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Across the Globe, Praise for Putin ‖ Op-ed (Update)

by Oui Wed Sep 11th, 2013 at 03:00:32 PM EST

[Update]: Putin's Op-Ed in the New York Times has been added below.

Universally it is seen the US has failed in policy towards Syria, the revolution and the analysis of Assad's overthrow. There is a reason only France is capable and willing to join Obama's military strike on Syria. As I have written the last two years and is repeated today in the US, Europe and the Arab states: US policy is confused and not credible. It's wonderful for Obama, the perception is otherwise within Washington DC and the 50 states. The decision to hold off a strike on the Assad regime has really pissed-off King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, the Emir of Qatar, Emirates, Erdogan in Turkey and Netanyahu of Israel. Obama has just set a break with 35 years of tradition in the Middle-East. The step Obama has taken is very courageous, we'll have to wait if it is rewarded with a positive result: a political solution to the civil/sectarian war in Syria. Obama is putting US National Interest first as recent Chiefs of Staff have asked.

Continued below the fold ...

In another excellent panel discussion on France24, short interviews were seen with Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran. Unheard praise for the US and Obama for taking the military action on Syria off the top priority list. It was suggested that Putin and Lavrov will, in the short term, propose a new offer in the nuclear armament stalemate. Mentioned was the offer to take high enriched uranium processing out of Iran and move this to Russia and under IAEA inspection. No doubt, Bashar Assad, Maliki and Iran are emboldened by the latest decison for diplomacy by PBO. I have said all along, a solution to the I-P issue must be comprehensive and include the greater Middle-East and Gulf region. Kerry needs a chance to work the diplomatic channels as senator Obama promised during his campaign in 2008.

How Putin Saved Obama, Congress and the European Union from Further Embarrassing themselves on Syria  by Juan Cole

(Informed Comment) - The Russian initiative is not attractive because it seems practical or likely to be swiftly implemented but because it allows everyone involved to save face. Obama can look statesmanlike. He is already taking credit for Putin's move, saying it would not have come about without his own saber-rattling. The US Congress might be able to avoid the uncomfortable position of agreeing that Syria is guilty of chemical weapons use but declining to do anything about it.

The one good thing about this development is that it strengthens Russia's position with the Baath government of Bashar al-Assad and may lend new energy to Moscow's determination to broker a compromise between the rebels and the regime. Without a US or Western bombing campaign, the Syrian regime is likely just strong enough to hold on for years. The rebels' advance of last spring has stalled and in some places been reversed. Some sort of negotiation now seems likely.

A Plea for Caution From Russia by Vladimir V. Putin

MOSCOW (NY Times) — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

… The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.

… Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all. From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future.

… No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it.

Next Nobel Peace Prize for Obama and Putin?
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Wed Sep 11th, 2013 at 03:07:41 PM EST
Greater odds for Edward Snowden or Manning!

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Sep 11th, 2013 at 03:59:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]
A follow-up from my earlier post about John Kerry and his source Elizabeth O'Bagy, "expert" on Syria. Read my diary - It Stinks A Mile In the Wind.

Another Blatant Lie by Kerry Unmasked

A must read, quite excellent investigative journalism by Max Blumenthal @Mondoweiss. Article established for a fact what my suspicion has been from the outset.

WoW!  Karma didn't take long on that one (per Politico):

    The Syria researcher whose Wall Street Journal op-piece was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings about the use of force has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for lying about having a Ph.D., the group announced on Wednesday.

    "The Institute for the Study of War has learned and confirmed that, contrary to her representations, Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy does not in fact have a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University," the institute said in a statement. "ISW has accordingly terminated Ms. O'Bagy's employment, effective immediately."

John Kerry needs to quote some more foreign organization lobbyists approvingly.

h/t by TarheelDem on Wed Sep 11th, 2013

Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, anti-Castro money: Inside the Syrian opposition's DC spin machine

(Mondoweiss) - During the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Syria on September 3, Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator John McCain both cited a Wall Street Journal editorial by Elizabeth O'Bagy to support their assessment of the Syrian rebels as predominately "moderate," and potentially Western-friendly.

"She works with the Institute of War," Kerry said of O'Bagy. "She's fluent in Arabic and spent an enormous amount of time studying the opposition and studying Syria. She just published this the other day. Very interesting [Wall Street Journal] article, which I commend to you."

