Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

16 - 22 July 2018

by Bjinse Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:22:25 PM EST

Your take on this week's news

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by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:23:46 PM EST
Let's try another angle.
Define the UK border adjacent the rest of the world.
Chalk it. Collect tariffs from whomsoever crosses it.
Either direction.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 10:57:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]

The bag carrier, Mundell

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 11:09:55 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Gerichtsbezirke: Richtervereinigung: "Regierung greift in richterliche Unabhängigkeit ein" « kleinezeitung.at
Die geplante Verfassungsreform zur Bereinigung der Bund/Länder-Kompetenzen betrifft auch die Justiz: Gerichtsbezirke sollen künftig vom Bund allein per Verordnung festgelegt werden. Am Zustimmungsrecht der Länder sind schon mehrere Versuche gescheitert, kleine Bezirksgerichte zusammenzulegen. Die Länder wollen auch weiterhin mitreden - und die Richtervereinigung ist "entschieden" gegen die Neuregelung.

So the Austrian government plans a reform of the constitution. Among other things they want to change judicial borders by ministerial decree instead of law.
Can't see how that could have any bad effects on judicial independence.

by generic on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 11:15:50 AM EST
[ Parent ]
EU Fines Google a Record $5 Billion for Monopoly ["]Abuse["]
European Union regulators also are investigating restrictions Google has placed on third-party websites to prevent them from displaying search advertisements from Google's competitors. This is known as the AdSense case.

If you want less of something ... tax it.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 06:31:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine
In particular, Google:

has required manufacturers to pre-install the Google Search app and browser app (Chrome), as a condition for licensing Google's app store (the Play Store);
made payments to certain large manufacturers and mobile network operators on condition that they exclusively pre-installed the Google Search app on their devices; and
has prevented manufacturers wishing to pre-install Google apps from selling even a single smart mobile device running on alternative versions of Android that were not approved by Google (so-called "Android forks").

Fork it! Google fined €4.34bn over Android, has 90 days to behave


A tying arrangement occurs when, through a contractual or technological requirement, a seller conditions the sale or lease of one product or service on the customer's agreement to take a second product or service.(2)

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 12:57:05 AM EST
[ Parent ]
"Big Data, 'Big Tech,' Big Barriers to Entry" in LQD: A Civil Action

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 01:03:29 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Macron and Salvini face off over Continent's future
En Marche officials have been courting members of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe parliamentary group (ALDE) with the hope of forming a large pro-European force after the election. But so far "Macronmania" has not infected the European Parliament; few believe Macron's group will be able to rival the EPP for dominance.

Salvini's problem is that Euroskeptics are heterogeneous and divided, and in some areas ideological enemies. On economics, for example, the National Rally and Alternative for Germany (AfD) sit at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Creating a large Euroskeptic group would require him to bridge those differences.

Still, Macron and Salvini don't have to come in first to change the way things are run in Brussels. As the most disruptive forces in the upcoming campaign, they have the capacity to drive the election debate. Traditional parties might rush to adopt some of their policies, on EU reform for Macron or immigration for Salvini -- a victory of sorts.

by Bernard (bernard) on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 08:10:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by generic on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 09:49:00 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Love it! A hands-on approach implementing government policy ... with feet in the mud ... helmet and all, a reality show. Bye-bye.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 10:03:23 AM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bernard (bernard) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:22:22 PM EST
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The Guardian
Theresa May is to tell the European Union it is time to drop what she feels is their inflexible view on an Irish border solution and "evolve" their position to break the impasse in Brexit talks.
I thought the DUP didn't believe in evolution.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 05:36:43 AM EST
[ Parent ]
What May means by the EU's "inflexible view on an Irish border solution" is " the EU needs to sit down, shut up, and do what we want."

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre
by ATinNM on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 03:13:51 PM EST
[ Parent ]
My jaw dropped when she said that...
Dripping condescension and ex-imperialist hubris, she permits them to enact her sovereign bidding.

'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty
by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 05:13:09 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Not even.
May is telling the EU : I demand that you invent a magical solution to get me out of this corner I painted myself into.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
by eurogreen on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 12:04:30 PM EST
[ Parent ]
tbh I think it's a bit of both that and melo's imperial arrogance.

These people really do believe the EU needs British business to save it, that the german car industry will exercise a veto because of all the porsches etc etc. The farce is strong in them and they cannot let their delusions go, it undermines any attempt to face actual reality.

It is especially compelling as, being a wealthy elite, they will not suffer the consequences of brexit; all they'll find is that the burnt out inner cities are a little inconvenient for travelling.

keep to the Fen Causeway

by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:25:40 PM EST
[ Parent ]
 melo's imperial arrogance


'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty

by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 02:16:05 AM EST
[ Parent ]
I call it as I see it ;-)

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 07:14:11 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Well she asked for the job, no?
Now she's holding the knife by the blade.
Does that feline grimace fool anybody any more?

'The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.' Thomas Piketty
by melo (melometa4(at)gmail.com) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 02:10:56 AM EST
[ Parent ]
It fools all those who wish to be fooled, which is still approximately 52% of the population

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 07:13:38 AM EST
[ Parent ]
"Dog bites man", in other words. But it's still amusing. Der Spiegel
Die Züge sind pünktlich, schnell und picobello sauber, die Fahrpreise niedrig, der Service freundlich. Welches Geheimnis, fragt sich unser Autor, steckt hinter dem Erfolg der italienischen Staatsbahn?

Man stelle sich vor: der gebuchte Zug kommt pünktlich. Er verkehrt nicht "heute ausnahmsweise an Gleis 5 anstelle von Gleis 8" und auch nicht "heute ausnahmsweise in veränderter Wagenreihung". Es hastet also niemand schwer bepackt am Gleis entlang, um sein Abteil zu erreichen. Der Zug hält exakt dort, wo er halten müsste.

