by DoDo
Sun Mar 8th, 2009 at 01:09:44 PM EST
When discussing energy policy, many ET readers have stressed the importance of transfer infrastructure, e.g. pipelines and electricity grids. Apparently, networks are now on the EU Commission's agenda, too.
You'll find this feature prominently in the Commission's SER-2 [03] Communication on the Security and Solidarity Action Plan (as diaried by Luis de Souza). But, with more focus, in the Green Paper titled Towards a secure, sustainable and competitive European energy network (pdf!).
Last November, the Commission started a Public consultation about said Green Paper. Submissions can be sent by email until 31 March 2009. With our history of participation in prior consultations, European Tribune should participate!
What we'll do on ET
I picture the process as follows:
- this first diary on the subject is for brainstorming: everyone is invited to write down their own thoughts about the Green Paper and the questions asked, and discuss respective views;
- someone (me?) will volunteer to write a draft for a common ET submission;
- in a second diary (in a week or two), this draft should be ironed out;
- the common ET position should not hold back you from submitting personal opinions, especially if we can't reach agreement between differing views on some point.
Consultation questions
As taken from the consultation page:
Submit your comments by 31 March 2009 to
You may structure your response according to the following questions:
Network Policy
- What do you consider to be the main barriers to the development of a European grid and gas network? How far can they be addressed at national/regional level, and when should the EU act?
- What circumstances justify an EU intervention in local planning disputes related to energy infrastructure? In those circumstances, what should the EU do?
- Is a more focussed and structured approach to research and demonstration relating to European networks needed? How should it look?
- What do you think is the most important activity for the EU in network development?
- Should the EU be more involved in facilitating infrastructure projects in third countries? If so, in what way?
- What sort of support should the EU provide to developers of new energy networks to have the greatest impact, considering that resources are limited? Is the approach of TEN-E still relevant? How can the EU help improve the conditions for investment?
- In view of the proposed revision to the TEN-E guidelines, how can the EU improve the focus, effectiveness and impact of the TEN-E policy within its existing budget?
- Should TEN-E be extended to oil infrastructure? Should it also be extended to new networks for CO2, biogas or other networks?
- Do you have views on, or suggestions for new priority projects which the EU should give backing to?
- Would it help TEN-E/EU to gain more impact and visibility if it was turned into an operational security of supply and solidarity instrument?
- What additional EU measures beyond those mentioned in this Green Paper would help secure a sustainable infrastructure for the EU?
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ET participation in preceding consultations
Green Paper "A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy":
(Tell me if I forgot another one.)