As I see it what is coming out of this is the underlying axioms as to the basis of 'Value' - whatever that is.
Georgists make an ideological assumption that the basis of all Value is one single 'factor of production' - Land.
They define Land quite widely, to include not just Location (3D Space) but everything in it or passing through it.
Technocrats make a similar assumption in respect of Energy.
Marxists assume that 'Labour' - again ideologically defined - is the basis of all Value.
This assumption is convenient to mainstream Economics, which lumps together everything but Labour as 'Capital' (conveniently and cunningly conflating Land as Gaffney described) but does not assume (as does Kelso's Binary Economics) that Capital is productive in use independently of Labour. It is convenient to rentier owners of Capital because if you assume that only Labour is 'productive' then that's all you tax.
In my view, what is changing everything is that Intellectual value in the form of Knowledge (data patterns and representations) and Knowhow (which qualifies Labour) are becoming hugely valuable in a world of direct instantaneous global connections.
There are three key points.
Firstly, the rents extracted by the holders of Knowhow and Knowledge reduce those available to Land-owners. eg we see on-line businesses destroying commercial rents
Secondly, these holders of exponentially growing Intellectual value are not bound to any particular location in the way that industrial workers and managers are bound.
Thirdly, Intellectual value is not 'rivalrous', and this essentially means that the steering wheel is coming away in the hands of the elites who have long been able to control rivalrous land and capital.
My post a while ago in the FT Alphaville blog (and here) covered this, but could do with a bit of updating.
Post Modern Fiscal Theory
As I've been saying for some time, we need a Modern - or even a post-Modern - Fiscal Theory to accompany a Modern Monetary Theory which is indirectly based (via a system of direct and indirect taxation of labour) upon a money supply loaded almost entirely upon the value of Labour.
So MMT's policy solution of a Job Guarantee will serve - unless accompanied by a shift in the fiscal base - mainly to enrich rent-seeking owners of Land and IP.