses War continues as 10 police officers were killed and 14 injured in fighting in Chechnya in Kharsinoi, Grozny, Urus-Martan and Dubai-Yurt.

Brazil, Germany, Japan and India all want to increase 10 more seats to the UN Security Council but the U.S. says "no".

In a court in Holland, Mohammed Bouyeri has confessed to killing Theo van Gogh in November 2004.

Police in Northern Ireland used water cannon and rubbet bullets to break up protests in Belfast, injuring at least 60 people.

The EU has imposed a €20 million fine on France for failing to adequately protect fish stocks.

A bomb exploded in Obzor, Bulgaria, killing a two year old child.

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will meet with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip "Ikaye" Erdogan on July 17-18 in Sochi.

A day after the president of Kyrgyzstan spoke about getting rid of the American air base there, I see that Russia has plans to double its number of troops in the country.

Spiegel has a round-up of what German papers are saying about the CDU's election platform.

The executive board of Volkswagen corporation in Germany has recommended that its personnel chief resign after an investigation into bribery and kickbacks.

Today the president of Georgia spoke to his counterpart in Azerbaijan by telephone on a number of issues.

The Justice Minister in Ireland, Michael McDowell, says he is "fully supportive" of British plans to retain telephone and internet records for 3 years as an anti-terrorim measure.

And last but not least, the police in Ukraine will question the country's richest man, Rinat Akhmetov, about "incidents" that occurred in Donetsk, without specifying what these are.
Spanish - En castellano

Colombia propuso el martes que la Unión Europea envíe observadores durante la implementación de un nuevo plan para desmovilizar a los guerrilleros izquierdistas y a los paramilitares. - On Tuesday, Colombia proposed that the European Union send observers to the implementation of a new plan to demobilize leftist guerillas and paramilitaries

Cuatro bombas estallaron el 12 en el perímetro de una central eléctrica sin que causara víctimas ni daños en la provincia de Vizcaya, norte de España. Las autoridades atribuyeron los atentados, ocurridos entre las 14: 05 y 14:15 horas, a la organización separatista vasca ETA. - Four bombs exploded on July 12 in an election center without injuring anyone. This occurred in Vizcaya Province in the north of Spain. The authorities blame the attacks,which happened between 2:05 and 2:14p, to the separatist Basque organization ETA

Más de una hora y cuarto de diálogo cordial y afable. Así definieron ayer fuentes de La Moncloa la entrevista entre el presidente del Gobierno y el nuevo embajador de EEUU en España, Eduardo Aguirre. - More than an hour and fifteen minutes of cordial and friendly conversation. That is how sources in La Moncola [Spanish "White House"] described the meeting between the Prime Minister and the new American Ambassador to Spain, Eduardo Aguirre.
Italian - In italiano

In corso in tutta Italia un blitz antiterrorismo - Dalle parole ai fatti. Dopo l'intervento di dieri alla Camera del ministro dell'Interno, Pisanu, che ha annunciato un'applicazione più severe ddelle leggi vigenti sul terrorismo, è in corso da alcune ore un maxi blitz di polizia e carabinieri in tutta Italia. - An anti-terrorism blitz is ongoing all over Italy. From words have come actions. After yesterday's intervention by Interior Minister Pisanu, who announced a more severe application of the anti-terrorism laws, over the past few hours police and gendarmes have been engaged in a "maxi blitz" all over Italy

No allo scontro di civiltà, anche se "il terrorismo islamico bussa anche alle porte dell'Italia". No alle leggi speciali, via libera a un rafforzamento delle misure di sicurezza. Così il ministro dell'Interno, Giuseppe Pisanu nel suo intervento alla Camera. Non chiede "leggi eccezionali" Pisanu, casomani "alcune limitate modifiche o mirati adattamenti degli istituti in vigore". Il ministro, infine, lancia un appello all'unità politica "contro il terrorismo di matrice islamica". - Not because of the clash of civilizations, even if "terrorist Islam tries to knock on the doors of Italy". No need for special laws, because there is a way of strengthening existing emergency measures. This is what Interior Minister Giuseppe Pasanu said to the parliament. Pisano was not asking for "exceptional laws" but rather "some limited modifications or adaptations of the regulations in place". The Minister ended up making an appeal for political unity "against the Muslim terrorism matrix"

Bologna, spari all'università: ucciso uno studente - Colpi di pistola all'interno della facoltà di Matematica. Ucciso Riccardo Venier, 22 anni. Momenti di terrore, studenti e docenti si sono chiusi nelle aule. L'omicida, il 32enne Domenico Bottari, si è consegnato alla polizia. - Gunfire at Bologna universty, one student killed. Gunfire inside the math department. Riccardo Venier, aged 22, was killed. During the terror, students and teachers were trapped in the classroom. The killer, Domenico Bottari, age 32, is being questioned by the police

Un barcone che trasportava immigrati africani si è rovesciato al largo delle coste di Malta, a 75 miglia nautiche dal litorale. Sono 16 le persone recuperate, ma si presume che qualcuno dei passeggeri non sia riuscito a sopravvivere all'incidente. - A boat that was carrying African immigrants sank some 75 miles off the coast of Malta. 16 people were recovered but it is presumed that some of the passengers did not survive the incident

Si e' aperta questa mattina la terza udienza del processo per i delitti delle Bestie di Satana davanti alla Corte d'Assise di Busto Arsizio, in provincia di Varese. - This morning begins the third trial for the Beasts of Satan crimes at the Court of Assizes in Busto Arsizio, in Varese Province
Romanian - În limba româna

