Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

Covid-19 Pandemic: Europe and America Next

by Oui Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 11:39:16 AM EST

See my earlier diary which followed the developments of the outbreak in China and the initial Lombardy cluster in Italy.

Coronavirus: Chinese Xi Ping and Donald Trump

Trump likens himself to dictators Xi Ping, Putin and Kim Jong Un ... however he hasn't met their standards just yet.

From a CNN interview last night, an important statement was made: the rigorous and autocratic measures to contain the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, gave the rest of the world a six-week window the prepare for the worst scenario. From this week on, the primary expansion of victims and deaths will be outside China: clusters in South Korea, Iran, Northern Italy, North Rhine Westphalia in Germany and the early signs in Washington State, New York City and Chicago in the US.

Map tracks coronavirus outbreak in near real time | JHU |

More below the fold ...

New coronavirus cases jump sharply in Europe, with Italy worst hit | The Guardian |

New coronavirus infections spiked dramatically across Europe on Sunday, with Italy reporting hundreds of new cases and five more deaths. The number of confirmed cases also jumped in France, Germany and the UK, and the Czech Republic reported its first case.

As the disease continued its rapid spread and governments introduced emergency measures to halt the progress of the escalating epidemic, outbreaks worsened in Iran and South Korea. The US also reported two new infections, one in Chicago and another in Rhode Island, marking the eastern state's first case.

Italy said confirmed infections had risen 40% in 24 hours to 1,576, with the death toll now at 34. In Germany the number of people infected had almost doubled to 129 on Sunday, while France's total stood at 100 - up from 38 on Friday - nine of them in a serious condition.

Iran meanwhile raised its death toll from 43 to 54 as its number of confirmed infections rose by more than half to 978, amid continuing concerns that official figures still do not reflect the full scale of the outbreak there.

UK ministers express HOPE of containment (hackling) ...

UK sees spike in infections as health minister admits virus sweeping country is `inevitable' and global death toll hits 3,000 | The Independent |

Boris Johnson will say there is "little doubt" the coronavirus will present a "significant challenge" for the UK as he chairs a Cobra meeting to discuss the government's response to the outbreak.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, has warned it was now "inevitable" the deadly virus would "become endemic" in the UK as 13 more cases of Covid-19 were announced, bringing the total number to 36. The Cobra meeting will bring together senior ministers and the chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance. Work will also start in the "war room" in the Cabinet office as experts come together to respond to public concerns about the spread of the virus.

Italia: Altri sette giorni di sacrifici

The contagion is there, it grows (the 531 cases in Lombardy show it, the first recorded a few hours ago in the province of Varese proves it) and it will continue to grow, due to the characteristics of the virus (which «is not a flu», but unique and to be treated with the utmost seriousness, the experts who came to Palazzo Lombardia to support regional administrators, among them the head of Infectivology of Varese Paolo Grossi [report pdf]) and for the lack of a vaccine, reiterate loudly.

Ergo: «The measures adopted last Sunday in the light of the data are absolutely valid and allow to control the spread of the virus and prevent it from affecting the whole region. Only with 14 days (corresponding to the incubation time of the virus) can we understand if the spread will go from 1 to 2 to 1 to 1. " To then shrink further and be able to talk about an emergency being resolved.

Translated: the hypothesis of a new ordinance to avoid the Covid-19 contagion prepared by the Lombardy Region, which will now be submitted to the government and only tomorrow (Saturday 29) will become reality, does not foresee any particular mitigation. Closed schools, for example, and another week of sacrifices. To allow healthcare professionals to continue the fight against infection as effectively as possible.

[Google translation]

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China--Summary of a China CDC Report


OOps. This really looks like the pandemic the media has been dreaming about for years. If China shutting down doesn't convince you I don't know what would. Neither the US nor the EU can remotely deal with this. Imagine having no paid sick leave for restaurant workers who would risk financial ruin if they got tested for the virus. And in the EU I'm eagerly waiting for the Commission's letter to Italy that they now have to cut their budget more, since the numbers got worse.
by generic on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 12:52:18 PM EST
by generic on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 01:37:21 PM EST
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Nice! President Trump is set to meet the CEOs of the Big Pharmaceuticals about developing a vaccine for Covid-19 ... BIG $$$$ BUCKS! Are there any donors amongst you for my re-election?

Two more coronavirus cases confirmed in Seattle, Houston energy conference canceled | CNBC |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 01:24:04 PM EST
Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of Coronavirus | ProPublica |

As the highly infectious coronavirus jumped from China to country after country in January and February, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lost valuable weeks that could have been used to track its possible spread in the United States because it insisted upon devising its own test.

The federal agency shunned the World Health Organization test guidelines used by other countries and set out to create a more complicated test of its own that could identify a range of similar viruses. But when it was sent to labs across the country in the first week of February, it didn't work as expected. The CDC test correctly identified COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. But in all but a handful of state labs, it falsely flagged the presence of the other viruses in harmless samples.

As a result, until Wednesday the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration only allowed those state labs to use the test -- a decision with potentially significant consequences. The lack of a reliable test prevented local officials from taking a crucial first step in coping with a possible outbreak -- "surveillance testing" of hundreds of people in possible hotspots. Epidemiologists in other countries have used this sort of testing to track the spread of the disease before large numbers of people turn up at hospitals.

The coronavirus diagnostic testing snafu, explained | Vox News |

US health officials expect more cases of the coronavirus disease, Covid-19, in the coming days and weeks, even though the risk to the general public remains low.

So how will we know where those cases are and how fast the virus is spreading through the population?

The answer is simple: We need diagnostic test kits. A lot of them. And with cases of the disease confirmed in over 50 countries, we also need testing that focuses far beyond people with links to China, where the outbreak originated. While cases are slowly mounting in the US, widespread testing for the new coronavirus is still being rolled out. In many places, testing won't be up and running until at least next week -- even as the Food and Drug Administration rolled out a new policy on Saturday allowing some hospital and academic labs to create and use their own Covid-19 tests, ahead of the agency's approval.

The problem is testing in the US has been limited so far, with only a small number of labs available to assess the results, flaws in the manufacturing of the earliest kits sent out to states, and out-of-date criteria for testing people. Until Friday, most tests focused on people who'd been to China recently or those with known Covid-19 exposure.

"This has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked," Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said of the testing snafus in a Friday press briefing.

CDC Fixes COVID-19 Test Snafu; Symptoms Vary in Hospitalized Cases | MedPage Today |

<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Stigma Related to COVID-19 | CDC |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 01:53:43 PM EST
Another hospital in Rotterdam is closed down as health workers are first to be affected by Covid-19 virus spreading.

EIght more test positive for coronavirus, bringing Dutch total to 18

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 02:22:47 PM EST
About a week ago, France had only 14 confirmed cases: 2 persons deceased and 12 recovered: the last one was just being cleared.

Then another case was tested positive and the patient (a 60 year old teacher) died last Thursday. Since then, the number of reported cases has skyrocketed, at least 130 as of yesterday (no update for today yet) and a third patient was reported dead. What happened?

Actually, until middle of last week, the only suspected cases that were tested were people having traveled abroad (China, northern Italy...) and those in contact with them. Since the new cases had not traveled recently and no apparent links to China or Italy, the authorities started testing more people with severe flu-like symptoms (fever, muscle ache, dry cough, shortness of breath) and this is how we arrived at a tenfold increase in a matter of days.

