by DoDo
Tue Sep 11th, 2007 at 05:24:08 AM EST
German newspaper Rheinische Post writes that there is a crisis in Franco-German relations -- if the paper's insider infos are correct, primarily due to new French President Sarkozy's alpha-male persona.
Sarko is angry with German ministers talking back to him, and annoyed by Merkel. Merkel in turn is getting annoyed with Sarko's attempts to steal the limelight for joint actions. More below the fold.
Paris (RP). Die Szene hat sich schon im Juli abgespielt, doch Nicolas Sarkozy gerät bis heute in Rage, wenn man ihn daran erinnert. Bei einem Treffen mit den EU-Finanzministern in Brüssel war Frankreichs Präsident mit Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück aneinander geraten. | | Paris (RP). The scene already played in July, but still today, Nicolas Sarkozy gets furious if he is reminded of it. At a meeting with the EU finance ministers in Brussels, the President of France got at loggerheads with [German] federal finance minister Peer Steinbrück [SPD]. |
Der Deutsche übte scharfe Kritik, warf Sarkozy vor, lieber milliardenschwere Steuergeschenke an seine Wähler zu verteilen, als sich an den mit den europäischen Partnern vereinbarten Sparplan zu halten. Daraufhin platzte Sarkozy. | | The German applied sharp criticism, he reproached Sarkozy for distributing billion-strong tax gifts on his voters rather than keeping to the savings plan agreed with the European partners. Sarkozy exp,loded at this. |
"Was fällt ihnen ein, in diesem Ton mit mir zu reden!", raunzte er Steinbrück an. Seither ist der Name von Steinbrück in Paris ein rotes Tuch. Richtig sauer wegen des Zwischenfalls ist Sarkozy aber auf Angela Merkel. Dass die Bundeskanzlerin ihren Finanzminister wegen der rüden Attacke auf den französischen Staatschef nicht öffentlich gerüffelt hat, hat Sarkozy der "lieben Angela" bis heute nicht verziehen. Und auch sonst gärt im Elysée-Palast die Unzufriedenheit mit der Kanzlerin. Merkel, so bestätigt auch ein Deutschland-Kenner aus Sarkozys UMP-Partei, gehe dem Präsidenten "zunehmend auf die Nerven". | | "How dare you to talk with me in this tone!", groused he at Steinbrück. Since then, the name Steinbrück is a red cloth in Paris. But Sarkozy is really moped because of this incident at Angela Merkel. That the [German] federal chancellor didn't publicly snub his finance minister for the rude attack, is something Sarkozy didn't forgive "dear Angela" to this day. And also in other matters, dissatisfaction with the chancellor is growing in the Elysée palace. Merkel, as also confirmed by a Germany-specialist in Sarkozy's party UMP, "increasigly gets on the nerves" of the President. |
(Something you (and Sarko) should be avare of: Merkel is not a President, Steinbrück has the right to make policy on his own.)
So it seems our latest little Napoleon can't stand having to deal with people not under his command. This doesn't bode well for the EU.
Meanwhile, as the article later tells, Merkel and his government are increasingly dissatisfied with Sarko, too -- especially when he tries to steal the show. They mention Sarko celebrating himself for the success of negotiations at the Heiligendamm G8 summit, and also the case of the Bulgarian nurses freed in Lybia (I wrote about this incident). And the latest:
In einem Brief an Merkel hatte der Franzose vor dem Hintergrund US-Hypotheken-Krise gefordert, die Transparenz der Finanzmärkte zum Thema beim nächsten Gipfel der G-8-Staaten zu machen. Das Timing war perfekt: Mit seinem Vorschlag kam Sarkozy weltweit in die Schlagzeilen. | | In a letter to Merkel, the Frenchman demanded with the background of the US credit crisis, that the transparency of financial markets be made a theme of the next summit of the G8 states. The timing was perfect: Sarkozy came into the headlines globally with his proposal. |
Doch im Kanzleramt fühlte man sich böse veräppelt - hatte Merkel eine entsprechende Initiative doch schon vor Monaten ergriffen. "Sarkozy ist ein begnadeter Abstauber", sagt Jean-Louis Missika, Professor für politische Kommunikation in Paris. "Aber mit seiner Strategie fährt er ein hohes Risiko. Und irgendwann wird er dafür den politischen Preis bezahlen müssen". | | However, in the chancellor's office, one felt badly pulled at her legs - given that Merkel took that initiative already months ago. "Sarkozy is a gifted 'dust-offer'[<-not well translate-able]", says Jean-Louis Missika, professor for political communication in Paris. "But with his strategy, he takes on high risk. And at some time, he must pay the political price for that." |
And then the article lists solo runs: sending an IMF President candidate without the traditional prior consultation with Germany, similar attempts when replacing the EADS CEO. German diplomats are said to suspect a conscious strategy to shut out Merkel.
What reaction these perceptions lead to, should be alarming all pro-European Frenchmen:
Nun reiste Merkel zu Blairs Nachfolger Gordon Brown nach London. Bei der Visite Ende August, so steckte es ein deutsches Delegationsmitglied freimütig der Presse, gehe es für Merkel vor allem auch darum, "auf gewisse Distanz zu Nicolas Sarkozy zu gehen". Deutlicher konnte das Warnsignal Richtung Paris kaum ausfallen. | | And now Merkel travelled to Merkel's successor Gordon Brown in London. At the visit at the end of August, as a German member of the delegation freely told the press, Merkel's primary goal is "to go at a certain distance from Nicolas Sarkozy". The warning signal in direction of Paris could not be more clear. |