by Jerome a Paris
Fri Jun 22nd, 2007 at 04:54:48 AM EST
Key clause dropped from draft EU treaty
The European Union’s 50-year-old commitment to “undistorted competition” has been scrapped from a list of the bloc’s objectives in a French coup that lawyers argue could undermine Brussels’ fight against protectionism and illegal state aid.
“A creative lawyer could point to the fact that competition was deleted from the constitution as a sign it has been downgraded,” said one aide. “They could also argue that competition is a policy but not an objective,” said one.
By contrast “full employment and social progress” will remain Union objectives, offering possible cover to a country wanting to prop up a failing company or engineer a merger of “national champions”.
And this is how it should be, when you think about it. But of course, the whole point of such articles is to prevent us from thinking about it, by making the opposite position appear obvious and inevitable, without ever arguing about it.
Competition is a policy, not an objective. Now that's a slogan we could use...