This tends to show that earlier testing has been too restrictive and that the virus had been circulating in parts of the country for a couple of weeks now.

Same thing probably happened in Italy, in a more dramatic fashion: 1700 cases and 34 deaths as of Monday.

Now that more people are tested, we can expect the numbers to grow exponentially, before eventually reaching a plateau; but this will take a number of weeks still.

The same pattern is to be expected in other European countries (even the UK - viruses don't give a sh*t about Brexit): once testing is done on a broader scale, the more infected people will be discovered.

by Bernard (bernard) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 07:35:07 PM EST
Well, this just in: 196 total confirmed cases in France on Monday night (was 130 yesterday night).
by Bernard (bernard) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 07:43:03 PM EST
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'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 08:13:10 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 09:20:17 PM EST
well, That's bullshit as everyone who has ever "caught" influenza (more than once), TB (more than once), or MMR (once is enough).

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 01:35:55 AM EST
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SIX YEARS after decimating www trust in infectious disease "containment" in THREE W. African nations, one month after (1) hastily repatriating (an unpublicized number of) citizens from CHINA, (2) selectively regulating multi-modal, international traffic between nations (Four Freedoms), and (3) promoting ill-informed LOCK-DOWN propagandists outside CHINA's emergency medical system to www subject matter experts -- EU/US govs struggle to control "messaging" instead of actually implementing remedial M4All services. Schumer: Medicare funded vaccine dev. Pence: test kit capacity?

USAToday spreading fed gov "self-isolation" plan: Think you have coronavirus? Call first! Here's what to expect at the doctor's office*

APsplainin crappy "devil"/Wuhan/Corona beer/virus/deaths Dashboard PSAs: Media faces challenges in covering coronavirus outbreak
"It's hard to tell people to put something into context and to calm down when the actions being taken in many cases are very strong or UNPRECEDENTED" (not really)

"Gender-balance" ad hoc: lessons missed
Japanese mothers struggle to cope after virus shuts schools*

[Mika Nakajima, a museum employee] said she has already used up her paid vacation days to take care of her aging parents and her son late last year, and is on the verge of losing her job. At age 47, Nakajima says she has no hope of finding another full time position if she's fired.

EU ad hoc: lessons missed
Italy's health system at limit in virus-struck Lombardy

10% of Lombardy's doctors and nurses cannot work because they tested positive for the virus and are in quarantine, the region's top health official, Giulio Gallera, said Monday.
tl;dr;dc, 7 Feb hospital-related transmission: PPE protocol, quarantine, discharge & release criteria
Hospitals in hard-hit Lodi and Cremona were so overwhelmed at times last week, with more sick people arriving than could be accepted, that they closed their emergency rooms and new patients were taken elsewhere.
tl;dr;dc, 3 Feb 1,000 beds, 30 ICUs, 10 days + 128 medics + $10.6B
Lombardy's regional government has asked the central government to reactivate retired doctors and nurses and get them back on the payroll. In addition, nursing students who were due to take their final exams next month are now expected to graduate in the coming days so they can be immediately put to work, Gallera said.
tl;dr;dc, 15 Feb 25,633 medics + schools closed, Lunar holiday extended
* "Dr. Eric Cioe-Peña, director of Global Health for Northwell Health added, "When you get sick, please don't go the ER and sit in the waiting room for 7 hours. Don't get healthy [?!] people sick."; "we have built in socioeconomic conditions that make this impossible for some"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 at 11:47:26 PM EST
following CIAPete off the stage
Amy Klobuchar dropping out of 2020 race and endorsing Joe Biden
dodged a proverbial bullet

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:06:48 AM EST
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Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:08:05 AM EST
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A Miami man who flew to China worried he might have coronavirus. He may owe thousands [to Jackson Memorial Hospital].
"[After returning to Miami last month from a work trip in China, Osmel Martinez] Azcue got unwelcome news in the form of a notice from his insurance company about a claim for $3,270"

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:17:06 AM EST
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Drive-thru coronavirus testing set up in South Korea, 28 Feb: In Goyang, roughly 10 miles northwest of capital Seoul. KCDC: 125,851 tested a/o 3 Mar

Meanwhile in the lands of homicidal sanctions
China says North Korea is suffering 'negatively' from virus, begs mercy
"'Especially nowadays, you know many countries are also being affected negatively by COVID-19 (virus) including DPRK,' the Chinese ambassador said. 'So we do think we should take all the things into consideration in finding a comprehensive solution to the issue relating to DPRK.'"

by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:51:57 PM EST
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CDC abruptly postpones coronavirus press briefing
The CDC today also removed information on its website that detailed how many people in the country had been tested for the virus. It now only displays the number of confirmed cases. CDC has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Back by popular demand. Re-purposed. Not really.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:32:09 AM EST
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2 March
CDC, Positive Cases in the United States*
total 43, hospitalized 17, deaths 2
* These data represent cases detected and tested in the United States through U.S. public health surveillance systems LOL since January 21, 2020. It does not include people who returned to the U.S. via State Department-chartered flights.
WHO.int | COVID-19 Situation report - 42
USA: total 62, deaths 0
JHU | CSSE "Dashboard"
USA: total 105
dxy.cn | As of 2020-03-02 22:23
USA: existing 91, cumulative 100, deaths 6, cure 3
ITALY: existing 1,835, cumulative 2,036, deaths 54, cure 149
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 04:26:26 AM EST
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deaths/hospitalizations = 11% CFR
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 04:43:36 AM EST
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Rule of Atty #5. m'k. Again, further reasons to rely on dxy.cn facts, distrust CDC, mistrust WHO.int

Coronavirus deaths rise to six in Seattle area as U.S. pushes for more testing

The total number of cases detected by the public health system in Washington state now stands at 18, the most of any state. In addition to the 14 King County cases, four residents of nearby Snohomish County have tested positive for the virus, officials said.
comorbid conditions, no number for "close contacts" tracked--including medical staff
In addition to confirmed cases, King County has about 29 potential cases [dxy, "existing suspect"] awaiting test results, so the number there could soon rise, officials said. Tests were being conducted on about 200 samples [!] a day, and health officials expect to boost the number of tests [dxy, "cumulative diagnosis"] to at least 1,000 a day soon.
somebuddy needs to compile a lexicon of "exceptional" US-Eng. epidemiology terms
As of Sunday [!], the number of confirmed and presumptive cases [dxy, "existing suspect"] in the United States had risen to 91 [dxy, "existing confirmed diagnosis"], the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said

by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 08:15:46 AM EST
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More testing sheds light on how virus is spreading in US
New diagnoses in several states pushed the tally of COVID-19 cases past 100, and New Hampshire reported its first case, raising the total of affected states to 11.
minor improvement in reporting accuracy
Infection [US-Eng. "community spread"] is already a huge problem in U.S. nursing homes because of a lack of nurses and training.

In Texas, tension between U.S. and local officials brewed over the planned release Monday of more than 120 ex-passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship in quarantine in San Antonio. Mayor Ron Nirenberg declared a public safety emergency in an attempt to continue the quarantine. He and other officials in San Antonio called for more lab testing of the passengers after one woman tested positive after release.