I was afraid the explanation would be that Salvini managed to achieve something that escaped even Mussolini. But no, the explanation is the same thing that gives the US such great health insurance: Competition.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 02:28:31 PM EST
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Is the long quest to find a successful privatised train venture finally over?
by generic on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 12:13:43 PM EST
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Well, the Italian "private" company is 20% owned by SNCF, so to some extent it's as much of a fraud as the British "private" lines. The other owners are banks, so it merely has to do better than the Italian banks, not a particularly high bar.

For people connecting from outside Italy, note that it is not a partner to the semi-secret AJC, so you might not want to risk it.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 08:39:36 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Labour HQ used Facebook ads to deceive Jeremy Corbyn during election campaign | News | The Times
Labour officials ran a secret operation to deceive Jeremy Corbyn at last year's general election, micro-targeting Facebook adverts at the leader and his closest aides to convince them the party was running the campaign they demanded.
by generic on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 04:53:41 PM EST
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Genius... This is exactly what Facebook is for. The possibilities are endless.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II
by eurogreen on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 12:07:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]
all of that energy and effort expended just to be complete assholes.

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:26:31 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"unbridgeable" and irreconcilable differences.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 at 04:13:33 PM EST
[ Parent ]
well, let's be honest, at this point, anything which demands the number of unicorns and rainbows tory policy is promising is gonna make the reality based community chuckle.

May is terrified of the ultras and so is constantly trying to appease them. this makes any policy formulation entirely a project of derangement. I suspect this is because her own red line is the "freedom of movement of people"; I'm not going to say May is a racist, but as Home Secretary, she was very keen on immigration policies that strongly leaned towards being overtly and nakedly racist.

with that in mind, the ultras are really the only friends she's got cos the realists know you need all four freedoms to retain the customs union, the only thing that'll solve the Irish border problem

keep to the Fen Causeway

by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:32:02 PM EST
[ Parent ]
("English law" + US-Eng = grounds for divorce between ah natural persons)

Stormy Daniels' husband sues her for divorce in Texas

Crain's petition cites irreconcilable differences and adultery [?] as grounds for divorce, without giving details. It seeks full custody of the couple's daughter, as well as child support, possession of the house and a "disproportionate share" of the couple's assets.
The divorce action first came to light in a Twitter message on Monday from Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, who "vehemently disputed" the filing's accuracy. He made no mention of the restraining order.

Free Stormy
"There's this thing about liars ..." &tc

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 04:40:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Does a non-disclosure agreement apply to court hearings?
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:09:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Why, yes, certainly with respect to US civil litigation and criminal prosecution. You may have encountered the term "gag order."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:38:49 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Example please of a gag order preventing somebody from testifying in court
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 06:10:16 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Surely you jest.

For example, every grand jury proceeding, every civil settlement you never heard of, including but not limited to US detainees' torture or Bill Cosby's criminal trial, stipulates "confidentiality" of all parties to the proceedings in situ, including but not limited to a witness's prior testimony before another court --often of evidentiary interest to plaintiffs' counsels. Accordingly, some of pretrial activity before a court  (eg. motions to subpoena testimony) involves arguments for and against release of a witness from a "non-disclosure" agreement with another court or a private party and the scope of witness interrogation, or deposition ("questioning").

"Strike from the record."

At trial attys frequently contest witness appearance and the (admissibility, de jure def.) of a witness' testimony for a finding of law that compel production of the evidence (rules of either civil or criminal procedure). Conversely, requests for transcripts of trial proceedings, if avalable and whether or not the petitioner is party to hearings or depositions, are costly (de facto def).

Punchline: The entire premise, or issue, of Daniels' vs. Cohen, agent representing Trump, is the validity of the ND agreement both parties accepted. Daniels' atty has turned adjudication of the issue into a publicity banquet by asserting that this "gag order" (hush money, consideration, kompromat, black!mail, ND) binding his client's silence somehow either prevents her testifying for prosecutors of US vs. Cohen (forthcoming; he has not been indicted!) --OR-- the proceedings of US vs Cohen are somehow materially pertinent to the merit of her own lawsuit.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 07:22:26 PM EST
[ Parent ]
US Government Seeks to Gag Lawyer for Russian National Mariia Butina

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 02:47:32 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Prosecutor Seeks Protective Order on Butina Evidence
Prosecutor Thomas Saunders with the Department of Justice said in court Wednesday morning that the government could be ready to hand over the discovery material within a few days, but noted that the parties can't agree on a ["]protective order["].
Daniels vs Cohen redux with a splash of US vs. Manafort, US vs. Concord Management, and Cohen "investigation".

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 03:15:25 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Mind you, all of these cases are still pre-tria hearing phase of prosecution. The judges are making up, diverging from, federal procedure as prompted by DOJ political priority of the day. The court's partiality, prejudice or "bias," is pretty blatant.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 03:35:43 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Daniels, born Stephanie Cliffords, is suing Trump, his former personal attorney Michael Cohen and shell company Essential Consultants to nullify a confidentiality agreement over her alleged affair with Trump in 2006.

This is the first time I've ever read a courthousenews reporter call it like it is. Which is NOT extortion by Trump, but Daniels' "optics" put her in a sweet spot to exploit propriety of the office and American sactimony coming and going.

Prostitute or Porn "Artist"? Adulturer? Sex worker? Human trafficker? Slave?! Demands Refund

STEPHANOPOULOS: ... So is there any criminal activity?
When Cohen's atty took to MSM to capiutlate, I pointed readers to principles of contract law for guidance on the $tort value of Daniels joint-venture with Avenatti.

yep, the 5 Amd is in worse shape than ever --for everyone-- thanks to Team Mueller. Trivial, arbitrary law looks like it's settling in for a long, long stay.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 04:24:40 AM EST
[ Parent ]
This isn't a grand jury. And the parties (that presumably don't include Trump) have to request confidentiality, and the judge has to agree.

