by FarEasterner
Thu Mar 20th, 2008 at 10:22:29 AM EST
I took some time from my busy schedule to write a little about Tibet as Dharamsala where I live witnessed growing unrest among exile Tibetan community.
Graphic images, photographs about Chinese atrocities started to leak out of Tibet and exiles reacted strongly, in McLeod Ganj where Tibetan government-in-exile is located demonstrations are held every day, some even started hunger strike.
As Tibetan question is so politically charged it's not easy to see what can be added to continuing coverage of this theme in the world media. So far as I noticed in media the only serious opinion about possible results expressed by some American Tibetologists is that harsh crackdown on protesters is expected.
I also share this view, the only difference is that China needs desperately Olympics in august and does not need PR catastrophe in Tibet. There were minor changes on other fronts so far - Chinese and Dharamsala authorities exchanged the same old accusations while internationally Gordon Brown decided symbolically to meet Dala lama in May when he visits London, without substantially changing British policy towards Tibetan issue.
Situation in Tibet however may change substantially in case of very severe Chinese brutalities and world economical crisis - high inflation was cited as the main reason behind growing dissatisfaction with Communist government among wider circles in Chinese society.
Of course Tibetan independence is not viable in near future, but hopes of exiles for substantial and meaningful autonomy have no chance whatsoever under the current regime in Beijing. That's why all this frustration and anger.