The count includes [?!] people who tested positive after returning from travel to outbreak areas in other parts of the world, their close contacts [?!] and infections that appear to be from ["]community spread["] -- people who did not travel or have known contact with other infected people [US-Eng, "unknown source"].
The rest, purporting background on China emergency medical system, is inaccurate; this is to suspend belief in US public health priorities and policy. After all, anglophone press does not publish CHC, dxy cure rate. It publishes Chinese "intellectual theft," inscrutable data reports, industrial espionage, AUTHORITARIAN SURVEILLANCE, Tik-Tok, and uighur persecution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:04:58 PM EST
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China urges overseas Chinese ex-pats to stay away as imported virus cases rise
Travellers from countries with severe coronavirus outbreaks who arrive in Guangdong province ... must undergo a 14-day quarantine* - state media reported on Tuesday.

Shanghai will also require all people, regardless of nationality, to remain in quarantine for 14 days* if they have traveled to the city from a country with "relatively serious virus conditions", an official said.

Dandong, the northern Chinese city which borders North Korea, said it would test all visitors who arrived in the city from Feb. 12. Those who arrived from Feb. 28 will be tested at designated hotels where they can undergo quarantine if infected
Seven of the [125 new confirmed cases] were imported, involving Chinese nationals who had traveled from Italy to Qingtian county.

supra "(2) selectively regulating multi-modal, international traffic between nations"
* supra. 7 Feb protocol, CHC; EU, US, UK 14-day "self-isolation" clearance developing...
All the following criteria5 had to be met for hospital discharge or discontinuation of quarantine: (1) normal temperature lasting longer than 3 days, (2) resolved respiratory symptoms, (3) substantially improved acute exudative lesions on chest computed tomography (CT) images, and (4) 2 consecutively negative RT-PCR test results separated by at least 1 day. ...The time from symptom onset to recovery ranged from 12 to 32 days....The RT-PCR tests were repeated 5 to 13 days later and all were positive....
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 08:36:10 AM EST
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by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 04:41:51 AM EST
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Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?'
Richter cited Gilead Sciences' GILD treatments for hepatitis C, which achieved cure rates of more than 90 percent. The company's U.S. sales for these hepatitis C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, but have been falling ever since. Goldman estimates the U.S. sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in the report.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:26:54 PM EST
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by StillInTheWilderness on Sun Mar 15th, 2020 at 05:07:59 PM EST
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Neither preventing people from getting sick or curing people is a "sustainable business."  Which is why it shouldn't be done under a Capitalist model.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre
by ATinNM on Mon Mar 16th, 2020 at 07:38:36 PM EST
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Yes, Doctors and Nurses should be compensated for their work like any working professional. I have no problem with them being independent as in Germany. But Medical corporations are just a travesty. Lampreys on the body politic. Hospitals should be run by governments or true non-profits. No profit from an other's misery. And don't get me started on for-profit mercenary soldiers.
by StillInTheWilderness on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 at 03:42:26 AM EST
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Perfect. CSSE has been hijacked "in real-time".

Meanwhile in the lands of greater fool.

Coronavirus funding talks held up over drug price language
The odious haggles over "fair and reasonable" price to re-purchase "large quantities of coronavirus diagnostics, treatments and vaccine when it becomes available" from

Johnson & Johnson, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., Pfizer Inc., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Gilead Sciences Inc., Novavax Inc., Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., CureVac AG and Moderna Inc.
instead of commissioning USAMRIID production paid out of DoD bottomless Hermione Bag. After all, that's from whom Gilead, Regeneron, and Moderna get "their" basic research.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 03:19:38 PM EST
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[CAPTION: Health workers wearing protective suits and masks stand at the entrance of an advanced medical unit built in front of the Cremona Hospital, one of the main centers in the region for assistance to people infected with novel coronavirus Covid-19, in Cremona, northern Italy, 02 March 2020.]
Europe ponders economic stimulus to counter coronavirus impact, category error
"We have a situation that is very complex," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said as she announced the Commission's new response team tasked with coordinating measures to halt the outbreak.

She stressed the importance of "strong coordination at every level" among European nations, to provide a "comprehensive and coherent" response to the virus.

To date, more than 2,100 people have been infected with the COVID-19 virus in the EU, and 38 have died. The ECDC estimates that at least 40,000 people die each year from seasonal influenza in the EU.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 12:50:44 AM EST
[ Parent ]
UK ad hoc: lessons lost
As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise, Guardian readers said they were concerned about being forced to self-isolate at home, along with the prospect of city "lockdowns" limiting the availability of goods, and many are now taking matters into their own hands.
something like quarantine or BREXIT?
Roger, 66, from Hastings, has stocked up on a month's worth of non-perishable groceries for his two vulnerable elderly neighbours. "The only problem was, when I went down to Sainsbury's, they had almost been cleared out of Dettol, only half an hour after opening," he said.
Volunteers help locals in need amid novel coronavirus fight
"to help locals in need and those who are in quarantine at home to harvest stem mustard"
Fast-food firms in China step up 'contactless' pickup, delivery
"Yum China Holdings Inc rolled out contactless delivery on Jan. 30, with contactless pickup coming two days later at its KFC and Pizza Hut locations, the company said."
Pic story: volunteer helps purchase and deliver medicines in Hubei

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 02:37:27 AM EST
[ Parent ]
CPC: Rely on people to win battle against epidemic, 28 Jan
"members at the primary level should play the vanguard roles to broadly mobilize, organize and unite the people in joint prevention and control to fortify a strong defense by mass participation."
Gov: China to ensure market supply of daily necessities, 28 Jan
"Local authorities were urged to set up leading groups as soon as possible to clarify key tasks and division of responsibilities so that central authorities' plans could be implemented efficiently."
3D-printed houses installed in hospital in Hubei
Hangzhou adopts QR codes for medical services
Harbin produces medical supplies at full capacity
Epidemic-related TV programs gain in popularity
zombies? vampires? plants?
Pic story: Wuhan supermarket supplies and prices back to normal. 26 Feb

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 03:09:13 AM EST
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"What happens to those on low pay if they are quarantined over coronavirus?"

Retired nurses will be re-drafted to help tackle Coronavirus, says Hancock
"the government's 'battleplan' includes 'looking at emergency registration of health professionals who have retired, the introduction of emergency indemnity coverage for health care workers to provide care or diagnostic services'."
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 08:50:15 AM EST
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Gaozu, Wu Zhao, ... | "On the other hand, several cases cited above show that when tax and corvee were not of concern, ordinary Tang folk applied the animal cycle with impeccable precision. The first is case (x): the three-sui old boy's age was rather faithfully registered, as it was impossible for the government to demand head tax and corvee his case for underreporting to boot. Then there is case (xi) of the juvenile "golden dog," because one could not tax a dead person who in all likelihood left no estate. The widow case (xiv) that conforms to my formula (2) is also pertinent, because Tang women in general did not pay taxes, (24) and except in rare situations, such as under the "bad last emperor" of the Sui, women were exempt from corvee labor, and would not be drafted into the army either."
GOV.CN | More care for community workers urged, 2 Mar
Community workers nationwide have made significant contributions to the battle against the epidemic, so they deserve more care. During the control period, governments should grant subsidies to community workers on the frontline. Those who get injured or fall ill at work should be deemed as suffering an occupational injury in accordance with legal conditions, while those who get infected or die of the disease deserve related treatment stated in regulations. ...
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 09:31:26 AM EST
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Schumer: Medicare funded vaccine dev.

