by Nomad
Sat Oct 21st, 2006 at 07:52:07 AM EST
Sven launched a superb idea last week which deservedly needs to be enacted on: Do It Yourself Energy".
I have a simple dream: a central and easily accesible platform for information sharing and awareness on sustainable energy and CO2 reducing products, coupled to information on financial benefits and CO2 reduction. That's still a whole mouthful, but I hope to lay the skeleton below the jump. In the end, I hope it reaches the point it can come at a parallel level with the European Energy Policy driven by Jerome - with the difference that the Policy is aimed for the political theatres, and this is aimed at the groundmasses. At one point, there should come synenergy between both initiatives, and one thing I could think of as an example is subsidaries of the government for companies to implement certain techniques. The EU seems to broach new plans on this which I haven't seen yet. But it wouldn't hurt stressing it again.
Below a basic outline as conjured up to this point.
from the diaries. -- Jérôme
The whole spine of the project should be on assembling data and constructing a database on products and initiatives for conservation. I came up with five main divisions/blocks of information:
- Conservation
- Wind
- Solar
- Geothermal
a.)Heat pumps
- Water
It does look a bit like Captain Planet... There could be a colour scheme at some point. Subdivisions where appropriate should be in order.
I want to reach out at an international level, but realise that many initiatives begin from the ground up on a national or even regional level and I think this is fundamentally important for what Sven described as "the hundred silver bullets" method. There are more shoes that can fit, and one shoe might fit better for one area than the other.
Yet news and inventions like this, as tipped by RogueTrooper, or companies like these deserve international attention. Which is why I start here.
A comparative scheme should be realised which allows comparison between several techniques. I think most important data would be:
1.) Price
2.) CO2 reduction
3.) Electricity/gas reduction, where available
Any thoughts on structurising the math on this are welcomed.
In the end, there could be a ranking order or a "Best Buy" based on this calculation scheme. Which is why it needs to be good.
To Do
Firstly, information dump. I'd like to request to everyone to provide this diary with every information you know about sustainable websites and products. And to stress this: In ANY language!!! I can manage in English, Dutch and reasonly in German - but I will have to rely on others to bring in other websites. Consider yourself beseeched.
Dutch websites
ODE - Organisation for Sustainable Energy, with own magazine. As far as I can tell, heavily focussed on wind energy
Boogo Solar - Start page on solar energy products
Index on Sustainable Energy Techniques - A spartan site but with dozens of sites to all kinds of DIY products
SenterNovem - SenterNovem is the governmental agency on durability and innovation
Milieuloket- a site with practical tips on conservation. Little new technology is discussed.
Irish websites
French websites
German websites
Spanish websites
Norwegian websites
Swedish websites
Swiss websites
Und so weiter.