Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Train Blogging

by DoDo Sun Jun 12th, 2016 at 06:45:52 PM EST

Below the fold is a (hopefully) complete list of ET diaries and stories related to railways and trains. Unless otherwise noted, the author is me (DoDo). State of update: see datestamp.

This diary is editable only by the Frontpagers, who can add links to new stories as they are written. Comments are enabled, but discussion in this thread is discouraged. Please use the comments mostly for editorial purposes. Out of date or off-topic comments will be toggled and made invisible, so it you want to discuss these threads, please create a diary or use the most recent open thread.

Monday Train BloggingOccasional Train Blogging
  1. (Premiere/ modern Austrian trains & locos)
  2. Adventure
  3. Fast Steam
  4. Heavy Haul
  5. Forgotten Colorado
  6. The Hardest Job
  7. Blowback
  8. Highest Speed
  9. New England Autumn
  10. Trainwreck
  11. Bigger Than Big Boy
  12. Tunnels
  13. Failed Designs
  14. Demarcations
  15. Crazed Designs
  16. Trains In The Arts
  17. Railway Cathedrals
  18. Design Dictators
  19. Slippery Slope
  20. Alta Velocità
  21. Winter In Bulgaria
  22. Nice Station
  23. Field Railways
  24. Crocodiles

A Sound Transport Policy (Not in The EU)
21/11/2005 by srutis:
About SNCF and bike holidays
Wind, Train (Vienna)
13/03/2006 by SHKarlson:
Never Smile at a Crocodile
Another Great Game
26/06/2006 by SHKarlson:
12/07/2006 by Helen:
LD Porta : Last Great Steam Loco Designer
02/09/2006 by JohnofParis:
More on LD Porta, last great steam designer - and other stories
First breakthrough on longest tunnel
The Maglev Mirage
Double-Deck Train
Double-Deck Trains part deux