Note that if she is forced to testify about this, given that the divorce is over adultery (didn't her husband know what a porn star does?), it will have the side effect that she won't be able to make money out of this - presumably subsequent interviews etc will still fall under the NDA.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 08:27:30 AM EST
[ Parent ]
re: "the judge has to agree"

  1. I take it, you've never heard or read the expression, "discretion of the court".

  2. I've not information about "Mr Daniels'" petition for divorce. And, frankly, I don't give a damn. It's not my business, but I do know from first-hand experience divorce proceedings are born ugly.

  3. "No fault" + adultery (aggravating condition) is simple boilerplate. I've heard of worse. Dude has to overcome convention to get custody and alimony. Not my business how he gets it.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 03:08:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Discretion of the court means that the court can do what it wants, not that it must be discrete. I mentioned one possibility as a possibility, so I don't see what problem you have. In order to do so, I presume the parties would have to argue for discretion - if her husband is as keen for publicity as she is that won't happen, making your examples irrelevant.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 04:00:45 AM EST
[ Parent ]
  1. Well, yeah. There are a few atty jokes about that, eg. Who enforces the opinion of the court?
  2. "if her husband is as keen for publicity as she is that won't happen": That is an unexpected segue, considering. Application of the discretion of the court poses no distinction between public and private interests except where the welfare of a minor involves the interest of the state. Amen.
  3. Here: "The restraining order, issued by a Texas district judge in Kaufman County, bars Daniels from any contact with the child or access to the family's home and cars in the Dallas suburb of Forney." Is it likely Crain or Daniels would publicize proceedings of this divorce? I think not. The prejudice inherent in publicity is a matter of interest to the court, Family Court, Day 1.
  4. Jury trials of a divorce and child custody petitiona are as rare in Texas as they are in the other 49 states plus the D.C.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 10:14:54 PM EST
[ Parent ]
apple/tree venue
Unhappiness not grounds for divorce, woman is told
"One appeal judge said she reached her conclusion with "no enthusiasm whatsoever" but that Parliament would have to decide whether to introduce 'no fault' divorce on demand."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 06:22:47 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Judge to hear request for gag order against Stormy Daniels' lawyer

Silly man! U R DOIN IT RONG. No "gag order" for you!

Cohen Says Trump Knew, Approved Meeting With Russian Officials
"Cohen, according to sources, does not have audio recordings of the conversation but is willing to tell the details to special counsel Robert Mueller."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 05:40:53 PM EST
[ Parent ]
On Friday, with the 90-day stay expired and amid near-daily happenings on both sides of the case, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero said the irony of a request to gag Avenatti from Cohen was not lost on him. This week, Cohen's attorney recently released an audio recording to CNN from September 2016 where Cohen and Trump discussed making a payment to David Pecker, CEO of American Media, publisher of the National Enquirer and longtime friend of Trump.
[I've previously noted Otero's judgment of unrelated civil litigation. (His record conveys a flavor of Warren.) More pertinent to the motion in hand: No minors were harmed by the leak of this ruling! --ed.]

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 02:55:09 PM EST
[ Parent ]
A federal judge agreed to seal court transcripts and bar media from attending a court hearing involving the bankruptcy proceedings of attorney Michael Avenatti at his request on Wednesday
< wipes tears >

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 07:24:36 PM EST
[ Parent ]
motherlode of gag

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 04:05:36 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Incidentally, I tried to start a dialog with some youngsters about trade secret defenses in US case law and got no where. It seems a belief that employee communications are not subject to trade secret rights (IPR) of the employer are rife.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 04:09:21 PM EST
[ Parent ]

UK to warn public every week over `no-deal Brexit'

The information will be distributed as "bundles" to consumers and companies as Britain counts down to its departure from the European Union on 29 March 2019, said the newspaper.
UK Detains Two Dutch Nationals for Importing 1.6 Tons of Cocaine - Reports © AP Photo / Arnulfo Franco

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 at 05:41:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]
IMF: Netherlands among most affected in the event of a hard Brexit
Regulated marijuana trial plans should be bigger, says Council of State
absence of contiguous borders notwithstanding

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 at 05:53:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Before we start crying for Ireland, just think of the economic rebound when the entire UK service sector relocates there within three months.

I'd be buying real estate in Dublin.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 12:17:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Take a number.
Have you any idea the rate at which property values in Dublin have increased since the EC restructured the PIIG loan?

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 07:37:25 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Housing crisis deepens and raises pressure on Murphy

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 02:26:12 AM EST
[ Parent ]
the experience of Big Bang in the City is that encouraging bankster financialism may help your GDP, but does nothing for the wealth of the general population

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:34:06 PM EST
[ Parent ]
house prices are NOT wealth

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:34:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]
To the contrary: Wealth is credit.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 04:09:47 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"creating money out of thin air" and all that ahh voodoo

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:23:56 PM EST
[ Parent ]
There is the 'real' economy and its mirror, the 'financial' economy. I.E. the property and the right to use it and the mortgage on that property. But it is far from a perfect mirror. For example, property can be owned mortgage free.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 01:17:32 AM EST
[ Parent ]
More US translation of foreign events which have just come the the reporter's attention.
UK Top Diplomat Warns No Brexit Deal 'Now a Very Real Risk'
who (is not Raab)
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told reporters in Berlin after meeting German counterpart Heiko Maas that "there is now a very real risk of a Brexit no deal by accident [!]"
wut (d'fuq)
"But my real concern is that it will change British public attitudes to Europe for a generation."
trump (card)
[German FM Heiko] Maas declined to comment on the threat from Britain's lead negotiator [WHO?] on Brexit that London might not pay its 39 billion pound ($51 billion) divorce bill if no trade agreement with the EU is reached.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 07:27:14 PM EST
[ Parent ]
yea, cos the first thing that'll hapen is that, as soon as somebody wants to buy or sell something from the UK, somebody in Brussels will say, "not till you pay us 39 billion euros. Oh, and by the way, since you've been gone, the pound has fallen through the floor, so that'll be far more expensive than if you'd just paid when you left"

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:36:53 PM EST
[ Parent ]
credibility: "Mind the Gap", eh?