Kerry added, "I just don't agree that a majority are al-Qaida and the bad guys."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Sep 11th, 2013 at 04:24:48 PM EST
Sometimes you just end up running out of non courageous decisions. Starting a war after the Lavrov proposal certainly would have been one. Overwhelming public opposition around the globe, forced to backtrack on asking Congress with only France still on board, increased chance of blowing up the world by getting Russia involved.
by generic on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 05:06:51 AM EST
I expect NSA intelligence will have covered the UN Inspection team and lab tests, so the results should be known by both the US and Israel.

Leaked UN report: Assad behind chemical attack

(YnetNews) - A report by United Nations inspectors probing an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria will "probably" be published on Monday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said.

The UN inspectors left Syria on August 31 after collecting samples as part of their probe into the now infamous August 21 chemical weapons attack in a suburb of the Syrian capital. According to a story published by Foreign Policy Magazine on Thursday, the inspectors have found a "wealth" of circumstantial evidence on the use of chemical agents by Syrian President Bashar Assad.

UN report on Syria likely Monday: France

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 07:49:39 AM EST
Hmmmm I wouldn't take it to seriously from this first source...
They also reported this:
 but also this


How the hell French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius bloody knows that what Russia and Syrian government say is a lie when he admits that report will come with "indications" of the origins of the attack...NOT EVIDENCE.
Then he ALSO said : "Only the regime had the (chemical weapons) stocks, the (firing) vectors and the interest in doing it, so we can draw a conclusion from that,". First of all we still do not know WHAT chemical was used let alone HOW it was delivered. And in the end against ALL LOGIC  he concludes that Assad had interest in doing it when actually Assad is not only winning at the battlefield but he was also aware of Obomber's "red line" and why the hell would he call for USA airstrikes. It is totally evident to anyone with a grain of brain that only rebels had interest in "doing it" to push USA in to the war obviously on their side.
Ah brain simply hurts from those stupidities that we have to read and listen to...

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein

by vbo on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 08:28:04 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Until the meeting between Lavrov and Kerry in Geneva is completed with experts on the destruction of BW and CW. The super powers have agreed for the destruction of their own massive stockpiles, they know the routine. US and especially Israeli intelligence can pinpoint the locations of the CW depots in Syria.

What bothers me is the agressive approach by Hollande to put forward an UN Resolution that cannot be accepted by Putin (Russia) or China. Both Cameron and Hollande insert the poison pill of putting blame on Assad for chemical attacks and a Chapter 7 rule for a UN sanctioned military intervention. Listening to Obama, FM Lavrov and Kerry will now take the lead.

President Obama's Presentation on Syria

Excellent, well balanced and credible statements by our President. PBO should have ended his presentation at 13:00 min., the rest was a redundancy where he put extra focus on the horror of Ghouta and puts repeated blame on the Assad regime. All images of war crimes from all sides in the civil war in Syria are horrific. The stream of hundreds of thousands of refugees who have fled destruction, bloodshed and murders are heart wrenching. The need for a political solution could have warranted more space in his speech. I'm glad the war rhetoric has diminished and I hear a clear intention and commitment for dialogue and diplomacy. A break with the rhetoric of our Minister of Propaganda just 24 hours earlier, NeoCon Susan Rice, she shames us all.

Mondoweiss and Another Blatent Kerry Lie Unmasked
AIPAC: Susan Rice Emerges As Pro-Israel Courter-In-Chief
○ Watch and listen to her presentation on September 9 why Syria's chemical weapons are a risk to the US and is declared our National Security interest:
   Susan Rice is not a "humanitarian hawk" but a true NeoCon

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 08:32:22 AM EST
Byline ... with the McCain/Graham poison pill! WTF you expect Russia and China to ratify this? Other nations have proposed the perpetrators to brought before the ICC in The Hague. Also dubbed the African Court of War Crimes as the focus has been on the African continent. Is Fabius offering Obama/Kerry a life raft?

France to float UN resolution on Syria chemical weapons

(France24) - French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Tuesday that France will propose a UN Security Council resolution setting out conditions for Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control and accept that they will be dismantled.

Fabius said the resolution - under Chapter 7 of the UN charter covering possible military and non-military action to restore peace - would warn of "extremely serious" consequences for Damascus if it breached those conditions.

"Our aim is to condemn the August 21 massacre carried out by the Damascus regime in the strongest possible terms," he told a news conference in Paris.

France military and nuclear support of Israel: delivery Mirages fighters and building nuclear resaerch center in Dimona

Of course, US Democrats forgot the US was already deeply involved in the civil/sectarian violence -
McCain, Graham, Lieberman Unveil Resolution Calling For U.S. Help In Arming Syria Rebels March 28, 2012

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 08:48:43 AM EST
The rumors were picked-up yesterday on France24 Debate about Syria.

