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Brexiteer Big Winner Dutch Upper House Election

by Oui Thu Mar 21st, 2019 at 07:54:28 PM EST

Stupidity cannot just be claimed by Trump voters or the British in support of ideas propagated by ERG extremists in the Brexit campaign ...

Yesterday the Dutch voters gave a majority in the senate to newcomer Thierry Baudet ... where did this shooting star originate from?

Forum for Democracy | Wikipedia |

Forum for Democracy was established as a think tank; its main feat was campaigning for the 2016 Dutch Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement referendum. In September 2016, it converted itself into a political party and announced its intention to take part in the 2017 Dutch general election. In joining the democratic system, they hope to change the system.

Thierry Baudet founder and leader of the party FvD (2016)

In the 2017 general election, the FvD ended up with 1.8% of the vote and 2 seats, entering parliament for the first time.

In January 2019 the FvD had approximately 30,000 members [citation needed] .. The bulk of the Forum's parliamental candidates did not have prior active experience in other political parties. In February 2018 the party suffered from internal issues with a number of prominent members leaving the party, because they felt the party had a lack of internal democracy.

In the 2018 municipal elections, the FvD won 3 seats at the Amsterdam city council.

During the 2019 provincial elections, Forum for Democracy won 86 seats spread across the 12 provinces of the Netherlands. In South Holland, North Holland and Flevoland, FvD became the largest party, winning 11, 9 and 8 seats respectively. In all other provinces, the party captured either the second or third spot in terms of the popular vote.

You British people recognize him?

More below the fold ...

Daniel Hannan and Campaign to Leave the EU | Wikipedia |

Hannan, being one of the founders of the successful Vote Leave campaign, was at the forefront of the 2016 Referendum on membership of the European Union, being described in The Guardian as "the man who brought you Brexit"

Along with Douglas Carswell, Hannan is credited with being "part of the hard core who kept the flame of Tory Euroscepticism burning -- and tirelessly promoted their own positive, internationalist case for Britain's exit from the EU in parallel to Farage's negative, isolationist one." As he was about to graduate, Hannan wrote to Tory rebels against the Maastricht Bill 1992 who together created the European Research Group, with Hannan as their secretary.

Hannan claims the name was intentionally innocuous, since the group worked unabashedly against the single currency and the ECJ. Hannan was involved in the creation of the Congress for Democracy, an umbrella organisation for different Eurosceptic groups, which reportedly contained both trade union shop stewards and UKIP activists.

On Twitter, Hannan claimed that "it's irresponsible to scare EU nationals in the UK by hinting their status might change after Brexit. No one's suggesting such a thing". Despite that the government wish to make EU nationals apply for "settled status" to remain here.

FBI, FTC and SEC are Joining DOJ Inquiry Facebook Data

This Dutch referendum spells trouble for Europe | Opinion Joris Luyendijk - April 2016 |
Meet the Dutch alt-right ideologue that won two seats in parliament | May 2017 |

Britain's vote to leave the EU was the grand finale of a 25-year campaign by a lonely sect of true believers. Daniel Hannan wrote the script ...

The man who brought you Brexit | The Guardian - Sept. 29, 2016 |

A Star Is Born

Motivated by this "star in the east," they first traveled to Jerusalem and told King Herod the prophecy that a new ruler of the people of Israel would be born. We also need to think like King Herod, who asked the wise men when the star had appeared, because he and his court, apparently, were unaware of any such star in the sky.

The Jew Jesus could be considered a socialist ... not so the rise of the alt-right with Netanyahu, Trump, May, Baudet ...

Israel is a Kahanist State | Tikun Olam |
Trump: Time for US to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights | Ynet News |

An owl he is in reality ... what an utter nonsense he speaks. How can anyone, indeed anyone vote for such a populist idiot?? Where does he get the finances from?

Oikofoby? Boreaal? Immanent? Words used by Owl Baudet | AD - Dutch |

"And that's how we stand here. Tonight, at the eleventh hour, literally. Amid the debris of what was once the most beautiful, greatest civilization the world has ever known. A civilization that covered all corners of the world, which was full of confidence. And who has produced the most beautiful architecture, the most beautiful music and the most beautiful painting that ever existed under the starry sky. Our country is part of that civilization family. But just like those other countries of that boreal world, we are being destroyed by people who should protect us."