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:09:55 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Ukrainian city council debates the budget

Story here.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 06:33:32 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Settling scores ... ideal trait for our future NATO partner.

Offsets the ideals of the EEC, a united Europe based on the four principles to prevent war - a goal for peace.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 08:16:51 AM EST
[ Parent ]
After Budget Cuts, Greece Is At Risk Of A Devastating Forest Fire - Business Insider
Unfortunately, though, Greece's firefighters say that they are less ready operationally than they were last year this time; many senior officers and other experienced firefighters have left the service, fearing that new social security legislation will offer fewer benefits for pensioners; fewer firefighting aircraft are available; government austerity measures have reduced wages by between 150 and 300 euros. All of these factors mean that fewer and less-experienced firefighters will be doing more work than ever - for less pay. This would seriously demoralize the service.

From 2010.
by generic on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 01:40:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Who Could Have Predicted?
by Bernard (bernard) on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 06:17:06 PM EST
[ Parent ]
When he was London mayor boris Johnston cut a large number of fire stations, personnel and specialised equipment. Including tall platform engines.

I'm not saying this contribued to the problems at Frenfell Tower, but it wouldn't have helped

keep to the Fen Causeway

by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 08:24:39 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Thousands protest as Polish president signs judicial appointments law
The PiS party has said an overhaul is needed to make the courts more efficient and eradicate the influence of Poland's communist past.

"Without (judiciary) reforms, we cannot rebuild the Polish state so that it serves its citizens," said Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of the eurosceptic party [PiS] that combines left-leaning economics with nationalist politics.

wait for it ...
The European Commission is running an unprecedented "rule-of-law investigation" that could lead to the suspension of Poland's voting rights in the 28-member bloc. It has also opened several separate legal cases against Poland, the largest former communist EU state, including some over the Supreme Court.
another blow to "enemy of my enemy"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 01:47:45 PM EST
[ Parent ]
The avowed need to rebuild he state should give people the creeps. The model is Hungary.

A society committed to the notion that government is always bad will have bad government. And it doesn't have to be that way. — Paul Krugman
by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 03:19:02 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Istanbul Convention `unconstitutional' in Bulgaria
In several EU member states, notably in Bulgaria and Slovakia, the convention's critics claim that the Council of Europe document is a Trojan horse aimed at introducing a "third sex" and same-sex marriage.

So far, the 2011 Istanbul Convention has been ratified by 18 EU members: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
In Bulgaria, key political forces, including the opposition Socialists and the United Patriots, junior partners to the ruling GERB, openly oppose the Istanbul Convention.

Obviously, these factions form the catholic and protestant conservative majority.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 05:45:47 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:23:48 PM EST
Meanwhile, Facebook -- whose platform played a key role in distributing referendum messaging -- booked revenue of around $40.7BN in 2017 alone, reporting a full year profit of almost $16BN.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 12:25:41 PM EST
[ Parent ]
I don't know if it's true, but I'd imagine that political indifference to overt electoral tampering was one of the more obvious signs that your democracy is dying.

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:38:23 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Coinbase reportedly gets approval from U.S. regulators to start listing tokenized securities

Always Read the Footnotes 2 Aug 2017

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 12:31:21 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 06:11:55 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Zentail, an e-commerce operating system, estimated that as of midnight Tuesday  Seattle time, Amazon had sold $3.5 billion worth of goods.
In solidarity with striking workers throughout Europe, many in the U.S. and throughout the world are calling for boycotts of "Prime Day," which lasts 36 hours.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 06:03:41 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Ryanair Cabin Crews in 4 European Countries Go On Strike + pilots in IE
"I have sympathy for the workers, but I don't think this is fair for the customers and those who have to travel because they need to work"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 05:26:16 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Boycotting Prime Day won't change anything at Amazon unless the government intervenes too
I've grown accustomed to a life of Deliveroo, Uber and Netflix. And if there's a way I can have a new phone charger dropped through my letterbox two hours after the old one breaks, I'm all in. And I'm not alone.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 11:53:51 PM EST
[ Parent ]
archived Classic Americana, Created November 14, 2013
"In December, I will do everything I need to in order to be seen as middle class."  

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 12:01:03 AM EST
[ Parent ]
German pilots set for 'big yes vote' in new Ryanair strike
Meanwhile, the airline has denied it was trying to intimidate staff by putting 100 pilots and 200 cabin crew on protective notice [US-Eng., suspended without pay?] last week.
German pilots back industrial action at Ryanair
Members of the Vereinigung Cockpit union voted by 96pc in favour of industrial action. In a statement, the union said that any action will be announced at least 24 hours ahead of time to give the travelling public time to make other arrangements.
"fair" enough: IE requires seven days public notice.
In its statement, Ryanair said this week's strike is being mounted by just 25pc of its Irish pilots. The majority of the 350 or so of them are contractors.
fomerly-known-as scabs

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 05:24:05 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 02:49:38 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Mann Act Revival UPDATE
Heiress to Liquor Fortune Charged in Sex Slavery Prostitution Case
Seagram's liquor heiress Clare Bronfman was arraigned in Brooklyn federal court on racketeering charges [RICO, 18 U.S. Code Chapter 96, conspiracy to commit WHAT CRIME?] Tuesday in connection with ... Keith Raniere, founder of international professional-development group NXIVM, and his "inner circle," charging them with running a cult-like criminal enterprise.
Prosecutors claim women known as "masters" recruited other women, known as "slaves," to join DOS, while concealing Raniere's position at the top of the pyramid.

indictment: KEITH RANIERE,also known as "Vanguard," CLARE BRONFMAN, ALLISON MACK, KATHY RUSSELL, LAUREN SALZMAN and NANCY SALZMAN, also known as "Prefect," and others known and unlnown, comprised an organized criminal enterprise (the "Enterprise").
10 Acts, propounding concerted crimes

bankrolled by a pair of Seagram's Liquor heirs,
mail and wire fraud never.gets.old

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 08:58:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"Bottom Bitch" Reaches for Freedom of Religion Defense
"Clare Bronfman did nothing wrong. Nxivm was not a criminal enterprise but instead was an organisation that helped thousands of people," she said.