Israel: Proposed Syrian WMD compromise could serve as template for Iran

JPost - Washington, however, appears to be holding out hope that it can solve the Iranian impasse through diplomacy. US President Barack Obama is eager to "turn a new page" in his government's relations with Iran and its newly installed president, Hassan Rouhani, it was revealed on Tuesday.

According to the London-based pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat, Obama communicated his message to the Tehran regime through an emissary, the ruler of Oman, Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said.

Washington has called on Iran to move beyond rhetoric take practical steps which demonstrate its willingness to improve ties with the West, according to Al-Hayat.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Sep 12th, 2013 at 09:01:24 AM EST
The conflict started in the 1980s and Saudi influence in the Levant increased year by year. It's often mentioned, the Sunni uprising was in the make ever since the Hama massacre in 1982.

Stop Wahhabi Indoctrination of Syrian Youth   by Elie Elhadj
Saudi Wahhabi Sheikh Calls On Iraq's Jihadists to Kill Shiites

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 05:02:02 AM EST
Kerry and Lavrov have an excellent working relationship and are devoted to a political solution for the Syria crisis. Since the end of May, efforts of Kerry for diplomacy have been stymied from inside the White House. I suspect the NeoCon influence of National Security adviser Susan Rice as the culprit. Ms Rice has a close relationship with PBO and put sufficient doubt in his mind to take a tough stand on the Assad regime and threaten military action. Obama himself decided to step away from the brink of starting another prolonged war on a Muslim nation.

Kerry In Moscow - A Breath of Fresh Air   May 7, 2013
Obama ahead of G8 - Syria Crossed Red Line   June 15, 2013
John Kerry Again Rules Out Military Action in Syria   June 26, 2013
Rice and Kerry: War Inside the White House   Aug. 8, 2013
Barack Obama and an Act of War plus follow-up   Aug. 26, 2013

If John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov illustrate their determination ...
STEP 1 -  Resolve CW issue on Syria
STEP 2 -  Arms embargo and a political solution for Syria
STEP 3 -  Resolve nuclear issue of Iran with president Rouhani
STEP 4 -  Finalize a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine

Obama made a courageous decision stepping away from 35 years of biased US policy on the Middle East. Angry Arab states Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar plus Turkey and Israel. Praise from Russia, Iran and Iraq (Maliki).

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 05:48:44 AM EST
Came across this oldie ...
Samantha Power, the Monster, and the Libyan Intervention  by Frank Schnittger - Sept. 8, 2011

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 03:28:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]
I don't know this writer, I do agree with his analysis to see recent developments as an opportunity to correct historic wrongs.

Opinion: The Post-Assad Opportunity Yousef Al-Dayni

(Alsharq Al-Awsat) - Those who view the Syrian crisis through the lens of the Iraq war are missing out on the fact that Bashar Al-Assad's allies all come from outside the Arab world. None of his allies can be said to be moderate or neutral Arab states, or even post-Arab Spring countries.

It is for this reason that the Iranian axis is made up of proxy states or dissatisfied groups or movements that do not respect the concept of national sovereignty, instead prioritizing their own narrow interests over that of the national interest. Therefore, the moderate Arab states, led by the Gulf, are now facing a historic opportunity regarding the Syrian crisis, in the same way that Egypt is facing a historic opportunity following the collapse of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Gulf states' opportunity is to rearrange regional balances following the collapse of the Assad regime according to a new Arab political identity built on interest-based alliances rather than pan-Arab slogans. Behind the amiable façade of such slogans, the reality is dominated by political struggles and ineffective alliances based on shared ideologies, rather than national interest.

In this case, Ankara's seeming move towards the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, backed by some Gulf states, can be viewed as an even worse repetition of the grander Arab Spring scenario. This could be viewed as Turkey, utilizing its political and economic influence, attempting to reproduce a similar scenario in Syria and empower the Brotherhood there. This post-Assad scenario must be confronted by the moderate Arab states, particularly the Gulf states and Egypt.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 08:35:35 AM EST
Iran President Rouhani will visit Bishkek for SCO summit

(Caspian Factor) - Iran President Hassan Rouhani will pay an official visit to the Kyrgyz capital city of Bishkek on 13 September to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit.