More Occasional Train Blogging

23/01/2007 by richardk: High Speed Trains
29/01/2007: Central European Time
11/02/2007 by rg: Bye Bye Planes
18/02/2007: Hump-Nosed Trains
01/03/2007 by MonteMontana: Fastest Steam Locos
08/03/2007: Springtime Romantic Roundtrip
23/03/2007 by BruceMcF: America, as it turns out, was Made for HSR
03/04/2007: New Rail World Speed Record
03/04/2007 by redstar: TGV: Triumph of the State
06/04/2007: The Wonders of Capitalism
07/04/2007: Zone Pricing
08/04/2007 by SHKarlson: I SHOULD LOOK IN MORE FREQUENTLY (Milwaukee fast steam)
09/04/2007: Britain's slandered transport system?...
10/04/2007 by bastiaan: The glorious comeback of the freight train
18/05/2007 by BruceMcF: High Speed Rail: The Recruiters
20/05/2007: Another opportunity for a Russo-French spat... (subway tender Budapest)
26/05/2007 by Jerome a Paris: Feelgood train blogging (TGV Est opening trains)
18/06/2007: Another long tunnel
27/06/2007 by Helen: How Chapelon made the TGV
30/06/2007: Local Rail - An Overview
12/07/2007 by SHKarlson: Serious Retro Railroading
18/07/2007: Local Rail Extras I
26/07/2007 by Jerome a Paris: Sarkozy, minimum service and quasi privatisation
30/08/2007 by BruceMcF: Help! w/Anti-Light Rail arguments ...
03/09/2007 by BruceMcF: Trains and the Environment: One Cycle Commuter's Perspective
04/09/2007: Un tour de France 1/2
05/09/2007 by Helen: The Train now arriving is Late
07/09/2007 by BruceMcF: Trains and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) should be friends.
08/09/2007: Un tour de tramways
14/09/2007: Un tour de France 2/2
18/09/2007: A bumpy road into the abyss: German Railways privatisation
05/10/2007: Eine Rückkehr nach Frankfurt
07/10/2007: Local Rail Extras II
18/10/2007 by linca: Strike day in France
24/11/2007: What locomotive drivers rather don't talk about
26/11/2007: Study visit on the Pioneers' Railway
02/12/2007 by nb41: Railroads and Wind Turbines
14/12/2007 by asdf: French steam engines in Panama
19/01/2008: European HSR expansion in 2007
21/01/2008: Railways, energy, CO2 - Part 1
24/01/2008: Railways, energy, CO2 - Part 2
30/01/2008: Train Blogging: Where is it?
20/02/2008: High-speed to Barcelona
05/03/2008 by asdf: Train Blogging: Movies
09/05/2008: Grumbling about the youth of today 2: safety
12/05/2008 by In Wales: A rail strike looms?
21/05/2008 by asdf: Funding Urban Light Rail
03/07/2008 by Colman: New Zealand leads the way?
31/07/2008 by BruceMcF: Would California have HSR today if it had been settled by France?
14/08/2008: Progress with Talent
03/09/2008: China wants 380 km/h trains
17/09/2008: Cost-saving and the Eurotunnel fire
29/09/2008 by Metatone: UK Political Cycle turns on rail...
10/10/2008 by Magnifico: LQD: Deutsche Bahn privatization derails
04/11/2008 by BruceMcF: GOTV for CA-Prop 1A and HSR
15/11/2008: Trains in Moravia
29/11/2008: Food Market On Tracks
13/12/2008 by BruceMcF: Dear Joe, I want a Sustainable High Speed Electric Train (Part 3)
14/12/2008: Red Arrow to Bologna
14/12/2008 by BruceMcF: Dear Joe, I want an Electric Train for Christmas (Pt. I)
29/12/2008 by BruceMcF: HSR LA to Las Vegas
30/12/2008 by Metatone: LQD: Monbiot on Trains, Wales, Colonialism
06/01/2009 by BruceMcF: Where do you get rail project cost numbers?
15/01/2009 by Jerome a Paris: Sarkozy in showdown with unions? (Sarko vs. Gare St-Lazare strikes)
17/01/2009: Globalisation catches up with rail industry?
26/01/2009: Railjetting into Red Bull Country
17/02/2009 by Jerome a Paris: Trains to the rescue
05/03/2009 by asdf: Freight Car Storage and Brakes
15/03/2009: Puente AVE
29/03/2009 by BruceMcF: A Train Station Grows At Transbay ... (pt. 1)
29/03/2009 by BruceMcF: An HSR Station Grows at Transbay (SF) (pt 2)
08/04/2009 by BruceMcF: An HSR Station Grows at Transbay (SF), Grand Finale (pt 3)
17/04/2009: Phoenix on the Delaware
19/04/2009 by BruceMcF: How To Build an American National High Speed Rail system
21/04/2009: Despairing about liberals
03/05/2009 by Sven Triloquist: Wabash Cannonball
11/06/2009 by ceebs: LPD: Footsteps along the Brampton Trail
21/06/2009: From Universal to Modular (1/2)
26/06/2009: From Universal to Modular (2/2)
04/07/2009: Diesel heavy haul across Europe
20/07/2009 by BruceMcF: The New Hooverism versus High Speed Rail
26/07/2009 by BruceMcF: NYTimes Freakonomist Eric Morris Vs California High Speed Rail
03/08/2009: Britain leads the way... (rail electrification/abandoning PPP financing)
07/08/2009 by BruceMcF: Glaeser Hacks up the Numbers on HSR
13/08/2009 by BruceMcF: Ed Glaeser just plain lies about High Speed Rail
20/08/2009: WSJ Discovers Spanish High-Speed
22/08/2009: A narrow gauge railway in the summer
