by Plutonium Page
Wed Apr 5th, 2006 at 05:08:50 PM EST
The Dissociated Press
AMSTERDAM (DP) - Last night, in a last-minute diplomatic decision, three political bloggers from three different nations met to discuss foreign policy, food, wine, and <s>to trash other bloggers</s> to extol the virtues of the liberal blogosphere.
Jérôme à Paris, respected French energy blogger and aspiring adult novelist, quipped to Plutonium Page "You look different with your clothes on," to which her husband Frank answered "In your dreams, Frenchman!"
As the evening went on, things got more and more interesting. Turn the page...
Promoted by the site gnomes. We're baaack!
The DP story continues:
The three bloggers "met" at the very orange liberal American political blog,, where Ms. Plutonium is a former front page poster. Lately, she has focused on bashing Exxon, but has "moved on to writing a piece about Chernobyl," due to be posted in the next two weeks. M. Paris promised to start a giant flame war on that post, telling Ms. Plutonium that "nuclear power is quite a viable option." Ms. Plutonium just winked and said "I love a challenge," and ordered more wine, which the bloggers finished in record time.
[Click all images to enlarge]

<u>Left to right</u>: Jérôme, Page, and Frank.
Frank and M. Paris had a spirited discussion about their countries' respective leaders. Frank made his opinion of conservative Dutch Prime Minister <s>Harry Potter</s> Jan Peter Balkenende quite clear, stating "Hij is een eikel! [He is a dickhead!]" and expressed his hopes that the Dutch election next year will bring a liberal government with Dutch Labor Party leader Wouter Bos at the helm. M. Paris, who is no fan of French president Jacques Chirac, just shook his head sadly and said "Chirac's obvious Botox treatments are symbolic of his paralytic leadership...".
At this point, the bloggers were joined by some uninvited guests...

... who promptly shoved M. Paris and Frank out of the way, crowding next to Ms. Plutonium. Chirac grabbed her camera and handed it to the waitress with a wink and asked her to take a photo:

<u>Left to right</u>: Jacques Chirac, Page, and <s>Harry Potter</s> Jan Peter Balkenende.
Ms. Plutonium just decided to accept the situation. Later, she stated that Balkenende was "the most boring person [she's] ever met. Trying to talk to him is about as interesting as watching paint dry. What a loser." Regarding Chirac, she just said "too much cologne."
M. Paris and Frank eventually reclaimed their seats. As Chirac and Balkenende were leaving, Frank overheard Chirac saying to M. Paris "Why are you having dinner with those people? Mme. Plutonium is acquainted with those pain-in-the ass Greenpeace people who won't leave me alone!" (translated from the French). M. Paris said "an alliance of international bloggers makes the world stronger, no matter what our views."
(Photoshop crimes attributed to Koufax Award Winner Dood Abides. Thank you, Dood!)
What more can I say? Jérôme is THE reason you need to go to YearlyKos. Or Paris.
I think Vegas is cheaper, though...