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Greece Expels Two Russians: US Ambassador of Change

by Oui Fri Aug 3rd, 2018 at 09:16:06 AM EST

Could there be a link?

Geoffrey Pyatt goes back to service at the US embassy in Baghdad during the Iraq War and occupation. Quite a guy.

Ukraine: 2012 - 'Maidan Revolt' or coup d'etat of February 2014 - NATO expansion - 2015
Greece: 2016 - expulsion of two Soviet ehh Russian agents - gas contracts Cyprus and Aegean Sea

Geoffrey Pyatt named new US ambassador to Greece | Greek Reporter - May 2016 |

On Obama's watch, nomination of "diplomat" Pyatt who maintains close relations with Victoria Nuland. Nuland who had served under VP Dick Cheney during the Bush years.

More below the fold ...

Gen. Sisi of Egypt wasn't fooled by president Obama and the US State Department ...

Egyptians Already Hate the Next US Ambassador to Cairo
Egypt rejects US ambassador Robert Ford - | FT - Dec. 2013 |

Related reading ...

The Fool's Errand to Topple Assad
Robert Ford resigned and he did so in protest and on principle because he could no longer defend the Obama administration's policy.
2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State "in order to isolate the Syrian regime"
French and US ambassador visits bolster Hama protests | France24 - July 2011 |

So now the big powers Russia and US plus the neighboring states (Israel included) are willing to accept Bashar Assad to stay on as president of Syria. Death and destruction during seven years of ugly sectarian and civil strife. Over half a million deaths divided over both sides, countless wounded and millions seeking refuge beyond the Syrian border. Damages run into $200bn. Europe changed from a moderate continent into a bulwark of right-wing politics. Great show thanks to neocons and Anglo Conservatives. The only reason I hope Brexit turns out for an European Union less likely to follow the warmongering of the US-UK alliance.


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