by Gag Halfrunt
Sun Oct 7th, 2007 at 11:55:00 AM EST
Steve Hill wants the Washington Post's readers to know that Europe is not, in fact, a collapsing socialist hellhole.
In the global economy, today's winners can become tomorrow's losers in a twinkling, and vice versa. Not so long ago, American pundits and economic analysts were snidely touting U.S. economic superiority to the "sick old man" of Europe. What a difference a few months can make. Today, with the stock market jittery over Iraq, the mortgage crisis, huge budget and trade deficits, and declining growth in productivity, investors are wringing their hands about the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, analysts point to the roaring economies of China and India as the only bright spots on the global horizon.
But what about Europe? You may be surprised to learn how our estranged transatlantic partner has been faring during these roller-coaster times -- and how successfully it has been knocking down the Europessimist myths about it.
Atrios, who comments:
This article provides a useful corrective to the myths of Yurpean economic disaster.
But aside from simple economics, most conservative commentators write about a fantasy place which does not even exist. You can't call what they do caricature because the have no comprehension of the place they're pretending to describe.
Mebbe a few of them should actually get a passport.