More from The Intercept

In the 1994 midterms, the Republican Revolution, built largely around a reaction to Bill Clinton's attempt to reform the health care system, swept Democrats out of Congress. On its heels, in April 1995, the Clinton administration capitulated to pharmaceutical industry pressure and rescinded the longstanding "reasonable pricing" rule.


The move was controversial, and a House member from Vermont, independent Bernie Sanders, offered an amendment to reinstate the rule. It failed on a largely party-line vote, 242-180.

Then in 2000, Sanders authored and passed a bipartisan amendment in the House to reimpose the "reasonable pricing" rule. In the Senate, a similar measure was pushed by the late Paul Wellstone of Minnesota.

"Many in Congress find it hard to argue with Sanders' line that `Americans must pay twice for life-saving drugs, first as taxpayers to develop the drug and then as consumers to pad pharmaceutical profits,'" Nature wrote at the time.

Then-Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware voted to table Wellstone's amendment, and it was defeated 56-39.

Most Democrats, including Schumer,  didn't show Biden's willingness to work with Senators across the aisle, but Lieberman was another exception.
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 09:45:29 AM EST
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by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 10:06:52 AM EST
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Out of school, Japanese children are isolated [in "after-school" schools]
[CAPTION: Children, wearing protective FACE MASKS, following an outbreak of coronavirus, are seen at "Stella Kids", daycare center in Tokyo, Japan, March 5, 2020. REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov]
They sit there for hours playing, studying and eating in the same seat from as early as 8 a.m. until their parents come to pick them up after work in the afternoon or evening.
"They face the same direction so they don't get infected by DROPLETS," she said. About 1.3 million children across Japan are registered to use "gakudo", according to the government, and it is unclear how each center is handling the situation.
Parents, caretakers, medical experts and politicians were left [astonished] when Abe announced the nationwide school closure on Feb. 27. Some municipalities have chosen not to comply, but the majority of schools across the country have agreed to the request to stay closed until the new academic year starts in early April.

Why Womenomics Isn't Working In Japan

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 09:50:07 AM EST
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by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 10:46:20 AM EST
France shuts dozens of schools in areas hit by coronavirus, 3 Mar
"Both primary and secondary schools have been shut in the Oise department north of Paris, where the main cluster of French cases has emerged, and where two people who have died of the virus lived."
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 11:37:43 AM EST
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On any given day in the run up to peak Hubei case load, China's National Health and Health Commission (NHHC) daily reported < 150K close contacts of total confirmed cases, subject to "observation" pursuant to clinical test. a/o 3 Mar that number is 664,899.

Tell you this much. Continuous commercial passenger "community" traffic blew all arm-chair modeling of Patient 0 out of mind months ago. EU, US "authorities" are not prepared to admit, the only game afoot is adequate COVID-19 treatment in each nation. By "adequate," I mean, inventory of Rx, equipment, and srvcs per person presenting COVID-19--who is already loaded with complicating, pre-existing conditions not least of which poor patient compliance or robust "medication fog." First World is not a healthy world, tbh. Chronic diseases and luxurious life-saving medicines are iconic, especially paradoxical, objects of morbidity to which the US population is accustomed.

Fauci (79) portrayed as a paragon of this culture.

I'm 99% certain that 90% of US Americans have no idea (1) which "close contact" infected by the virus warrants a test; and (2) how crucial it is to get medication that suppresses pneumonia (COVID-19). That info is not visible in the MSM or social media criticism of politicians playing health care professionals. Persisting demand for and shortage of surgical-grade masks expresses those truths.

Read ECDC definition of close contact

by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 02:38:17 AM EST
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A tale not unlike reported attempts to cast a ballot in some Super Tuesday primary elections, 3 Mar.

by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 05:54:18 AM EST
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I have the feeling in all the political discussion and lack of firmness to deliver a preparation to battle COVID-19, there is a calculated risk taken in costs and risk. The elderly 80 years plus have a 10% risk of succumbing to the disease and its complications. Young people can be infected and hardly notice the symptom beyond a cold or nasty flu.

When I saw Trump at a pharmaceutical company yesterday with propagandist Fauci, it strengthened my view it's part of a capitalistic game.

The Value of a Human Life: $129,000
White House coronavirus expert Anthony Fauci says vaccine `a month or so' from human tests | NY Post |

The New York Times Magazine ran an essay with the somewhat radical message in its title: "American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace That to the Plantation" (Matthew Desmond, 8/14/2019). But how will studying slavery help us understand modern concerns like rising inequality? After all, America banned slavery long ago; not even Nazis want to bring it back.

Desmond's first thesis is indisputable - American capitalism is brutal. As he points out, workers in the USA are poorly paid, harshly punished, easily fired, and weakly organized. However, Desmond is quick to add: "....there are many types of capitalist societies, ranging from liberating to exploitative."

[Source: CounterPunch: Does the USA Have a Slaveryholder Habit?]

Humanity is more important than money -- it's time for capitalism to get an upgrade

Related reading ...

Saving the General Aviation Industry: Putting TortReform to the Test (1994)
Aviation: Entry Airbus in a high-cost, high-risk, oligopolistic industry
A Market in Litigation Risk

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 09:50:18 AM EST
[ Parent ]
There are so many fallacies on display in that compendium of non sequiturs, I gotta let it slide. I cannot refute tl;dr comprehension of POLITICAL ECONOMY in classical Rome, classical Greece, imperial Europe or "modern" US market hegemony much less the many forms of CAPITAL disposed by mutual indoctrination and violence.

Every day, no doubt in the many languages I do not apprehend, one idea recurs: domination is a life worth living, an inevitable mode of human discourse INEXPLICABLY corrupted by the INCOMPETENT personality of the christ [INSERT NAME].

by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 01:16:50 AM EST
[ Parent ]
archived: "Ebola Fighters"
archived: Ebola experts speak out against quarantines, November 14, 2014 | 9:35pm

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 06:46:44 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Securing the U.S. Drug Supply Chain, mutual dependencies as of August 2019

World pharma supplier India restricts export of some ingredients, drugs

Indian pharma companies get almost 70% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for their medicines from China. ... The list given by the government included 26 APIs and formulations, which amount to 10% of all exports.
Separately, the government said on Tuesday it had detected "high viral load" in six people who had been in contact with a patient who contracted the coronavirus in the capital New Delhi.
There's a term I haven't seen bandied in the pop press since 2014.

Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it



Why do the virus and the disease have different names?
Viruses, and the diseases they cause, often have different names. For example, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

Lirong Z., et al., SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients, 19 Feb
similar asymptomatic and symptomatic transmission potential
J. Stebbing, et al., COVID-19: combining antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatments, 27 Feb
European Medicines Agency approved drugs that could inhibit viral infection of cells
by Cat on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 11:28:28 AM EST

Hopes fade that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe could leave prison temporarily | The Guardian |

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 at 05:56:45 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 03:03:05 PM EST
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:33:14 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Frustration rising over lack of access to coronavirus tests
"'I am optimistic but I want to remain humble,' said Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
Most people get only mild illnesses and many have recovered.
O, RLLY? Where?
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:39:58 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Coronavirus live updates: Patient's family, neighbor become infected with COVID-19 in New York
Yeshiva U closed, you say. hmm, that's nice. How many close contacts did those three people "presumptive cases" produce? How many jobs save or created to observe those close contacts?
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:51:11 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:54:33 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Los Angeles coronavirus patient is a medical screener at LAX airport
This contract worker had not been at work for more than a week before developing symptoms, DHS says. It is unclear whether the virus was contracted through they/their/them work with travelers or via community spread.
O, RlY? Which flights?
The patient is currently isolated at home with mild symptoms.
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 11:02:50 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Working together to do what?
The labs have created a consortium to share information and resources. Corona Czar VP Rev. Mr Pence also said it has been conveyed to state governments that all state laboratories and university labs at the state level can conduct coronavirus tests without additional assets or resources from the federal government.

Pence noted that "many members of the task force" will be traveling with him to Minnesota and Washington state for meetings with representatives from 3M and Gov. Jay Inslee, respectively.

sassy! MASKS!
by Cat on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 11:18:04 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 12:02:03 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Katrina comes most readily to mind on the scale of "natural" catastrophes fomented by 21st century US government ... since 9/11, excluding the Panic of '08 which is one of those events attributed to THE INVISIBLE HAND by sundry expert and amateur "scientists".

"Disaster capitalism" cultivated by the Democratic Party's leadership in the 20th century --foreign and domestic-- are too numerous, too tiresome to reiterate.

by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 01:32:07 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Playing it safe. Recall, only a couple of days ago India restricted export of APIs. France re-commissioned a thermometer OEM. What next?

Germany bans export of medical protection gear due to coronavirus

Now the subject arises, I have to say that I would have been surprised to learn that DE did not manufacture equipment for domestic consumption. Will TRADE SURPLUS acrimony toward DE and CN fester as inventories in the EU26 shrink?

by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 12:33:23 AM EST
[ Parent ]
The new Republican slogan: "Better red than dead".
by gk (gk (gk quattro due due sette @gmail.com)) on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 08:01:10 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Wuhan experts share COVID-19 treatment experience with Italian peers
Enrico Ammirati, a cardiologist in the department of anesthesia and ICU of Niguarda Hospital, raised questions concerning the criterion of wards, treatment schemes of cytokine storm and COVID-19, protection of medics.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 08:17:31 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Italian ambassador to the EU: Italy needs Europe's help
Italy has already asked to activate the European Union Mechanism of Civil Protection for the supply of medical equipment for individual protection. But, unfortunately, not a single EU country responded to the Commission's call. Only China responded bilaterally. Certainly, this is not a good sign of European solidarity.
'Healthcare on brink of collapsing': Doctors share stories from inside the Italy coronavirus quarantine
"You have no idea how many young people are here, I mean even 20-year-olds with no underlying conditions, in need of assisted breathing because of horrible pneumonia.
"There aren't the resources to screen doctors for Covid-19 anymore - they're just telling them 'stay home if you have symptoms, otherwise come to work'."
Medical supplies from China arrive in Europe
"A batch of medical supplies have arrived in Belgium; 1.8 million masks and 100,000 reagents are on the way. The supplies will then be delivered to Italy, Spain and to the frontline." CN shipped ventilators to IT last week, but I can't find the press clip again.
by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 05:11:35 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Kong Jian, an Italian youth living in Shanghai, registers as a local community volunteer

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 08:23:25 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:01:47 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 10:34:43 PM EST
COVID-19: Time to 'take the risk of scaring people'

Health care professionals should now be advising people how to prepare - yet this is the most neglected message, Sandman and Lanard write. "Hardly any officials are telling civil society and the general public how to get ready for this pandemic."

Effective communication should inform people of what to expect now, they continue: "[T]he end of most quarantines, travel restrictions, contact tracing, and other measures designed to keep `them' from infecting 'us,' and the switch to measures like canceling mass events designed to keep us from infecting each other."

Among the new messages that should be delivered are things like:

  • Stockpiling nonperishable food and prescription meds.

  • Considering care of sick family members.

  • Cross-training work personnel so one person's absence won't derail an organization's ability to function.

"We hope that governments and healthcare institutions are using this time wisely," Sandman and Lanard continue. "We know that ordinary citizens are not being asked to do so. In most countries ... ordinary citizens have not been asked to prepare. Instead, they have been led to expect that their governments will keep the virus from their doors."

In many countries. the nursing professionals, GPs and doctors are in the first line to be infected. This will disrupt the whole health care system. Not taken timely and adequate steps will leave too many patients in hospital care vulnerable.

Italy orders closure of all schools and universities due to coronavirus | The Guardian |
Iran to deploy armed forces to combat outbreak as death toll jumps to 77 | SCMP |
Fifteen new Covid-19 diagnoses brings Netherlands total to 38 | NL Times News |

Related reading ...

China sneezes: COVID-19 may put world oil demand into cardiac arrest

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 at 11:43:43 PM EST
shipping and sales worldwide. Let's not be so quick to dismiss concerted effort by NATO allies in the prior ten years to destroy industrial "rivals."
by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 12:37:38 AM EST
[ Parent ]

H.R. 6074, Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020
"The page you requested is unavailable."
House ROLL CALL No. 86, 415-2 AYE
draft, H.R. 6074, 28 pp; summary, 4 pp
CBO, discretionary spending, authorities, and outlays by agency 2020-2026
Senate subcommittee presses close contacts info, decontamination of planes

lawmakers are increasingly skeptical that the travel restrictions would continue to contain the infection, expressing concern about the lack of tests for the virus and the idea that it could be contained primarily by monitoring those who'd been in countries where the disease was widespread.
by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 02:50:07 AM EST
[ Parent ]
This is watcha call a guaranteed fed purchase order.
ROLL CALL No. 66, 96-1 AYE, NV 3

It passed, yanno, without companion bill in senate or senate amendments, Fri., 3/6, and is now public law. To reiterate the Fauci list of HHS, NIH/NIAID vax developers which will profit handsomely from dicking around until 2024: Regeneron, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead Sciences, Inovio, and Moderna Inc.

by Cat on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 02:53:28 AM EST
[ Parent ]
A business oriented administration rolls out a business plan for BIG Pharma after measures were taken to "save" the economy and Wall Street.

Task of the CDC is to count the dead --collateral  damage--

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 07:41:01 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Fauci crew got some "expert" competition. Which is bad news for US health care, as usual.

Rapid testing helps explain few German virus deaths

"We in Germany were simply at the forefront in terms of diagnostics," said Christian Drosten, the director of the Institute for Virology at Berlin's Charite hospital.
DE produced first test from COMMUNIST China's published genome sequence--which Pompeo has had a tough time getting hands on or wtf.
Drosten said Germany's dense network of independent labs received both the technical information needed to conduct tests and the approval to bill for them in January, when case numbers in Germany were still in the single digits.

"These effects combined, I'm very certain of this, gave us an extreme advantage in recognizing the epidemic in Germany," Drosten told reporters in Berlin.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 10:27:25 PM EST
[ Parent ]
File in ebola marketing/Fauci/living lab
"You have to balance this with the risk that you impose on a very small number of people, and do all you can do to mitigate this risk as much as possible."