23/08/2009 by BruceMcF: Ed Morris Duped by Libertarian HSR Hackery
11/10/2009 by BruceMcF: Supporting Rail Electrification with the Climate Bill
27/10/2009 by BruceMcF: Leveraging Pittsburgh / Cleveland for Canton/Akron
05/11/2009: A "new" AVE line, or: how to spin old projects
16/11/2009 by BruceMcF: The Birmingham Hub
13/12/2009: Delays come to an end (EU HSR 2009)
17/12/2009: The EU's emerging high-speed networkS
21/02/2010: The new high-speed superpower
28/02/2010 by BruceMcF: Rescuing the Cardinal from Demise
07/03/2010 by BruceMcF: A Nationwide Freight and Passenger Regional HSR System
15/03/2010 by BruceMcF: Economic Independence will Help Pay For Itself
21/03/2010 by BruceMcF: Heritage Opposes Freedom to Choose High Speed Rail
05/04/2010 by BruceMcF: King of the Mountain, Part 1
11/04/2010 by BruceMcF: Working on the Railroad - Why Krugman is Wrong
17/03/2010 by Jerome a Paris: Bremen-Paris with no planes (grounded due to Icelandic ash cloud)
26/04/2010 by BruceMcF: Kasich Lies About Strickland's 3C Victory, 3C Moves Ahead
29/04/2010 by a siegel: Contaminated "American Fuel" (includes rail electrification)
16/05/2010 by ChrisCook: East London Line Blogging
17/05/2010 by BruceMcF: Local Electric Transport and the Energy Independence Levy
28/05/2010 by Magnifico: DB wants ICE running from Cologne to London via the Chunnel
17/06/2010 by fairleft: South Africa's new high-speed rail not for country's poor
23/07/2010: The Economist: US railways over HSR
14/08/2010: From byproducts to variable stars: local multiple units
15/08/2010 by BruceMcF: Richard Florida and the End of the Automobile Age
22/08/2010: End of the tunnel in Taiwan
23/08/2010 by BruceMcF: Guaranteeing Rural Transport in the face of Peak Oil
29/08/2010 by ChrisCook: Scottish Sunday Rail and Bridge Blogging
30/08/2010 by BruceMcF: Can Trains Help Win the Day in Australia?
21/09/2010 by BruceMcF: Crowding Out vs Crowding In and Transport
03/10/2010 by epochepoque: Stuttgart 21 - Part I
04/10/2010 by epochepoque: Stuttgart 21 - Part II - Consequences Beyond Stuttgart
04/10/2010 by BruceMcF: 1:36 NYC/Boston, 1:23 NYC/DC, $117b, 30yrs
13/10/2010 by BruceMcF: Northeastern HSR Alignments & The Move to Tuesdays
21/10/2010 by SHKarlson: THE SUMMER TRAIN DIARY.
30/10/2010: KTX: of delays and ambitions
08/11/2010 by A swedish kind of death: Calling all HSR-experts for debunking Carbusters anti-HSR
11/11/2010 by ChrisCook: A Desire Named Streetcar
17/11/2010 by BruceMcF: Losing HSR Battles while Winning the Transport War
04/12/2010 by ormondotvos: Why are electric trains failing?
10/12/2010 by InWales: Photoblog No. 166 (trains in winter in Wales)
21/12/2010: European nights
19/02/2011 by Jace: The Hustle (rail deregulation in the USA)
27/02/2011: Chunnel safety
30/03/2011: Steam locos in East Germany (comment thread)
02/04/2011: Light and shadow (early spring photo tour)
01/05/2011 by SHKarlson: TRACKS CUT BACK. (AMTRAK creation & US intercity passenger demise 1971)
11/05/2011 by Jace: Yellow-Green Mountain State
29/05/2011 by BruceMcF: Sunday Train: Why We Fight
03/06/2011: A second TGV line to Lyon
30/06/2011: China's premier line
06/07/2011: LQD Marco Travaglio writes regarding TAV by melo
17/07/2011: EU High-Speed Rail - How Fast? by epochepoque
14/08/2011: The Texas Wishbone Regional High Speed Rail by BruceMcF
06/09/2011: A weekend with scenes from the 1940's by ceebs
12/09/2011: Visit of the Papal Train
19/09/2011: FORTY YEARS AGO. by SHKarlson (early days of AMTRAK in Chicago)
27/09/2011: Blue Bricks
11/10/2011: Corridors for freight
14/10/2011: Friday Rail News Blogging (trains across the German-French border, Saudi Landbridge, electro-diesel shunter)
29/10/2011: 310 km/h with ETCS
30/10/2011: Rail News Blogging #2 (new tunnels, the undead idea of PPP, Talgos for Saudi Arabia, numbers game over Stuttgart 21, a new ICE in France, trams in Paris & Basle, a hybrid power plant)
08/11/2011: Global Expansion of High-speed Railroads Gains Steam by NourishingthePlanet
27/11/2011: Rail News Blogging #3 (UK to Spain truck transport plans, a cross-border commuter rail line, Britain's antiquated rail infrastructure, metro automation, switch to rail in developing world countries, and spending cuts in the USA)
27/11/2011: THE BEGINNING OF THE RAINBOW ERA by SHKarlson (early days of AMTRAK in Milwaukee)
28/11/2011: Stuttgart 21 gets referendum go-ahead
03/12/2011: Rail News Blogging #4 (bottlenecks for freight, privatisation in Russia, Istanbul-Ankara reconstruction)
04/12/2011: The Dawn Of Open Access (1/2)
10/12/2011: The Dawn Of Open Access (2/2)
18/12/2011: Rail News Blogging #5 (EU high-speed news)
08/01/2012: Rail News Blogging #6 (light-rail successes, electrification in France, export successes, Chinese high-speed)
