Location/Land has utility and its limited supply and rivalrous nature (ie you can exclude people from it) is what makes it valuable. So a 'prepaid rental' credit returnable in payment for the use of land/location is a good candidate for a geographically acceptable currency.
Material energy (matter) embedded in location and kinetic energy passing through a location also have utility, and a rivalrous nature and are therefore valuable. A prepaid energy credit returnable in exchange for the use of energy (eg a carbon fuel credit; or an electricity credit or a heat credit) are different forms of energy currency which would be more or less universally acceptable in exchange.
Finally, 'Intellect' has utility and its use over time is valuable.
Historically intellectual value resided purely with the (rivalrous) individual, and was and is the sum of experience, knowledge, intuition, creativity, contacts, common sense, skills - and above all, the (currently poorly valued) love, care and empathy which sits between our ears and is what makes our manpower (energy) subjectively more valuable to our employer or counter-party. ie if you combine energy and intellect you get classical economic factor of production 'Labour'.
Now, Intellectual Property, in the form of patterns of data in material and immaterial form, also has utility which gives it a value which is growing at a truly phenomenal rate. The reason that the existing order is breaking down, and that the steering wheel has come off in the elite's hands is that IP is non-rivalrous, because once it has been communicated or transferred it is impossible to take it back.
In my analysis, there will be at least two 'Big Trades' of the 21st Century.
Firstly, we currently see on the one hand a wealthy generation which is 'long' of Land/Location, but increasingly 'short' of care for the land and for themselves as they age: while on the other hand we see an impoverished generation which is short of Land but long of Care.
So the Resolution Trade will be the direct exchange of care credits for rental credits, cutting out power-seeking (and rent-seeking) government Public Sector middlemen and rent-seeking Private Sector middlemen.
Secondly, the Transition Trade which will enable a low carbon economy is the direct exchange of the value of Intellect and IP for the value of carbon fuels saved. ie nega watts, nega litres and nega barrels.
As the guy said, software is the new oil.
But in order to make value judgements in exchange transactions, we need an objective and relevant standard unit of measure for value (unit of account). In my view this must logically be the only absolute there is ie a standard unit of energy. And here I must - finally - disagree with you, since energy always has utility (and hence value), even if it is freely available.
ie the economy of abundance now dawning will be an economy based upon an intrinsically valuable energy standard of exchange - as opposed to standards of exchange such as gold or the 'fiat' $ , which have no intrinsic utility. Based upon such an energy economy of abundance we will see the flowering of human intellect, care and love.