by Maryscott OConnor
Wed Aug 9th, 2006 at 05:28:44 PM EST
Crossposted from MY LEFT WING

Last summer, it must have been... I hosted the first of what would become many parties at my home in Sherman Oaks, California. Among the many guests were a vivacious woman named Kathi Gori (pictured above) and her partner, Alan Berger. Brilliant people, naturally -- excellent conversationalists, deeply concerned and active politically -- you know, BLOGGERS.
: )
Time passed and I never saw them at my parties again; seems they up and moved to northern California, the lucky ducks. Well, Alan called me a while back and told me Kathi was about to get into broadcasting again, and how would I like to help her kick off her inaugural podcast, give her a little fanfare introduction to my own modest audience?
Would I?! Hell, yeah!
I am very pleased and proud to introduce to you Ms. Kathi Gori, here interviewing the former White House Counsel to Richard M. Nixon and, more recently, vocal and nonpartisan critic of the Bush Administration (Worse Than Watergate) -- Mr. John Dean, in the inaugural podcast of...
The Gori Details
click link to listen to the Switchpod podcast
Here is Kathi's bio, a little taste of the extensive experience she brings to this new venture:
Kathy Gori is the publisher of the podcast, The Gori Details, in which she interviews politicians, newsmakers, authors and whoever and whatever else interests her.
Kathy was co-host of the morning show, UP FOR AIR, on Los Angeles' Pacifica station, KPFK FM from 1996-2000 in which she and her co-host Marcos Frommer conducted interviews with everyone from Congresman John Conyers to Warren Beatty. She won the NFCB Silver Reel 1998 for 2nd best day-part, morning drive show in the country.
Kathy is also a veteran Los Angeles radio personality, named one of the ten best disc jockeys by the L.A. Times; nominated by Billboard as one of the ten best air personalities of the year. She worked for Golden West Broadcasting in San Francisco for four years doing both morning and afternoon drive, then at KMPC in Los Angeles for four years doing the all night show. After that she worked at KIIS FM, KTNQ FM. Kathy's radio career has been profiled in the L.A. Times, Los Angeles Magazine, and most of the Southern California media.
Kathy has had an extensive voice-over career, doing numerous animated voices, film dubbing and radio commercials for everything from Dodge to Kentucky Fried Chicken, winning a Clio Award for best radio commercial.
When not glued to the blogs or screaming at the TV, Kathy earns her living as a screenwriter working with her husband Alan Berger. They live in Sonoma, California with their Siberian Husky, Sula.
In case you're wondering, I listened to the interview eagerly; Kathi's skill, personality, intelligence and keen insights more than surpassed my already high expectations, and John Dean fulfilled his role as inaugural interview guest beautifully.
The interview has only one true, painful flaw, in my perception: it's too goddamned short. I WANT MORE!
Hopefully, Kathi will be providing much, MUCH more in the weeks and months and years to come. BRAVA!