by manon
Fri May 12th, 2006 at 12:54:58 PM EST
This is my first diary, so please bear with me.
According to Wayne Madsen, Sarkozy may not be as clean as he looks in the Clearstream affair and may actually be linked to American neo-cons:
French Prime Minister under full scale neo-son attack. French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, under fire for carrying out an order from President Jacques Chirac to investigate neo-con Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy's financial sources and discovered links to a Luxembourg-based clearinghouse called Clearstream. Sarkozy was suspected of illegally receiving kickbacks involving the sale of six French frigates to Taiwan in 1991. According to informed French and Italian sources, Sarkozy, who is being defended by the global neo-con media as the victim of a "smear campaign," appears to be up to his neck in suspicious foreign financial connections and that is what prompted DeVillepin, Chirac, and French intelligence to investigate the right-wing and vociferously anti-Arab and anti-Muslim Interior Minister. Sarkozy is suspected of links to the same Russian-Israeli mafia syndicates that have been connected to Jack Abramoff, Dick Cheney, and leading Israeli politicians.
Now Wayne Madsen may not be the most believable source, but sometimes his cooky theories are true. For example, he was talking about rendition flights by the CIA long before anyone else.
Read the rest of the story at