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 08:44:08 PM EST
[ Parent ]
This time is different. Like timing the market.

Thousands may have been exposed to coronavirus on Princess cruise ship; 62 passengers confined

A 71-year-old man from California died from coronavirus after sailing on the Grand Princess on a cruise from San Francisco that visited Mexico from Feb. 11 through Feb. 21.
[only] 62 passengers who may have come in contact with the man who died are now [4 Mar] being confined to their staterooms on board, by order of the CDC. ... The 62 passengers had moved about the ship freely until Wednesday [4 Mar], when they were asked to quarantine until cleared by medical officials, according to the cruise line.
There is another former passenger in California from the ship's former voyage who has tested positive for coronavirus and is in "difficult condition," Newsom said.

The man who died tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday [3 Mar] at a California lab. According to Placer County officials, the man had minimal ["]community exposure["] after returning from the cruise before entering the hospital.
Princess cruise ship met with violent protest in Réunion over lack of coronavirus testing

Princess Cruises' Sun Princess was met with riots when stopping in port at Réunion Island [FRANCE] on Sunday, Princess Cruises confirmed to USA TODAY.

by Cat on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 03:12:43 AM EST
[ Parent ]
How many "thousands"?

3,500 cruise passengers confined off San Francisco; more than 230 infected in US

he number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Washington state BALLOONED to 70 on Thursday - pushing the U.S. total above 230
About 3,500 passengers are being asked to stay in their rooms on Princess Cruises' Grand Princess cruise ship off the coast of California as they wait for coronavirus test results, regardless of whether they were one of the fewer than 100 62? passengers who were tested.
a counter-intuitive "containment" strategy
CDC cancels employee travel

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is canceling nonessential travel for employees. According to an internal email obtained by USA TODAY, the agency, as well as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [?], "is canceling all travel except mission-critical and response-related travel."

OTOH, a reasonable response to collapsing US "expertise" in controlling infectious disease
Dow tumbles 970 points


MD Dept of Health social media outreach a/o 6 Mar 00:01
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 05:45:05 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 10:34:50 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Hilary Rosen School of Akin Statistical Computation BULLETIN

Pompeo faults 'imperfect' coronavirus data from China

It has proven incredibly frustrating to work with the Chinese Communist Party to get our hands around the data set," he said.
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 08:45:00 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Primary character set of narcists ... putting blame for own failure elsewhere. 😡.

In Merica and DC .... none ever hard of WHO!

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 at 03:23:57 AM EST
[ Parent ]
COMMUNITY OUTREACH under the radar
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak
COVID-19 Testing and Confirmed Case Counts in Maryland
Number of patients tested for COVID-19: 44
Number of COVID-19 tests pending: 8
Number of negative COVID-19 tests: 33
Number of positive COVID-19 tests: 3 ​
(FWIW I've got a bit of background experience with state gov, MDHD, futile plans to liberate dozens of dept.s from MSFT Sharepoint CMS. @MDHealthDept in the timeline)
by Cat on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 at 04:08:18 AM EST
[ Parent ]

COVID-19 Financial Impacts -Relief Measures Needed | IATA |

IATA's previous analysis (issued on 20 February 2020) put lost revenues at $29.3 billion based on a scenario that would see the impact of COVID-19 largely confined to markets associated with China. Since that time, the virus has spread to over 80 countries and forward bookings have been severely impacted on routes beyond China.

Financial markets have reacted strongly. Airline share prices have fallen nearly 25% since the outbreak began, some 21 percentage points greater than the decline that occurred at a similar point during the SARS crisis of 2003.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 at 09:56:34 PM EST
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 07:06:23 AM EST
by generic on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 07:42:12 AM EST
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 08:50:19 AM EST
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 09:53:25 PM EST
U.S. excludes Chinese face masks, medical gear from tariffs as coronavirus spreads https://reut.rs/39vAvPJ
by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 10:25:20 PM EST
SHOCKING!! The First USA Coronavirus Victims Family Members Speak Out! @ 00:32:00
I really wish the Chinese government might of stepped up and told us a little earlier what was going on over there in Hunan [sic] I heard through the grape vine, in the news, that they're taking their time in disclosing that. And I think that's pretty wrong of any government, anybody to do. The should let people know as fast as possible, because this thing has traveled so fast. It's unblievable.

Gah Bless Merica touring the twitterverse this week

by Cat on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 at 11:41:50 PM EST
According to WHO and other public health organizations China has been forthright about Covid-19.

Americans don't "do" Reality very well.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre

by ATinNM on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 at 07:45:49 PM EST
[ Parent ]
"It probably cost the world community two months to respond and those two months, if we'd had those (and) been able to sequence [before 13 Jan ?!] the virus and had the cooperation necessary from the Chinese, had a WHO (World Health Organization) team been on the ground, had a CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) team, which we had offered, been on the ground [!], I think we could have dramatically curtailed what happened both in China and what's now happening across the world," O'Brien said in a think tank appearance.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 08:54:57 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Trump announces 30-day suspension of travel from Europe
In a rare address from the Oval Office, Trump said the European Union had "failed to take the same precautions" as the U.S. had implemented to contain the coronavirus outbreak. The United Kingdom will not be included in the travel ban with the continent.
by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 02:19:13 AM EST
[ Parent ]
APsplainin Trump officials emphasize that coronavirus `Made in China'
Chinese health officials informed the WHO about the new virus on Dec. 31. By Jan. 8, it had been identified as a new coronavirus, a large family that causes the common cold and more serious illnesses including SARS, which also began in China. By Jan. 12, Chinese scientists had sequenced the virus' genetic makeup and shared it with WHO [and ncbi.nlm.nih.gov], drawing praise for their transparency and swift action.

O'Brien is right, however, in noting some missteps [?] in China.

The local Wuhan heath commission reported no new cases from Jan. 5-10 and again from Jan. 12-16. China's Lunar New Year rush -- the world's largest annual human migration -- began to get underway, with millions of people passing through Wuhan, a major transit hub.
O'Brien said that if experts would have had those two months weeks to get ahead of the spread of the virus, "I think we [?!] could have dramatically curtailed what happened both in China and what's now happening across the world." ... officials with the Wuhan health commission told doctors they were not allowed to report about the new virus, letting patients wander around freely instead of being isolated.

The Lockdown: One month in Wuhan, A/V docFeature: Despite COVID-19, BRI projects continue in Europe
by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 06:03:20 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Sweden's national epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says quarantine could be counter productive.

"The risk is that if a person who is healthy has to stay home from work they will do other things instead, and might meet other people who could be harder to trace" he told Svenska Dagbladet.
(https://www.svd.se/min-bedomning-om-kina-visade-sig-inte-vara-ratt (Swedish, paywall))

It is not clear whether Tegnell understands what the word means or that there are specific laws in place.

by Number 6 on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 at 03:45:01 PM EST
Apparently he wasn't even needed in Sweden.
He's currently visiting Somalia.
by Number 6 on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 01:40:03 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 10:06:01 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Possibly. He doesn't seem to be doing much medicine or epidemiology.

His comment on Spotify and other businesses asking people to work from home was to ramble on about "equality" and those would couldn't work from home.

