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by someone
Tue Mar 20th, 2007 at 08:08:30 AM EST
From yesterday's Open Thread,
Starvid: Breaking news: During his entire career as PM, Swedish former PM Göran Persson (1996-2007) was regularly interviewed by the journalist Eric Fichtelius, who has made it all into a 4 hour documentary. Persson is extremely frank as the show was promised to be aired only after his retirement as PM. The first part of four was aired tonight and I just watched it. The funniest thing from a European presepective is what he says about the day when the EMU treaty was signed.
It's funny, this is true. I watched it and ended up doing a transcription/translation into English of some parts for a few of my friends. Here it is for you. I have to get back to work, so no commentary from me at this point. Enjoy!
Link to the video(in Swedish)
- Interview
Göran Person:
It was a great day. It was May the second 1998.
The German Mark will become the Euro. The leaders of the EU meet for
their historical decision about the monetary union. But nothing is
done until everything is done!
- Göran Person:
We gathered, as one always does, before lunch. We
were standing around talking, I think we were supposed to start at
1pm, with lunch, but it was getting late for that. It was under the
British presidency, Blair was not seen, Kohl was not seen, Chirac and
Jospin were not seen, Wim Kok was not seen. So one understood that
something was going on, something was happening. Around 2pm, there is
some noise, banging with doors, and then Kohl enters the room. And the
good Kohl is completely, incredibly, upset. He is torn up. He is
gesticulating, and he is black around the eyes. And when he enters the
room, he yells: "Here you see the monkey in Europe! I don't want to be
the monkey in Europe! The one that everyone laughs at!" It was the
crisis around appointing this Duisenberg, as the new president of the
Central European Bank, the French were blocking, but the Germans
thought it would be worked out. And it was the Germans who would be in
trouble if it didn't, because it was the Germans who had an election
coming, and this is Kohl's project, it can't fail. So, Kohl is very
upset when he enters. He sits down. And then he starts to,
like,... eat... butter. And he eats copious quantities of butter. At
first one saucer, and I think it was about 10 of those packaged butter
pieces, 10g apiece which lie there, consumed quickly. And then he
brings in another saucer, and also those are eaten. And then he starts
to calm down. And we are still waiting for Blair, Jospin and Chirac,
and Wim Kok. And then they too arrive. And some kind of deal has been
made, the kind of deal in which Kohl has gone too far. He has agreed
to a deal between France and the Netherlands which Germany cannot
accept. "What will he think of me now? The man on the street, who
trusted me, what will he think, and it's over now, I will never
manage, that it should end like this". Kohl is not so dumb, as a
political animal, that he didn't get that his election is now
blown. And he is sitting and telling us this, and his interpreter, I
remember, the woman who was always with him, she was sobbing while
translating. And then we moved down for forms sake, sometime in the
night, to take this decision, to start the EMU. And everything
dissolved into total chaos, and a bad mood, and an enormous crisis,
if anything else is really the beginning of the EMU.
- Narrator:
They were born the same year, both received an early political
education, the one an aristocrat, the other from a home almost
entirely without books. Carl Bildt, a ghost for Göran Persson, is gone
from Swedish politic while brokering peace in the former Yugoslavia.
It gives him international star power at home, and status as an icon
in his own party. A difficult opponent for Göran Persson in the 1998
- Cut to October 1997, speech in the parliament
Carl Bildt:-
It was quite a while ago that I had the opportunity to speak from this
podium. Other missions have, as well known, for a couple of years
removed me from Sweden, and to the problems of Europe, which have
been, and still are, of a different order, than what we face in our
discussions in this chamber. But is was always clear to me...
- Cut to interview
- Göran Person:
I noticed that he was uncertain, going up to the podium. And this is
not unimportant as a signal, to me. That one notices quickly when one
has socialised. It becomes a bit loose, and a bit unnecessarily
stressed voice, and things like that.
- Interviewer:
So that pleases your black heart [dark side] then?
- Göran Persson:
Naeyah, but I know how much it matters, for the bit of politics that
this represents, to have the initiative.
- Cut to a TV debate before the 1998 elections
- Carl Bildt:
- I just want to say to you, Göran, I think I have worked more than you
with people in difficult situations, that I have . (Göran is seen
shaking his head)
- Carl Bildt:
- I don't think you really know the
depth of despair that can afflict. And when I have worked with people
like that, also in other countries, It is all about giving a job, to
give dignity, to give opportunities to develop.
- Göran Person:
- Please tell me, Carl Bildt, about the fine, wide
world. Please tell me about large investments in IT, and new
airplanes. But don't tell me about social class in Sweden. I have seen
it, I have grown up in it, and I hate it. My entire political legacy
will be to fight class inequality, where single mothers end up paying
for lower taxes of those better off, that I can tell you.
- October 1998, after the election where the Social Democrats lost support.
- Narrator :
Even a looser can continue to govern. Now the greens and the Left
party join a coalition [with Göran Person's Social Democrats], like
the Centre Party in the past. The Moderats and Carl Bildt take several
weeks to engage in a counter offencive, and they are too late. The
majority for Persson in the parliament is secured.
- Cut to The Swedish parliament, October 1998
- Birgitta Dahl, speaker of the parliament:
The meeting of the parliament is opened. A vote of no confidence on
the prime minister, Göran Person.
- Carl Bildt:
- The election, on September 20, was a larger setback for
the governing party than what any other governing party in the modern
history of Sweden has ever experienced.
- Birgitta Dahl:
- The vote has been taken, with 82 yes, 186 no, and 74
abstentions. [Applause]
- Cut to interview
- Göran Person:
Another thing is, that I have benefited from Bildt being so fucking
bad. And obviously I wonder where that guy is going to go, I wonder
what he is going to do. A bit sad. I feel sorry for him, I think there
is a feeling of sorrow, when one meets him. One can think about ones
own case, we are the same age, and he sees in front of himself a
situation where he doesn't return as prime minister, he sees that in
front of himself. At the same time, life goes on, this wasn't what he
had expected, to sit there and quarrel with Bo Lundgren [who will soon
thereafter take over as party leader for the Moderats] and [Gunnar]
Hökmark[party secretary of the Moderats, 1991-2000], and the
gang. That's difficult for him.
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