"The charges against Clare are the result of government overreaching and charging an individual with crimes just because the government disagrees with some beliefs taught by Nxivm and held by Clare.

"This is not how things should be done in America.

"We are confident that Clare will be exonerated."

Nxivm, a "conservative religion"

archived March 2018
this.empowerment(Raniere, women)

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 08:15:08 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Trump accuses China, EU of currency manipulation, blasts Fed for currency manipulation
He said the Fed's course of ["]tightening monetary["] policy 'now hurts all that we have done.'"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 04:30:41 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Trump says he's 'ready' to put tariffs on all $505 billion of Chinese goods imported to the US

If he's truly dumb enough, he'll submit all his orders before the new year, leaving the electorate nearly two years to relish collapse of The Economy. This will put them in the proper frame of mind in 2020 to vote Anyone-But-Trump to claim the unitary executive office.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 05:18:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Facebook signs agreement with Washington state to end discriminatory ad targeting
"Facebook's advertising platform allowed unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, sexual orientation, disability and religion," [Washington AG Bob] Ferguson said.
That's gonna leave a mark.

But let's just see if Zuck can litigate the "business model" out of the US constitutional weeds.

A huge industry and the world waits with baited breath. I for one look forward especially to Airb CEOs on the dock.


Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 01:16:28 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Whatever it takes

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 11:33:35 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"The case is Kacouris v Facebook Inc et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 18-06765."


Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 12:10:02 AM EST
[ Parent ]
More "Academics in Cars" (My man Jared Ball is up to twelve in the series outta Morehouse.)

And Return of the Stress Test, over the Cliff Edge.

Asked about Brexit, [Carney the ex-Yank] said the bank could have a disorderly Brexit stress test within nine months.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 12:50:57 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:23:52 PM EST
Was it a Summit or a Meeting ... the media will just about debate anything of "substance". The press was present in large numbers but did they comprehend what was said in the brief statements?

The topic of today ...

When Obama's former CIA Intelligence Chief reacts this way, it's a GOOD sign. I trust Trump will take it as a motivation to move forward and not get stuck in the past of failed policy and diplomacy.

Trump will use the excuse: "It happened on Obama's watch."  #Crimea #NordStream2 #Syria

My diary - Trump Meets Putin [Updated].

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:37:12 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Russian moles Maria Butina and Alexander Torshin in the NRA: The "odd overlap" of criminal activity to pervert gun-loving principles of "democratic processes", influence US politicians of the Republican Party persausion, and fraternize with NRA members at its National Prayer Breakfasts, 2012-2017.

Mother Jones investigative reporters allege.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 12:17:32 AM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 04:58:54 PM EST
[ Parent ]
<tears in my eyes> slicing onion :)

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 06:43:24 PM EST
[ Parent ]
You get the last laugh!
Collusion Russia 'Spy' Butina with Israeli Top Banker

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:11:27 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Now the second thing: I believe that Russia is a democratic state, and I hope you are not denying this right to your own country, you're not denying that United States is a democracy. Do you believe United States is a democracy? And if so, if it is a democratic state, then the final conclusion in this kind of a dispute can only be delivered by a trial, by the court, not by the executive, by the law enforcement.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 08:23:34 AM EST
[ Parent ]

What we won't be told, however, is that Kennedy himself, considering his overall Supreme Court tenure and his unseemly ties to the Trump family, isn't really a centrist. Yes, Kennedy sometimes joined the court's liberals in high-profile cases. Undoubtedly, his foremost accomplishment as an occasional liberal was his 2015 majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, establishing the constitutional right of gay and lesbian couples to marry--a precedent that Kavanaugh's elevation will jeopardize.

But Kennedy's jurisprudence had a ["]dark side["] as well.

But Kennedy's jurisprudence had a devious purpose as well. In 2000, he joined the court's shameless 7-2 decision in Bush v. Gore, handing the presidential election to the GOP. In 2008, he joined Antonin Scalia's 5-4 majority ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, recognizing an individual's right to own firearms under the Second Amendment. The same year, he joined the majority to uphold Indiana's voter ID law in Crawford v. Marion County. In 2013, he signed on to Chief Justice John Robert's notorious decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted a major provision of the Voting Rights Act.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 05:38:04 PM EST
[ Parent ]

anonymous. political cartoon. digital photo composite. 2018.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House
The ICA relied not only on public Russian leadership commentary and state media reports, but also "a body of intelligence reporting to support the assessment that Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for Trump," the committee found.
The House committee declined to make an assessment about whether the intelligence community's underlying claim -- that Putin developed a clear preference for Trump -- was correct, one of the GOP members leading that probe said at the time. What the panel has taken issue with, according to Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), is "how they came to it and the underlying documents they used."

TheHill.com. comedy. 2018

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 09:38:58 PM EST
[ Parent ]
I have a phone camera, but I don't have cable tv.  My understanding is, this new presenter's name is Jake Tapper.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 11:29:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Putin certainly knows it. But even Trump, while not being a Clausewitzian strategist, may have had an intuition that the post-WWII liberal order, built by a hegemonic US and bent on permanent US military hegemony over the Eurasian landmass while subduing a vassal Europe, is waning.

