by Colman
Wed Oct 4th, 2006 at 05:50:51 AM EST has a copy of a leaked draft of an upcoming Green Paper on "Working in Europe - jobs, competitiveness and social justice in the European labour market".
In order to start a discussion about possible common approaches to the challenges, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is preparing a communicaiton entitled "Working in Europe - jobs, competitiveness and social justice in the European labour market". The Commission also plans to launch a public consultation later this year. A copy of the draft Green Paper for the consultation has been leaked to EurActiv.
Apparently the European Employers' Organisation UNICE isn't happy about the draft:
"We feel that the present draft gives a negative picture of flexible forms of work and of self-employment which is not justified. It suggests an implicit agenda of harmonisation of labour law which would undermine growth and employment and is in contradiction with the flexicurity approach."