11/01/2012: Open Access: privatise profits, socialise losses
15/01/2012: Jerusalem Light Rail by gk
29/01/2012: Rail News Blogging #7 (China after the Wenzhou crash, new and upgraded lines, tilting trains, Moscow)
11/02/2012: Rail News Blogging #8 (cross-Chunnel freight success, Denmark and ETCS L2, Swiss support against strong currency, new markets for China's rail industry)
26/02/2012: Wagonload traffic: the market won't deliver
04/03/2012: Rail News Blogging #9 (urban transit, electrification in Iran)
10/03/2012: Rail News Blogging #10 (cut-throat competition, ETCS, new lines, cooling the Tube)
24/03/2012: Rail News Blogging #11 (Frankfurt-Marseille TGV, Paris Saint-Lazare, problems with privatisation, damping vibration from tunnels)
01/04/2012: Rail News Blogging #12 (litter, electrification escapes austerity, monorail swansong)
16/04/2012 by BruceMcF: The Miami/Orlando Passenger Rail Project
06/05/2012 by BruceMcF: The Rock Island Line is a Mighty Fine Iowa Rapid-Rail Road
03/06/2012: Rail News Blogging #13 (regulators vs. interoperability, open access vs. international trains, no fare increases in India, HEMU-430X, SNCF orders more TGVs, Semmering Base Tunnel starts)
16/06/2012: Rail News Blogging #14 (rail privatisation in the EU, Translohr, electrification in Denmark, Diabolo, Hanzelijn)
24/06/2012: The Old Westbahn (1)
01/07/2012 by BruceMcF: Is State Sen. Simitian aiming to kill High Speed Rail in California?
08/07/2012 by BruceMcF: California Senate Approves High Speed Rail Construction
15/07/2012: The Old Westbahn (2)
22/07/2012: Rail News Blogging #15 (UK electrification, Bologna cross-city link, centralised traffic control, keeping listed bridges)
28/07/2012: The Old Westbahn (3)
03/08/2012 by gk: FSE, Minimetro, and FCU
08/08/2012 by BruceMcF: Cycle & Pedestrian Islands and Tiny Trains
10/08/2012 by Jerome au Perou: (Cusco-Arequipa line in Peru)
19/08/2012: Rail News Blogging #16 (end to PFI in London, high-speed development, troubled rolling stock, supercapacitors)
21/08/2012 by Jerome au Perou: Day 13 - Puno-Cuzco
16/09/2012: Rail policy updates
20/09/2012 by cagatacos: Trains in Portugal
30/09/2012: InnoTrans 2012
07/10/2012: Berlin, Dresden
13/10/2012: Rail News Blogging #17 (parallel development, public transport on 'foreign' tracks, competition in Italy, high-speed lines in Sweden and China)
22/10/2012 by SHKarlson: SOME RAILROAD READING.
27/10/2012: Innovation and modal shift in Baden-Württenberg
10/11/2012: Rail News Blogging #18 (vertical re-integration in France, infrastructure investment in Austria, faster from China to Europe, high-speed network in China)
09/12/2012: Rail News Blogging #19 (new European timetable with new lines, rolling stock delays and certification, ERTMS in Norway, high-speed line in Manchuria)
11/01/2013 by Nomad: Death by Train
29/01/2013 by Nomad: Flop of the Fyra
03/03/2013: Rail News Blogging #20 (high-speed fare policy, new lines, urban nodes)
10/03/2013: Rail News Blogging #21 (cross-border services)
26/03/2013: Rail News Blogging #22 (financing, new rolling stock, renewables, conflicts and problems)
18/04/2013: Rail News Blogging #23 (Spanish TGV in France, Jaén tram, Stuttgart S-Bahn, LEDs in Paris, propaganda war in Italy, Venezuela)
11/05/2013: Rail News Blogging #24 (rapid transit, open access & privatisation, line construction)
20/05/2013: Pentecost Steam
25/05/2013: Rail News Blogging #25 (integration, scandals & lawsuits, trans-Asian projects, Amtrak Cities Sprinter)
02/06/2013: The metro revolution
29/06/2013: Rail News Blogging #26 (privatisation, international freight, low-cost innovation, high-speed infrastructure)
07/07/2013: China updates
22/07/2013 by BruceMcF: Net Energy Yield and the Steel Interstate Energy Revolution
23/07/2013 by Frank Schnittger: The New Silk Road
25/07/2013 by Migeru: Santiago train derailment
20/08/2013: The Gotthard railway (1/2)
31/08/2013: The Gotthard railway (2/2)
11/09/2013: Rack railways above the Gotthard tunnels
25/01/2014: Old and new in Austria
01/02/2014: Autumn on the Arlberg railway
01/03/2014: Rail infrastructure investment news
21/03/2014: Swiss main stations
19/04/2014: Budapest Metro Line M4
31/05/2014: Infrastructure against delays
22/06/2014: Lakes & mountain-slides
30/09/2014: The Barons, the Empire Builder and the Czar
18/12/2014: Renewals
27/12/2014: On the Rhaetian Railway 1: along the Anterior Rhine
18/01/2015: On the RhB 2: along the Inn river
14/03/2015: Two ruins
11/04/2015: On the RhB 3: the Davos Line
21/06/2015: On the RhB 4: short lines
13/09/2015: Peak CRH
13/06/2016: Long tunnels


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