The Iranian president and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin are reportedly scheduled to hold their first meeting on the sidelines of the SCO summit. Iran, along with Afghanistan, India, Mongolia, and Pakistan have an observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Russia to supply S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 12:19:26 PM EST
The foreign ministers of the allied nations France, United Kingdom and the United States will meet at a top level meeting in Paris on Monday. By chance, or not quite certain what the UN Report will disclose ...

UN Report to be presented to UNSG Ban Ki-moon this weekend

(RT) - Earlier Friday, the head of the UN chemical weapons inspection team, Ake Sellstrom, said that the UN report on the alleged use of chemical weapons on August 21 in Syria was complete and would be delivered to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon over the weekend, AP reported.  

The US is confident that the results of the report will "reaffirm that chemical weapons were used in Syria" without assigning blame on any of the conflicting sides in the Syrian civil war, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Friday.

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and the US are to meet for talks over lunch in Paris on Monday to discuss the Syrian crisis, France's Foreign Ministry said.

Russia, US and UN: Geneva peace talks only way to stop Syria violence

Russia, the US and the UN have agreed that the only solution to the ongoing Syrian crisis lies within the framework of the "Geneva-2" peace talks, Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

After their meeting in Geneva on Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, US State Secretary John Kerry and UN and Arab League Special Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi "reaffirmed their commitment to an early launch of Syrian dialogue in Geneva between representatives of the Syrian government and main opposition groups," Russia's Foreign Ministry said.  

The meeting between Lavrov, Kerry and Brahimi in Switzerland was focused on "practical issues" to prepare the way for an international peace conference over Syria.

The three diplomats agreed that "a political settlement is the only possible way to an early end to violence in Syria and to overcome acute humanitarian consequences of the Syrian conflict," the Russian Foreign ministry said. This settlement should be "based on the implementation of all provisions of the Geneva communiqué of June 30, 2012," the statement said.

The representatives of Russia, US and UN decided to meet for trilateral talks at the next regular session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sept. 17.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 13th, 2013 at 04:22:42 PM EST
SG Ban Ki-moon did NOT refer to the UN Inspection report or did he leak ANY substantial information ahead of time! Ban Ki-moon did say there was overwhelming evidence of chemical warfare. The SG did not point fingers and it's not the inspectors to put blame on a side. The scientific evidence may be sufficient to reach a conclusion. The UNSG got the report probably on Saturday and it will be published on Monday.

As all of you know, another UN Commission is investigating serious war crimes and will document these for a future referral to the ICC where at all possible. Ban Ki-moon spoke about those conclusions - U.N. Rights Panel Cites Evidence of War Crimes by Both Sides in Syria. The allied nations UK, France and the US will have a summit in Paris on Monday. Secretary Kerry will meet PM Netanyahu on Sunday in Jerusalem. The US have communicated with Iran and newly elected President Rouhani via the Swiss consulate.

Updates and analysis in my new diary @EuroTrib - Chemical Weapons and Moral Hypocrisy.

JPost Op-Ed: Ditch the Analogies

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Sep 14th, 2013 at 03:06:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]
kudos to you, oui, for your dedication to keeping us informed, your work is thorough, assiduous and persistent.

so much to learn... so many tangled threads to tease out.


'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Sat Sep 14th, 2013 at 05:51:57 PM EST
very much appreciated, thank you!

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Sep 14th, 2013 at 06:23:28 PM EST
[ Parent ]
The piece by Marcy Wheeler could have been written by McCain/Graham based on mistrust of the political effort and agreement put in place by the CWC teams of John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov. Both President Putin and Obama have committed themselves to the deal. The inspection regime and the destruction of the CW arms and facilities will be performed by the OPCW. I suggest everyone take note of the press conference, it provides clarity. As the Russian newspapers wrote headlines: Chemistry between Kerry and Lavrov. But the good understanding has been there all along. Diplomacy is on the front burner in the White House.

As I have written, a political solution on Syria will be put on the table and agreed upon by Russia and the US within a 90 day period. A backchannel is opened with President Rouhani of Iran for talks on the nuclear issue with the US. The "humanitarian hawks" in the Obama administration have taken a back-seat to diplomacy and the effort of Secretary Kerry.

Marcy Wheeler doesn't get it.

The World after the Kerry-Lavrov accord on Syria by Juan Cole
Kerry after briefing PM on Syria accord: Diplomacy preferred solution, but 'no option off the table' Jerusalem visit

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Sep 15th, 2013 at 12:20:47 PM EST
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Sep 15th, 2013 at 12:21:28 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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