by Oui
Wed Jan 20th, 2021 at 08:38:25 AM EST
Impunity leads to further corruption, that's not Democracy, it's a fascist regime of dictatorship in the White House. If needs be, amend the U.S. Constitution.
Written after the assault on Democracy and the U.S. Capitol ...
Wrote a bestseller about the menace in the White House ... yet he got his due for many feats of accomplishments getting Trump in the White House ...
Silencing someone who could cause massive damage as witness during Impeachment trial in the Senate later this week. Still his Boss.
Bannon as intermediair between Emirates, Cambridge Analytica, Robert Mercer, Dominic Cummings, UK Brexit succes and minute difference in getting the vote to make a president in 2016.
Just handed a "stay out of prison" card.
My recent posts on Parler ...
Parler Funded by Mercer Family
Parler re-Launch with Support of Russian Tech Support
A full pardon was also issued to Elliott Broidy, a Republican fundraiser who admitted accepting funds to lobby Mr Trump for Chinese and Malaysian interests. The White House cited his "philanthropic efforts".
Former GOP National Finance Chair, Eliott Broidy, and Convicted Mexican Billionaire, Brokered First Foreign Sale of NSO Group Malware to Mexico
From the diaries ...
Political Divide UAE (Trump) and Qatar (Clinton)
Foreign Policy: Boris Ally Lynton Crosby and CTF