Short video (Swedish):

by Number 6 on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 at 08:36:13 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 12:43:00 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 12:48:35 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 12:57:38 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 05:01:50 PM EST
[ Parent ]
somewhere ...

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 11:18:30 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia bars travel to or from Qatif province to stop spread

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 02:24:54 PM EST
Epidemiologist do the math ... keep counting new victims, hell of a job stopping the virus spreading. Government of Mark Rutte far behind the curve.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 at 02:44:17 PM EST
Most European countries have a policy in place to react in a measured way, allowing the virus to spread.

Singapore's coronavirus response has contained the outbreak--but its strategy is hard to replicate | Forbes |

Singapore's tally of cases is still inching up but it's no longer the worst-hit nation outside of China after South Korea saw an over 30-fold increase in a week. Italy, with at least 650 confirmed cases, has now become the epicenter in Europe while Iran has reported an alarming jump in numbers of those infected and dead.

"There seems to be more of a willingness to place the community and society needs over individual liberty and that helps in a public health crisis," said Kent Sepkowitz, an infectious disease control specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

'Not Hesitate'

Singapore was aggressive out of the gate and has continued to be. It was one of the first countries to impose restrictions on anyone with recent travel history to China and parts of South Korea. It has a strict hospital and home quarantine regimen for potentially infected patients and is extensively tracing anyone they may have been in contact with.

It's charging a couple who gave false information on their travel history and taking away residency status from a person who breached his quarantine, among other punitive actions.

Singapore Advisory on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019)

General Advisory for Visitors

1. Visitors travelling from China, Iran, Northern Italy and Republic of Korea

    a. All new visitors with recent travel history to Mainland China, Iran, Northern Italy2 and Republic of Korea within the last 14 days will not be allowed entry into Singapore, or to transit through Singapore.

    b. Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has suspended the issuance of all forms of new visas to those with PRC and Iranian Passports.

    c. Previously issued short-term and multiple-visit visas for those with PRC and Iranian passports have also been suspended. During this period of suspension, they will not be allowed entry into Singapore. For more details, please visit Ministry of Health (MOH)'s website (https://www.moh.gov.sg).

2. From 4 March 2020, travellers entering Singapore and exhibiting fever and/or other symptoms of respiratory illness but who do not meet the clinical suspect case definition may be required to undergo a COVID-19 swab test at the checkpoint. They may carry on with their journey immediately after undergoing the test. Pending the results, which may take between three to six hours, the travellers are advised to minimise contact with others as a precautionary measure. Individuals will be contacted on their swab test results and those with positive results will be conveyed to the hospital in a dedicated ambulance.


Singapore Ministry of Health - Latest

Confirmed Imported Case Of Novel Coronavirus Infection In Singapore; Multi-Ministry Taskforce Ramps Up Precautionary Measures - Jan. 23, 2020

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 12:15:34 AM EST
Two Sydney schools close as coronavirus cases in Australia JUMP/BALLOON/SURGE
three students tested positive for COVID-19 as health authorities ramped up preparations for a larger outbreak with the number of infections in Australia exceeding [?] 80.
after two year-10 students were diagnosed with coronavirus. Willoughby Girls High School in north Sydney also closed from Monday after [one] year-7 pupil tested positive.
Same dude running PR for firefighters not so far out back?
"Australia remains extremely well prepared for further growth in this virus," he added.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 03:26:23 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 08:44:40 AM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 08:46:51 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 08:48:02 AM EST
[ Parent ]
.... 5 min after opening ... a 15 min pauze due to 7.5% plunge!!

Experts consider today's fall the END OF BULL MARKET!

The longest stocks on positive side ... 20% drop from all-time highs.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 01:42:59 PM EST
... as before he fell asleep!  😡

Trump the BIGgest loser of them all ...

What Caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929--And What We Still Get Wrong About It | Time |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 02:08:45 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 02:19:10 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 06:09:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 06:15:08 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 06:26:45 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 08:24:45 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Also the chart from Hubei

by generic on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 02:31:51 PM EST
by generic on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 08:29:54 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Oil suffers biggest price drop since First Gulf War of 1991

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 02:40:26 PM EST
8th Amendment
Cuomo, speaking at a news briefing in which he revealed that coronavirus cases in New York surged to 142, said the hand sanitizer NYS Clean is being made in the prison system. The sanitizer will be distributed to schools, governments, prisons and some communities affected by the coronavirus, Cuomo said.

He said he scent is like a "floral bouquet" and will be less expensive through CorCraft, the state's prison-run business, than if the state bought it. "It's much cheaper for us to make it ourselves than for us to buy it on the open market," Cuomo said.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 at 06:25:10 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 08:09:18 AM EST
It will be a war scenario ...

In Phase IV the elderly >80 yrs old will not be accepted at hospitals also those citizens with other medical complications as cancer, etc.

Nice, Mark "Shake Hands" Rutte ... just like Trump and BoJo, it's the economy that counts, stupid!

On Friday in his weekly Q&A, Mark Rutte gave a bad example by saying: "By all means do give each other a handshake."

Yesterday he changed opinion and stated the Dutch should avoid close contact and handshaking. What an a$$hole! 😡

Dutch PM: "Stop Shaking Hands"; Coronavirus Kills 4th, Spreads to 100 Municipalities | NL Times |

RIVM: Current information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 08:34:52 AM EST

Xi Jinping inspects Wuhan, encorages frontline medics | CGTN | or Truth?

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 10:42:32 AM EST
This headline is bugging me.

I don't think this is his first visit to Wuhan. iirc, he dropped in early February when the mayor was busted (or blamed) for The Martyr MD's premature death and other administrative infractions. Xi rolled in with a "cadre" and laundry-list of correct civil action. This was in the first few weeks of city quarantine.

The news inside/outside China was wild. I'd have to run through Xinhua and People's Daily back issues.

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.

by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 10:19:50 PM EST
[ Parent ]
In times of crisis, leadership makes a difference. Most nations have been retro-active, hiding behind "experts", and obviously behind the curve to combat Covid-19 outbreak.

    Johnson said that he was no longer shaking hands.

    Last week he was still shaking hands, but he said at today's Commonwealth Day service he was advised against this. He explained:
    We were all given an instruction not to shake hands and there's a good reason for not shaking hands, which is that the behavioural psychologists say that if you don't shake somebody's hand then that sends an important message to them about the importance of washing your hands.
    So there's a subliminal cue there to everybody to wash your hands, which is, I think I'm right in saying ... far more important.

UK epidemic peak 'expected within fortnight' as health chief warns many thousands to be infected across country, amid panic in Italian over soaring death toll | The Independent |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 12:20:22 PM EST

"The economy is bleeding, huge companies are on the verge of collapse, layoffs have started," said Histadrut labor federation chairman Arnon Bar-David.

In the meantime, corruption at the top ...

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 02:15:38 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 06:07:58 PM EST
Self-isolation and public transportation:

Coronavirus confusion as NHS helpline gives out wrong advice

The government said those arriving at Heathrow from Italy who were not easily able to self-isolate were being asked if they wanted to enter quarantine at a large hotel near the airport.

The venue is understood to be a Holiday Inn that has been used for some people arriving from China and South Korea in recent weeks. No 10 said some people thought to be at particular risk were being offered transport to their homes.

