by Oui
Sun Aug 25th, 2013 at 04:14:23 PM EST
The British Ministry of Defence (MOD) issued a secret DA-notice on June 7, 2013 on the Snowden leaks.
Defence Ministry Warns Against Leaks on Joint US-Brit Spying
(AND Magazine) - A British Defense Ministry press advisory committee, reacting to a flurry of revelations in the American press about massive warrantless US government electronic surveillance programs, quietly warned UK organizations not to publish British national security information.
Defiance of the advisory could make British journalists vulnerable to prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.
The June 7 "DA-Notice," or Defence Advisory Notice, which was itself confidential, accepted that the U.S. National Security Agency was sharing information gleaned from the surveillance programs with its British counterparts, and said UK intelligence organizations were worried about revelations of their own roles in the programs.
DA-Notice, June 7, 2013
Private and Confidential: Not for publication, broadcast or use on social media.
Defence Advisory Notice
There have been a number of articles recently in connection with some of the ways in which the UK Intelligence Services obtain information from foreign sources.
Although none of these recent articles has contravened any of the guidelines contained within the Defence Advisory Notice System, the intelligence services are concerned that further developments of this same theme may begin to jeopardize both national security and possibly UK personnel...
It warned British media not to publish information on "specific covert operations, sources and methods of the security services, SIS and GCHQ [the NSA's British counterpart], Defence Intelligence Units, Special Forces and those involved with them, the application of those methods, including the interception of communications and their targets; the same applies to those engaged on counter-terrorist operations."
British news organizations are concerned about the tenor of the advance warning.
Secrecy across the pond
(Reporters Committee) Fall 2006 - In November 2005, Britain's attorney general threatened British newspapers with prosecution if they published the contents of conversation between President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair discussing their disagreements about the Iraq war.
They used the threat of the Official Secrets Act, a World War I-era British law that prohibits disclosing government information without "lawful authority."
The Blair government had never before used prosecution as a tool to persuade editors to halt publication, although it had obtained court orders preventing the publication of sensitive documents regarding the Iraq war.
Throughout the history of the Official Secrets Act, the British government has used the act to charge reporters with crimes, prevent important stories from being published or broadcast, and punish government officials who leak to news organizations.
The law is aimed less at journalists than at their sources. But experts such as Alistair Bonnington, a Scottish media lawyer with BBC Scotland, say that when authorities use the law to threaten editors or silence sources, it prevents the dissemination of information. "Any time the act is used, it has a chilling effect."
A twin diary posted across the big pond - NSL Gag Orders and the 1st Amendmant US Constitution.
Continued below the fold ...
False Flag Operation to Deliver CW in Syria
An illustration of difficulty to distinguish between evidence and forgeries searching the Internet. A strange case from December 24, 2012. Is it possible there was a DA-notice put out?
Damages for firm over Syria claims
( June 26, 2013 - A British-based defence company has accepted substantial libel damages over a claim of involvement in a chemical weapons plot in Syria.
Britam Defence Limited, its business development director David Goulding and founder and chief operating officer Philip Doughty brought an action in London's High Court over an article on the Mail Online website in January this year.
Their solicitor-advocate, Adam Tudor, told Mrs Justice Nicola Davies that it focused on internal emails at Britam Defence, which the story said had been hacked from Britam's computer system and published on the internet. [statement]
« click for story
In fact, he added, the emails in question were forgeries. They were not written or sent by the claimants - or by anyone at Britam or associated with them - and the illegal hacking of the company's website remained the subject of a criminal investigation. "The claimants had no involvement in any chemical weapons plot and would never contemplate becoming involved in the heinous activities which were the subject of the article."
Mr Tudor said that Associated Newspapers had agreed to pay substantial damages together with legal costs.
Source: Cyber Wars leaked emails
See my diary on the preparation of the US Armed Forces to strike the Assad regime following the Kosovo scenario and the R2P principle: can't wait for an International Forum like the United Nations Security Council. The White House has discussed at the highest levels the military options available. Undoubtedly has Obama's "humanitarian hawk" Susan Rice voiced her opinion. US CENTCOM is fully prepared and has discussed the military stategy with close allies Israel, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Most likely military strategy: covert action by Special Forces from Israel, Turkey and US to seize or destroy the depots with chemical agents; US and some NATO partners like UK and France will launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to take out military and intelligence sites; attempt to assassinate Assad and close advisors (identical strategy as Saddam in Baghdad strike) and perhaps launch B1 bombardment of the known zones occupied by Al Nusra and affiliated Al Qaeda militants. A just balance, everybody gets hit. The aftermath ... looking for retired generals a la Grainer and similar assets Paul Bremer. The US does have a FOB Emirates, always handy.
US Has 'Moral Obligation' to Destroy Syria (Assad)
[Update] Note: Asked why I added these comments to the diary. Just in the past 24 hours, the media and some bloggers are analysing the propaganda put forth by the Obama administration. The thought of a possible false flag operation can not be discounted.