While Trump firebombs this United States of Europe as an "unfair" competitor of the US, it's essential to remember that it was the White House that asked for the Helsinki summit, not the Kremlin.

"It means that they are competitive."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 11:41:56 PM EST
[ Parent ]
The kids are not alright.
The Truth about Tanacon
It's not a "house part"y, when ticket buyers are defrauded, vendors are defrauded, people are injured, property is damaged, the event that exceeds venue maximum capacity, and event producers did not obtain a permit.

Civil complaints and criminal charges forthcoming: It's not me! is not going to cut it.

## Mental disorder is a communicable disease.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 04:42:10 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Young, Criminal `Entrepreneur' Settles With SEC
apple, tree

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 09:35:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"generational wealth" and the "lie detector"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 09:39:43 PM EST
[ Parent ]
getting wise to "capital"

Besides Hawaii has a BIG housing shortage problem.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 09:46:23 PM EST
[ Parent ]
WaPoo on invidious M&A, or "post-colonialism":
She appears to be the most popular member of the Trump administration, pulling off the unique trick of wooing Democrats with her independence while not alienating Republicans. (Democrats approved of her 55 percent to 23 percent after her "I don't get confused" rebuke of Larry Kudlow, and Republicans approved 75 to 9.) She's also extremely popular with the young conservative crowd she was speaking to Monday.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 05:14:22 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:23:55 PM EST
jobs saved or created
CRISPR DNA editing may cause serious genetic damage, researchers warn
The problem isn't that CRISPR is going wild and producing this damage on its own [?]; instead, the issue is an unexpectedly sloppy repair job by the cell itself.
bad cell, bad, bad cell

After a CRISPR snip, lead author Bradley explained in a Nature news writeup, "the cell will try to stitch things back together. But it [?] doesn't really know [?] what bits of DNA lie adjacent to each other."
Next Week: amputations, leeches, CHD, tuberculosis, cancers, pneumonias, influenzas, diabetes I-II, herpes I-IV, MS, MD, DS, ASD, COPD, irritable BS, restless LS, "trauma"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 12:47:23 PM EST
[ Parent ]
right hand: Trump, EU agree to work on lowering tariffs, averting a potential trade war
[Juncker] agreed to lower industrial tariffs and import more U.S. soybeans.
left hand: EU prepares retaliatory tariffs on $20 bln of US goods
feet: Industry shocked by EU Court decision to put gene editing technique under GM law
"EASAC reaffirms that breakthroughs in plant breeding technologies, such as genome editing, remain crucial for food and nutrition security globally. It remains to be seen what implications this decision may have outside of the EU, particularly in developing countries who stand to benefit most from crops that better withstand the devastating effects of climate change," EASAC said.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 26th, 2018 at 02:09:27 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Knesset Rolls Back Prime Minister's War Powers

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 at 11:20:12 PM EST
[ Parent ]
possibly related news
PBS | Firing Line: "progressive It Girl" 13 July
running time 00:26:00 / EN

Female [US] lawmakers, candidates must be the voice for women worldwide

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 12:01:30 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Liberal Icon, New Democratic Star Wade Into GOP-Heavy Kansas
"Their combined messages sought to unite not just the diverse group in the hall, but restless liberals around the country."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 at 05:26:41 PM EST
[ Parent ]
First kites and balloons, and now birds are being used to by Palestinians in Gaza to set fires in southern Israel.

Israel Nature and Parks Authority personnel on Monday afternoon found a common kestrel, a member of the falcon family, hanging from a burned tree wearing a harness to which was attached a wire wrapped around flammable material.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 06:41:34 AM EST
[ Parent ]
< wipes tears >

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 01:36:30 PM EST
[ Parent ]
This is in India, of course. You didn't really think I was talking about the US, did you? The Hindu
In a vital decision that will help secure the rights of Internet users in the country, the Telecom Commission has approved the recommendations of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on net neutrality. By endorsing steps that call for amendments to access services licences for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Telecom Operators, the Commission has made it clear that any violation of net neutrality will be treated as a violation of the licence conditions. It has said that some specialised and emerging services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) may be exempt from the non-discriminatory principles, but these cannot be at the cost of the overall quality of Internet access.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 11:37:37 AM EST
[ Parent ]
by generic on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 12:48:49 PM EST
[ Parent ]
And here is Cohen making fun of a right-wing journalist, while pretending to be making fun of Sanders.

by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 01:00:11 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Hilarious! Bernie should get a 'straight man' award for his performance.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Sun Jul 22nd, 2018 at 05:33:43 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"... the science behind this program ..."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 01:41:23 PM EST
[ Parent ]
This isn't America.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 08:50:54 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by generic on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 10:00:58 AM EST
[ Parent ]
"This is not a decision I expected from the Likud leadership," he said.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 06:16:52 PM EST
[ Parent ]
A few weeks ago, we had a mini-meltdown in DiEM25 when a press release used the word "apartheid" in the context of  Israel/Palestine.
(Much as I disapprove of assigning political attitudes based on national identity, it is fair to say that German members, and no others, had a problem with the word.)

Problem solved, thanks to Netanyahu the peacemaker.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 01:15:47 PM EST
[ Parent ]

China and Pakistan link up with fibreoptic cable

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 09:06:09 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 11:30:03 PM EST
[ Parent ]
India's Top Court Likely to Overturn Colonial-Era Anti-Homosexuality Law
"Our focus is not only on the sexual act, but the relationship between two consenting adults and the manifestation of their rights under Articles 14 and 21"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 11:32:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Sovereignty is not well understood.
Precisely where or in what or whom authority lies has also been contested for as long as human societies have existed. But outside tiny and arcane philosophical, religious or political circles, the idea that in principle compliance can be rightfully compelled never is.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 02:52:40 PM EST
[ Parent ]

iirc, this outfit doesn't serve display ads. Maybe they're into pixel leasing?


