by talos
Sat May 14th, 2011 at 10:32:59 AM EST
Scenes from the Nazi pogrom against immigrants Athens 12/5
As Greece was reeling from the violent repression that broke up the large anti-austerity demonstration in Athens, and led to a critically wounded demonstrator (who is doing better but is still in danger of losing his life or suffering permananent damage), Chryssi Avgi (Golden Dawn) the local neo nazi party, which last autumn managed to elect a City councilor in Athens, went on a rampage in Athens' decrepit residential neigbourhoods of Kypseli and Patissia attacking immigrants and their shops, breaking windows, invading homes and sending as many as 50 people to the hospital (while dozens more were too afraid to seek medical help) with knife wounds and blows. This unprecedented in scale attack, came after a demonstration in the crime-ridden neighborhood protesting the stabbing and murder of a local inhabitant (who was Greek) in heartbreaking circumstances: the man went to get his car to take his pregnant wife to the hospital where she was to give birth to their child and the robbers attacked him to take the video-camera he was carrying in a pouch.
frontpaged with minor edit - Nomad
The night before the Nazi demo, an immigrant from Bagladesh was violently stabbed in the same area, quite possible a racist "revenge" murder against "immgrants"...
The incident highlighted the extreme increase in violent crime in down-town Athens and was immediately (although no hard evidence regarding the identity of the perpetrators exists) blamed on "illegals". The demo against violence was exactly the sort of event Chryssi Avgi thrives on, as they have imposed themselves as a "citizens militia" in these neighborhoods terrorizing mainly darker skinned immigrants with the full complicity of the Police. There are strong indications that Chryssi Avgi has infiltrated the police force and is operating with its leadership's tacit approval. The government is doing very little about all this - apart from ordering violence against non-nazi protesters that is...
The ongoing developments represent the spillover of economic depression to a society already heaving under the strains of the creaking economy and vast income differentials. It is not completely irrelevant that the same day the racist attacks took place, the unemployment numbers for February were published, showing a record high (since 2004 when monthly unemployment data became available) of 15.9%...
I'm writing a diary with a description of actions and reaction to austerity and depression in Greek society, but it's long, and things move so fast that it's already becoming old a day after I add another chapter to it - anyway I will be back on this soon