More Trumpian language, nothing original to be detected ...

"We are undermined by our universities, our journalists, by the people who receive our art grants and who design our buildings. And above all, we are undermined by our directors. A clique, a clique of networkers, professional meetings, people who have never read a book in their lives, and who have no idea what the important issues are in the longer term. Unfortunately, they control the decision-making bodies of our country and make the wrong choices time and time again in a curious mix of ignorance and cynical self-interest. Not for long!"

For what reason does Baudet use the term "Boreal"? Any suggestions ...

The restoration of the Boreal Crown might result in the downfall of Civilization and the triumph of Harmony
The New Dutch Disease Is White Nationalism | Foreign Policy |

In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, swastika means "well-being"...

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 21st, 2019 at 08:54:16 PM EST
Pursued or Pursuer?

I'm just climbing out of the sewer of European history (in the innerboobs), 1594-1740 --at which point the several Great Wakenings, appending international war in the Americas, preoccupies well-worn, parochial knowledge of colonial history.

I took on the mission, when claims by descendants of the "Irish" persuasion to "white slavery" in the period came to my attention: 50,000 [CITATION NEEDED] sold down the river, so to speak, called the Atlantic, or "Oceana". Over the weekend I have become more familiar with competing historiography and oral tradition [eg. Uliad Cycle] in the period. It is a most contentious era in terms of international sectarian warfare and duplicity --which contemporary ahh certain "social historians" are unwilling or unable to synthesize thoughtfully.

Who knew that Sephardic Jews, for example, emigrating from Holland were as prominent a cohort of beneficiaries of torrid English civil wars as the Scots-Irish and English --Catholic and Puritan-- peerage slicing the "West Indies" into "patents"?

Two essays in particular, "Beyond the Seas: Eighteenth-Century Convict Transportation and the Widening Net of Penal Sanctions" and "Cromwellian Language of Empire" come to mind in this search for one explanation (there isn't one) of capital formation that weakly informs public discourse on "race" and iniquity today.

The first provides in excruciating detail the evolution of juridical reasoning for penal code and sentencing across "the three kingdoms" (which funnel the poor from waste lands to London, where merchants easily exploit price discovery and arbitrage opportunities with head rights tied to "transportation"). The second provides in excruciating detail the evolution of propaganda employed by the psychotic protector (and privy think tanks) to exploit alliances between Holland, France, and Spain to splice the western hemisphere; introducing mobile "new Jerusalem" hither and yon.

Amidst the many recurring cameo appearances by purportedly enlightened philosophers and "founding fathers" who endorse this or that policy in this or that phase of degenerate dynasties, my favorite note by the author is this persisting truth (seconded by Holland: "for amity with that people would make those two common wealths intire masters of the whole ocean").

A council meeting on the next day apparently discussed plans for a strike against Spain's American possessions, soon to be called 'the Western design'.19 Since the government had '16o sayle of shipps well appointed swimminge at sea', it seemed necessary to use them 'in some advantageous designe' rather than lay up valuable forces. Accordingly, with scant regard for past alliances or historic antagonisms, the discussion turned on whether to attack France or Spain. Spain seemed the more viable prize, as an enemy to the protestant nation and as the seemingly enfeebled guardian of rich treasure ripe for the picking. Thereby the design could be sold as 'more acceptable to the people of all sorts and the Parliament then any can be'.
Looking around today, I am bereft but for laughter. What a hoot this project of "democratic process" has become.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 25th, 2019 at 03:13:15 PM EST
suggestion: By 1808, Fourier has internalized the "language of empire" --England, Holland, France, Spain "as one" over the oceans (contingent to millenniarist epistemology, ahh protestant Second Great Awakening in N.A. and French civil and colonial warfare with you-know-who).

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 25th, 2019 at 04:07:04 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Mon Mar 25th, 2019 at 06:57:35 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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