by afew
Mon Feb 9th, 2015 at 01:55:30 AM EST
I'm lifting a comment from talos to introduce a new Greece thread:
Tsipras today (8 February) presenting the programmatic statements of the new government, pretty much retreated on - not very much. He's not asking for a headline hair-cut, but that's old news, he's willing to slowly implement some of the measures. But it seems that the sum total of the Thessaloniki program is on the table. And aggressively so.
Tsipras favours Greek jobless over creditors in defiant policy speech:
"...Declaring his administration "a government of national salvation", Tsipras said he would also pursue claims to win back from Germany wartime loans that Greece had been forced to make to Nazi occupiers. "I can't overlook what is an ethical duty, a duty to history ... to lay claim to the wartime debt."
Tsipras did signal a new round of belt-tightening - but on the part of ministers and MPs. He promised to sell half of all government limousines and a government jet in a money-raising exercise, as well as trimming back on security. Tsipras said Greece's new class of politician would set the example of frugal living. "We do not need three government aircraft. Politicians can do away with the privilege of having a car," he said...
...The first priority of this government ... is tackling the big wounds of the bailout, tackling the humanitarian crisis, just as we promised to do before the elections," he said. "The bailout failed. The new government is not justified in asking for an extension ... an extension would be a mistake and a catastrophe. We want a new deal, a bridge programme that would give us the fiscal space that a sincere negotiation requires," he said.
Syriza's pledges to the electorate include a freeze on pension cuts, a property tax overhaul, free electricity to those who have been cut off, reinstating jobs and raising the minimum wage. But it remains to be seen how quickly the measures are introduced - a phased approach could save the broke government money, officials have indicated.
Tsipras speech was probably the most viewed inauguration speech in the history of the Greek parliament and it was highly emotional, as well as uplifting - this is the first government in memory which remains true to its core program after the elections, and a government that promises to tackle problems and issues that were considered untouchable until a few weeks ago. As public support of SYRIZA is now verging on the astronomical (by Greek standards) Tsipras concluded his speech in almost Bolivarian timbre, his voice breaking at one point, more than a little verklempt:
"We are living historic moments.
In the dramatic developments of the past few days, the final word, the seal, was set by the people of Greece.
They did not delegate responsibility. They laid bare their soul. They did not authorize anyone. They took their fate into their own hands. They did not vote against. They honored the previous generation who resisted and resurrected this land and saved hope for the generations which are coming. They did not just ignore ultimatums and blackmail. They stood tall.
This people deserves only respect. They deserve to walk proud, to live in dignity.
The current government can only be the voice of this people. In the honor, the history and the culture that this people carry in their luggage we can only be but their volition, nothing more
That's why we won't negotiate our history. That's why we will not negotiate the pride and dignity of this people. These are sacred and nonnegotiable principles to us.
We are flesh from the flesh of this people, we come through the pages of history of this people and this is why we will serve them till the end
We are every word in the Constitution of this country. We took an oath to this Constitution, and this Constitution we will serve - and we will serve it till the end, doing justice to the values, the struggles, the vision, and the sacrifices of the people of Greece..."