Romania se afla sub furia apelor. Sute de mii de oameni sunt amenintati de inundatii. Mii de locuinte sunt distruse - Romania is being hit by the fury of rising waters. Hundreds of thousands of people are threatened by flooding. Thousands of homes are destroyed

Inundatiile ce au urmat ploilor torentiale, scurgerilor de apa de pe versanti si revarsarii unor râuri au produs în ultimele zile pierderi însemnate în jumatate din judetele tarii - The flooding following the torrential rains, the water overflowing the banks of the rivers, has caused significant damage in half the counties of the country over the past few days

Premierul Calin Popescu Tariceanu a declarat, marti seara, ca, la întâlnirea de la Cotroceni, s-au gasit solutii pentru evitarea demisiei Guvernului, astfel încât sa nu se ajunga la alegeri anticipate si ca, în aceste conditii, îsi va reconsidera demisia. - On Tuesday night, Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu stated, after a meeting at Cotroceni [Romanian "White House"], that he had found a solution to avoid dismissing the government, which means elections would not need to be held, and that he was re-thinking the cabinet's plan to resign

"Din Chisinau au parvenit informatii alarmante despre actiuni provocatoare la adresa cetatenilor rusi. Astfel, la 9 iulie, in urma unor actiuni grosolane, la periferia orasului Bender au fost retinuti seful Misiunii internationale neguvernamentale de monitorizare a alegerilor in statele CSI, Alexei Kocetkov, si colaboratorul acestei organizatii, Vladimir Lebedkin", se mentioneaza intr-un comentariu al MAE de la Moscova, publicat luni pe site-ul oficial al ministerului rus. - "Alarming information has come to our attention from Chisinau [capital of R. Moldova] about provocative actions against Russian citizens. That is, on July 9, during a despicable action, the head of the non-governmental election monitorizing organization of the CSI states, Alexei Kocetkov, and an employee of that organization, Vladimir Lebedkin, were detained in the outskirts of the city of Bender". This statement was posted Monday on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry

  • Blowback - The Nation ◊ by Chalmers Johnson  Oct. 15, 2001

    Homegrown terror - need to define the meaning of this term.  The model of the Theo van Gogh killing is identical to the radical Islamist threshold of British citizens to place bombs in the London subway. The Hofstad group is a clear example of very young Muslims - 15 to 21 years old - that have radicalized in the last 4 years. Although this was a single murder, the reaction of the Dutch community was very ugly. Hate messages, arson of mosques and Muslim schools was a rage of hatred thet made the divide in Dutch society even worse.

    In a court in Holland, Mohammed Bouyeri has confessed to killing Theo van Gogh in November 2004.

    Mohammed Bouyeri [MB] was close to the Hofstad Group, and had prepared himself for a suicidal attack. He had written his will - last testament - stopped paying his monthly rent and utilities bills. MB was armed and expected to be killed in a police shootout, hoping to die in a glory of bullets. He possibly was unaware that the Dutch police officer is a poor markswoman and lacks training. So MB wasn't killed after the van Gogh killing, and now faces life sentencing after a 2-day trial in the special high security court building in Amsterdam.

    Other causes to radicalize are the Palestinian oppression and Israeli occupation of their homeland, the Chechen war, and the high civilian casualty count in Iraq. If you invade a sovereign nation - you own it and all the consequences. Tony Blair and George Bush are responsible for the invasion and the lack of leadership for their nations and as presumed leaders of the free western world. Internet - Satellite TV - documentaries of the casualties in the Mid-East, Iraq and Chechnya are daily available throughout the western world.

    Just today another 17 year old youth was arrested for acts of radical Islam, websites of hatred and publications.

    Dutch society for years have not treated its Muslim citizens as equals, relying on extra legislation of anti-discrimination which of course does not guarantee equality in job opportunity. During decades of refusing to face reality, many Dutch cabinets produced a flow of policy notes but missed reality and directness to the individual Muslim citizens. A poor or lacking Immigration policy, as a major source the racial issue worsened to a degree only hard medicine will resort some effect.

    The  Paradox of Pim Fortuyn

    The person credited with attacking the Dutch Integration illusion was Pim Fortuyn who made a sweeping entry into Dutch politics. In March 2002 his affiliated party gained a third of the council seats in the city of Rotterdam. Just days before the national election, Pim Fortuyn was executed by an attack of a lone gunman, an animal liberation radical Van de Graaf. The party Fortuyn led gained an unprecedented number of seats in Dutch parliament 28 out of a total of 150 seats. All parties part of the reigning purple coalition lost heavily.


    Related Diaries/Comments @BooMan  by Oui

  • US War Propaganda  LONDON - It's Al Zarqawi!
  • Qaida al-Jihad claims London bombings


    'Sapere aude'

  • by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 10:58:43 AM EST
    Seems to me that the reason that there used to be state religions was because the state wanted to have some control over trouble-making clerics. Freedom of religion only exists when that freedom isn't used to agitate against the state.

    Perhaps the time has come for the Islamic community to face up to the fact that they have some really big troublemakers in leadership positions, and that if they don't do something about it themselves, then the state is likely to make the decisions about who can preach and who gets deported...

    by asdf on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:09:44 PM EST
    [ Parent ]
    Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe is still in the news over here, with his ongoing complaints about the choice of London for the 2012 Olympics. When will he drop it? He must have been taking Arrogant Frenchman lessons from Chirac...

    http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2005/07/12/sports/s074943D09.DTL&ty pe=sports

    by asdf on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:16:08 PM EST

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