PS jobs saved or created
OneTrust.con | GDPR and ePrivacy compliance for cookies and online tracking technologies

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 at 06:22:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]
U.S. launches campaign to erode support for Iran's leaders | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has launched an offensive of speeches and online communications meant to foment unrest and help pressure Iran to end its nuclear program and its support of militant groups, U.S. officials familiar with the matter said.
by generic on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 11:57:27 AM EST
[ Parent ]
if the Trump administration are designing it, I'd imagine an imminent rise in national unity behind the current Iranian government.

keep to the Fen Causeway
by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Mon Jul 23rd, 2018 at 08:44:28 PM EST
[ Parent ]

`Tweet of Mass Destruction' ratchets up tension on Iran

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 11:16:26 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:24:43 PM EST
Water heroes, weather and pressure management boosting winter water-saving efforts

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 10:35:38 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Karta: Här blommar algerna i din kommun
warm water threats

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 06:08:46 PM EST
[ Parent ]
All wild on Ukraine's eastern front
More than 10,000 people have been killed in the more than four years of fighting in eastern Ukraine's Donbas region. An estimated 1.6 million more have been displaced. The economy has been devastated. And there's risk of environmental damage -- contamination of the soil and air from destroyed factories, flooded coal mines, landmines and exploded military ordnance.

But for the country's once beleaguered wildlife, the war has been a godsend. Because of the ongoing fighting, there's no systematic monitoring of the region's wild animal population. But local residents, soldiers, rangers and environmentalists agree: The area is undergoing an unintended -- and unexpected -- rewilding.

As recently as 2014, wolves attacking domestic animals in eastern Ukraine were tales told by grandparents. Today, in part because of a hunting ban in the war zone, large, wild predators are flourishing -- along with other rare flora and fauna -- along the 450-kilometer frontline.

"For hundreds of years populations of big animals were controlled, and now for the first time they are uncontrolled," said Oleksiy Vasilyuk, an ecologist from the Ukrainian NGO Environment People Law. "For us, it's great news."

by Bernard (bernard) on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 08:01:55 PM EST
[ Parent ]

EU nations help Sweden as wildfires rage above Arctic Circle
"Temperatures in Sweden and its Nordic neighbours Finland and Sweden have reached over 32C this week, making the region's brush and forests highly flammable."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 04:06:37 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Flames ravage Greek seaside as wildfires kill 74
another hand of man, allegedly, drought opportunity?
No matter.
Msg received: A 'biblical disaster'

2015 Wildfires Rage Across Greece
2017 Arson suspected in fires raging on Ionian island of Zakynthos

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 09:24:44 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Brussels, Greece among EU Brexit options for London insurance brokers - trade body
"LIIBA will be pursuing a more in-depth exploration of whether Athens or Piraeus could prove a viable alternative location"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 12:40:38 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Tsipras accepts "political responsibility"
Satellite images purportedly catch simultaneous origins. [ekathemerini, 7.26.18] ND nipping at his heels.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 at 06:06:28 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Wildfire smoke ruining *vacation, business* for thousands at Yosemite National Park
US American mainstream values in a nutshell.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 03:44:42 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 03:54:20 AM EST
[ Parent ]

by generic on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 12:45:21 PM EST
[ Parent ]

At least 24 injured, thousands lost power as Jongdari slammed into Japan
The departure of Jongdari will be followed by building heat across southern and western Japan late this week. [...]Jongdari brought heat relief to many areas, but the opposite occurred along the northeastern coast. Temperatures spiked between 35 and 38 C (95 and 100 F) on Sunday in communities such as Kanazawa and Niigata as air flowed down the slopes of the mountains, heating up in the process.
Typhoon Jongdari Makes Landfall In Japan As The Nation Reels From Record Floods And Heat
"Earlier in July, a deluge of record rainfall in western Japan led to historic flooding and mudslides that killed more than 200 people, marking one of the country's worst weather-related disasters in the modern era."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 11:43:32 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Still chugging!

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 at 11:44:36 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:24:45 PM EST
One country, two Departments of Justice.

Trump Again Breaks With Intel Chief Over Russia

"I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it [would | would not] be."
Feds Reopen Case That Sparked Civil Rights Push
"The Till case has been re-opened by DOJ based upon the discovery of new information," according to a report issued to Congress on March 26.
The Honorable Michael R. Pence,
The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch,
The Honorable Mitch McConnell,
The Honorable Charles E. Schumer,
The Honorable Paul Ryan,
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy,
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi,
The Honorable Charles E. Grassley,
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein,
The Honorable Robert Goodlatte,
The Honorable Jerrold Nadler,

Pursuant to The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act of 2007 and the Emmett Till Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act of 2016, enclosed please find a report on the activities of the Department of Justice regarding pre-1980 racially motivated homicides.

Please do not hesitate to contact this office if we may provide additional assistance regarding this or any other matter.*

"Because the matter is ongoing, the department can provide no further information about the current investigation," the report continues.

Last year, news broke that Carolyn Bryant Donham, the white woman whose accusations of Till's alleged flirtation sexual harassment contributed to  incited his murder, had admitted she lied on the witness stand.

* eg. the origin of the first federal hate-crime statutes in 1968. 42 USC 3631 and 18 USC 245 (p 20)

You're welcome.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 at 08:52:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Family Law

A personal matter ... in a friendly surrounding many years ago, the Pond community reacted to living reality and empathy.

Just a shout out ... my daughter's ugly divorce from a narcissistic partner, well educated and a lawyer, caused much grief and hardship. The Court actions lasted seven years and we managed to keep joined custody of her son. Son-in-law belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church ... ;) Damn!

