by Oui
Wed Oct 24th, 2018 at 06:22:29 PM EST
Unbelievable ... Dutch public television NOS published an article about the influence of George Soros. In the content it paraphrases the ugly criticism spewed by Austrian sources and the alt-right aligned with the conservatives of the GOP, Steve Bannon and Donald Trump. Where is the sense of a moral compass? Journalism with a very ugly face ... just unbelievable!!
I do have criticism of George Soros and his support for the Colour Revolutions during the Clinton era, George Bush and the HRC/Obama administration. I do keep it on politics and policy, never about someone's race or ethnicity. I criticize the Jewish State of Israel and its policies, not the people living in the state founded in 1948.
○ George Soros: 'statesman without state' with a big finger in global politics | De Volkskrant |
More below the fold ...
Note from the editors:
We have modified this article after publication. The original head was: "George Soros: influential meddling with tentacles far in world politics". This head was carelessly and incorrectly formulated and has been changed to "George Soros:" statesman without state "with a big finger in the porridge". The article has also been adjusted elsewhere.
In particular, the paragraph which included the description "The Jew Soros supports organizations" should have been formulated differently. The intention was to summarize how Soros critics describe and framed him, but the chosen wording seemed as if the editors themselves thought these formulations appropriate. That was obviously not the case.
○ NOS editor in chief about profile George Soros: 'It went wrong'
Analysing Nazi Propaganda
The image I chose for analysation was the poster of three flags and a man. The caption reads, "Hinter den Feindmachten: der Jude". This translates to "Behind Enemy Lines: the Jew". The image depicts a large, ugly man partially hidden behind the Union Jack, the U.S. Flag, and the Communist flag. All three are threats and enemies to the Nazi Party, hinting that the large man is also an enemy. He is wearing a gold chain with a yellow Star of David, labelling him as a Jew. He is dressed in mainly black, and has dark hair/eyebrows and a prominent nose. This suggests how the Germans at this time view the Jews; as large, ugly, non-Aryan enemies.
○ Dutch public broadcaster calls George Soros 'a Jew with tentacles' | Jewish News |
Related reading ...
○ Pieuvre, ours... Quand les couvertures de la presse occidentale recyclent les clichés anti-russes