by Fran
Tue Jun 30th, 2009 at 02:12:02 PM EST
A Daily Review Of International Online Media |
Europeans on this date in history:1646 – Birth of Gottfried Leibniz, a German philosopher and mathematician, a a polymath who made significant contributions in many areas of physics, logic, mathematics, history, librarianship, and of course philosophy and theology, while also working on ideal languages, mechanical clocks, mining machinery..."
"A universal genius if ever there was one, and an inexhaustible source of original and fertile ideas, Leibniz was all the more interested in logic because it ..." (d. 1716)
More here and video
The European Salon is a daily selection of news items to which you are invited to contribute. Post links to news stories that interest you, or just your comments. Come in and join us! |
The Salon has different rooms or sections for your enjoyment. If you would like to join the discussion, then to add a link or comment to a topic or section, please click on "Reply to this" in one of the following sections:
- EUROPE - is the place for anything to do with Europe.
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- LIVING OFF THE PLANET - is about the environment, energy, agriculture, food...
- LIVING ON THE PLANET - is about humanity, society, culture, history, information...
- PEOPLE AND KLATSCH - this is the place for stories about people and off course also for gossipy items. But it's also there for open discussion at any time.
- SPECIAL FOCUS - will be up only for special events and topics, as occasion warrants.
I hope you will find this place inspiring - of course meaning the inspiration gained here to show up in interesting diaries on ET. :-)
There is just one favor I would like to ask you - please do
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Actually, there is another favor I would like to ask you - please, enjoy yourself and have fun at this place!