However, people returning from Italy were not given information on self-isolation as they landed and were largely free to travel home via public transport if they wished, even though they were supposed to self-isolate for 14 days even if they did not have symptoms.

It is not known whether they were being offered face masks for the journey and it was also unclear what the procedures were for people returning via other airports.

by Bernard (bernard) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 07:15:12 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 07:40:58 PM EST
Thu Aug 29th, 2019, CDC-US, WHO-EU
Apr 10th, 2019, Rockland Co., NY
Apr 10th, 2019, NYC

Diversity is the key to economic and political evolution.
by Cat on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 01:56:10 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 08:43:11 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 at 10:51:58 PM EST

Coronavirus: Health minister Nadine Dorries tests positive | BBC News |

    It is not known how many meetings Ms Dorries had attended at Westminster or in her constituency in recent days.

    The Department of Health said she first showed symptoms on Thursday of last week - the same day she attended a Downing Street event hosted by the prime minister - and had been self-isolating since Friday.

    No 10 did not comment on whether Boris Johnson had undergone testing, or whether he will now be tested.

    All health ministers, including Health Secretary Matt Hancock, are to undergo testing for the virus, along with other officials who have come into contact with Ms Dorries.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 06:32:19 AM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 10:00:19 AM EST
Currently no coronavirus testing unless direct contact or travel to an affected area confirmed.

Because getting ahead of the situation instead of reacting when things spiral out of the control and the health care system has collapsed is the smart thing to do.

She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre

by ATinNM on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 04:26:21 PM EST
[ Parent ]
City councils and civil servants do not ...

A very good friend has this experience in the City of London: the class of 8 yr olds had a class trip to a museum ... travel by tube. Some children in the school had traveled to Italy for the Spring half-term holidays.

Director of school waits on protocol from authorities and won't "act on gossip", just on science from Westminster or BoJo.

Parents had some anxiety, keeping your child from the school trip would result in a mark unauthorized leave of absence.  

That's why the virus enjoys passive response and keeps breaking out into new clusters.

London City Healthcare: Novel Coronavirus Update

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 at 09:16:11 PM EST
The Trump administration doesn't yet have a plan to handle Grand Princess coronavirus cases, officials say | Vox News - March 8, 2020 |

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 05:39:34 AM EST
Trump suspends travel from most of Europe amid coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian |

Donald Trump has announced that the US would temporarily suspend most travel from the European Union, as the country reckons with the spread of coronavirus and the White House grapples with the severity of the situation.

The restrictions, which would begin on Friday and last for 30 days, would not apply to US citizens or to travelers from the UK, he said. The restrictions apply to most foreign nationals who have been in the 26 countries of the Schengen area during the 14 days before their planned arrival in the US.

Trump made the announcement in an Oval Office speech on Wednesday evening on the federal response to what the World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic.

During the rare address to the nation, Trump defended his administration's response while laying blame on the European Union for not acting quickly enough to address the "foreign virus", saying US clusters had been "seeded" by European travelers.

'He's gonna get us all killed': sense of unease after Trump coronavirus speech

Many observers found the address unreassuring and downright weird. Susan Glasser, a staff writer from the New Yorker, tweeted:

David Litt, who wrote speeches for Obama, posted:

Trump's second Oval Office address was over in 10 minutes. Then a man off camera said: "We're clear." The president unbuttoned his jacket and exclaimed with relief: "OK!"

To millions of viewers, it was anything but.  

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 05:42:26 AM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 05:43:14 AM EST
[ Parent ]
National Security Lawyer Throws Cold Water on Report About Trump Admin's 'Classified' Coronavirus Response
According to a Wednesday report by the Reuters wire service, "four Trump administration officials" said that "dozens of discussions" have been held in a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF), a staple of the British and American national security states which purport to restrict the flow of information on a need-to-know basis. These discussions have reportedly excluded some important Health and Human Services (HHS) staff who lacked SCIF credential.
"The initial reporting is a bit muddled, but it appears that what actually transpired was the White House--wanting to prevent leaks--required all Coronavirus meetings be held in a SCIF to limit the number of potential participants," national security attorney Bradley P. Moss told Law&Crime via email.

"This does not, in and of itself, render the meetings classified, and the White House denied that the meetings were presumptively classified," he continued. "It would, however, limit availability to those who held the necessary clearances to enter into a SCIF in the first place. Patience and clarity is needed here."

Always read the footnotes. CDC | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S., titled "COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*" 5 days ago (strike-through text)
† CDC is no longer reporting the number of persons under investigation (PUIs) that have been tested, as well as PUIs that have tested negative. Now that states are testing and reporting their own results, CDC's numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide.
‡ As of March 5, 2020 1,583 patients had been tested at CDC. This does not include testing being done at state and local public health laboratories, which began this week.

* Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan. State and local public health departments are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy between CDC cases and cases reported by state and local public health officials, data reported by states should be considered the most up to date.
† CDC is no longer reporting the number of persons under investigation (PUIs) that have been tested, as well as PUIs that have tested negative. Now that states are testing and reporting their own results, CDC's numbers are not representative of all testing being done nationwide.
** Does not include cases among persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan; does not include U.S.-identified cases where the date of illness onset has not yet been reported.
archived: Pentagon to provide military installations near 11 major airports for coronavirus quarantine, 7 Feb
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, near Honolulu International Airport; Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, Ill., by Chicago's O'Hare International Airport; Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Texas, close to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport; March Air Reserve Base (ARB), Calif., by Los Angeles International Airport; Travis Air Force Base(AFB), Calif. , near San Francisco International Airport; Dobbins ARB, Ga., near Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport; Fort Hamilton, N.Y., by John F. Kennedy International Airport; Naval Base Kitsap, Wash., near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, D.C., by Dulles International Airport; Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., by Newark Liberty International Airport; and Fort Custer Training Center, Mich., near Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
by Cat on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 07:21:17 AM EST
[ Parent ]
British government wants UK to acquire coronavirus 'herd immunity', writes Robert Peston

The strategy of the British government in minimising the impact of Covid-19 is to allow the virus to pass through the entire population so that we acquire herd immunity, but at a much delayed speed so that those who suffer the most acute symptoms are able to receive the medical support they need, and such that the health service is not overwhelmed and crushed by the sheer number of cases it has to treat at any one time.

The government's experts - the chief medical officer and the chief scientific advisor - have made two big judgements.

First, as the World Health Organisation on Wednesday in effect conceded, that there is no way now of preventing the virus sweeping across Africa, Asia and the Americas - which in practice means that it will be an ever-present threat to the UK, unless and until a mass vaccine is available for use.

Second, the kind of coercive measures employed by China in Wuhan and Hubei have simply locked the virus behind the closed doors of people's homes.

And just as soon as the constraints on freedom of movement are lifted there, the monstrous virus will rear its hideous face again.

It would appear the governemtn has not [yet] read nor taken into account, the reports from Italy (above). Or perhaps they have, considering an early report suggested up to 500k deaths in the UK, which was down-played as the worst possible scenario.

by oldremainmer48 on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 11:47:14 AM EST

by generic on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 11:53:43 AM EST
by generic on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 at 06:32:42 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 at 11:41:55 AM EST

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