The costs were an extreme burden for my daughters and we as parents who gave her all support during those years.

The lessons I learned about matters of Dutch Family Law and the Child Care and Protection Board I was able to use in a second case of a young mother with a lovely daughter. A friend of a friend of mine. Besides once again a narcissistic person. this partner had left her in the dark about extreme psychiatric problems. Today after years of Court actions, the Appeals Court upheld the earlier decree. The girl of six years old is safe by the mother. Due to risk for safety of the girl, the biological father does not get visiting rights where he is alone with the girl, his daughter. Only with supervision of a professional in a secure setting will the father meet her. Tough call all around.

PS Spend more time on these court actions during a decade than time spend on blogging :) haha working 24/7 during retirement.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 at 08:42:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]
The second case has been extremely rewarding. The woman is the eldest daughter of a large family of immigrant parents from Morocco. The family of eleven live in the metropolitan area of Amsterdam. Forced into marriage at the age of 19 during a "vacation" in the home country which was alien to her. During pregnancy she "escaped" with support of Dutch representation and due to some health issues.

She became estranged from het parents in Holland and family members. Her strong character pulled her through, finished a higher education in the financials and began building on her career as a single parent. She fell in love with a Dutchman ... a narcissistic person with a dual personality. The psychiatric events started during her pregnancy ... a control freak who thinks the infant is his "property". So common place in literature, with often a murderous end game. Horrific.

She was determined to take hold of her personal self once again, a strong woman. I have much respect for her. I came into her life by fortuity, pure coincidence. With my practical insight of this personality disorder and  the legal procedure of Family Law, we made a great team.

The Moroccans in Holland are discriminated, I had to convince her to be proud of her heritage, family and Islam. I said this will work to your advantage to frustrate the control under which her ex-partner wanted to keep her. Indeed, submission of the woman.

She succeeded with an A+ ... great feeling today.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 07:52:05 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Heavy Stuff
It was the Romans who came up with the idea of using lead for plumbing--naming plumbing after their word for lead, "plumbum," or liquid silver--but it was also the Romans who first discovered that there were good reasons not to drink from lead vessels. Observe the pallid color of lead workers and see how the "vigor of their blood" was destroyed by the fumes from casting lead, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio commanded. In his foundational work of classical architecture, De Architectura, the only architecture manual to survive from antiquity--in which he derived architectural aesthetics from a consideration of the human body, leading to one of Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous paintings to be called "The Vitruvian body"--Vitrivius argued that there was a relationship between how to build cities and houses and how to build bodies, and it therefore followed that we should keep lead out of both bodies. "Water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes," he writes, "if we are desirous that it should be wholesome."

Didn't know this. (from Naked Capitalism)

by generic on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 11:27:42 AM EST
[ Parent ]
jobs saved or created
How do religious ideologies spread?

I'm going to answer, ultimatum. Now pay me.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Mon Jul 30th, 2018 at 04:03:31 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:24:48 PM EST
Belated news.
July 21, 1918 -100: Of ex-Romanovs, unnoticed retreats, juniors, and potatoes by the Pound
Women displace butlers and Czar Nicholas II was executed.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 02:22:24 AM EST
[ Parent ]
by Bjinse on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 at 08:24:50 PM EST
< reckless eyeballin' >
"I know mate. My favourite one is the character actor you have here who looks like a butch lesbian masquerading as a straight woman in charge of the DUP, the most homophobic political party in the UK."

uh oh

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Fri Jul 20th, 2018 at 04:04:16 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Citizenship is not well understood.
The Brief - Dual citizenship
"In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose. I feel unwanted and think that what I have achieved since my international debut in 2009 has been forgotten"

Vox: Why France produces the most World Cup players
Speaking of Negros with tanks

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Tue Jul 24th, 2018 at 07:37:32 PM EST
American captured in Syria charged in U.S. with supporting Islamic State
Musaibli, a natural-born U.S. citizen, will be arraigned in federal court in Detroit on Wednesday, it said. ... U.S. prosecutors in Indiana said Musaibli was transferred from the ["]custody["] of the Syrian Democratic Forces along with a U.S. woman, Samantha Elhassani, who has been charged with making false statements to the FBI.
Elhassani was accompanied by her four minor U.S. citizen children, who were placed in the ["]care["] of the Indiana Department of Child Services, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Indiana said in a statement.

Both defendants arrived in Indiana on Tuesday. Musaibli was transferred to Michigan, and Elhassani, also known as Samantha Sally, will appear in federal court in Hammond, Indiana, at a later date, according to the statement.

The Brief - Dual citizenship
"I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose."
Western Led Syrian War Nears End
Detaining Immigrant Kids is Now a Billion-Dollar Industry
" 'It was never intended to be a foster care system with more than 10,000 children in custody at an immediate cost to the federal taxpayer of over $1 billion dollars per year,' [Steven] Wagner said in a statement."
The Sounds of Crying Children to Haunt His Dreams

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 12:56:04 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Samantha Sally Elhassani

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 01:27:25 AM EST
[ Parent ]
No image yet of Ibraheem Izzy Musaibli; you know that that means. This is a job for a stunt double!

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 at 01:32:30 AM EST
[ Parent ]
"Women and minorities" Edition
German and something else: minorities say #metwo after Ozil quits
Many greeted Ozil's claims of racism with scepticism, prompting thousands of others to come forward with their own experiences, attempting to highlight a problem that people from majority communities rarely experience.
"It's an opportunity to talk about integration, and what it actually means to be German," he added.
< wipes tears >
While America is a "melting pot", he said: "Here, it's like a salad bowl: everyone is somehow mixed but next to each other. We hope that we'll be a bit more like America."
low bar

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 at 11:52:27 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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