by nanne
Fri Aug 25th, 2006 at 01:09:08 PM EST
On sites like Cafe Babel, there has been talk about the supposed high potential of blogs to stimulate a more interactive and democratic kind of politics in Europe.
This is all fine, but in practice it appears that there are only a few blogs that really engage in European politics. What's more, of these few blogs the two largest are openly hostile towards European integration.
So the Euroblogs are only a small group. They also don't form a real community. Rather, this site is a community unto itself, and then there are a couple of blogs and a lot of people that hover around the EU Referendum site and its forum. That's basically it.
Of course, there are a number of pretty good Euroblogs, or ones worthwile checking into every now and again to see what the right wing is chattering about. This afternoon I have tried to compile a list of all the topical and active blogs that could be found. The results are on the loicwiki on the European Blogosphere, which is on the blogroll below.
Direct link.
Of course these things go a lot quicker if you do them collaboratively, so, if you're reading any blogs on the EU that are not there, feel free to add them.
(I consciously excluded oD Today, Sirocco (sorry mate), Tim Worstall and Pourquoi Pas? for having too little European focus).
I also created an A- and a B-List. Don't know how much sense this makes (explanation on my blog), so feel free to change it.
Finally, a list of the (English language) Euroblogs according to Technorati ranking:
- EU Referendum (#762)
- The Brussels Journal (#777)
- A Fistful of Euros (#4562)
- ¡No Parasán! (#5492)
- European Tribune (#5909)
In terms of traffic, it's probably a different picture, with Eurotrib higher and Margot Wallström's blog also certainly up there, but I have no stats for that.
So, here is a call for aid. Is there anything missing?