by Jerome a Paris
Sun Sep 18th, 2005 at 04:26:29 PM EST
Ok. Thanks to all for the input in the first thread. Here's the new one, with the latest results I could find.
(Update [2005-9-18 18:59:42 by Jerome a Paris]: Latest numbers from this site):
CDU/CSU: 35.2%
SPD: 34.2%
FDP: 9.8%
LP: 8.7%
Greens: 8.1%
Update [2005-9-18 18:10:57 by Jerome a Paris]: The latest estimates give both the CDU and the SPD 222 seats each...
Update [2005-9-18 18:10:57 by Jerome a Paris]: See here ( for results (both votes and seats) updated every 10 minutes. (Hat Tip: A fistful of euros). Now at 225 CDU / 222 SPD.