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by Oui Sun Aug 22nd, 2021 at 10:34:08 PM EST
Love of one's country France 🇫🇷 ... wow!
🏦"Peu après mon arrivée, j'ai adopté la nationalité française. Je savais que la 🇫🇷 n'était pas mon pays d'adoption mais qu'elle était mon pays tout court." #JosephineBaker (@LICRA 1957)Honneurs du #Pantheon pour celle qui dédia sa vie aux combats pour l'égalité et la liberté.— Licra (@LICRA) August 22, 2021
🏦"Peu après mon arrivée, j'ai adopté la nationalité française. Je savais que la 🇫🇷 n'était pas mon pays d'adoption mais qu'elle était mon pays tout court." #JosephineBaker (@LICRA 1957)Honneurs du #Pantheon pour celle qui dédia sa vie aux combats pour l'égalité et la liberté.
Joséphine Baker performs (1944)
Josephine Baker will enter the #Pantheon on November 30, 2021 : She was a resistant, a 1939-1945 War Cross Medalist, French Resistance Medalist and a Knight of the Legion of Honour#JosephineBaker— Hauteclaire H (@h_hauteclaire) August 22, 2021
Josephine Baker will enter the #Pantheon on November 30, 2021 : She was a resistant, a 1939-1945 War Cross Medalist, French Resistance Medalist and a Knight of the Legion of Honour#JosephineBaker
Joséphine Baker to enter French Panthéon of national heroes | France24 |
🏛 Work in progress ...
August 28, 1963 - Josephine Baker attended the 1963 March on Washington. She wore her WWII Free French uniform.— (@aflashbak) August 28, 2021
August 28, 1963 - Josephine Baker attended the 1963 March on Washington. She wore her WWII Free French uniform.
Baker's medals, worn here:Légion d'honneur, Croix de guerre (39-45), Résistance medal, Free French voluntary service medal, and the commemorative 39-45 medal. (And some fantastic specs.)— Laura O'Brien (@lrbobrien) January 19, 2021
Baker's medals, worn here:Légion d'honneur, Croix de guerre (39-45), Résistance medal, Free French voluntary service medal, and the commemorative 39-45 medal. (And some fantastic specs.)
📸: Josephine Baker and Lena Horne at the March on Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963.— Black Women Radicals (@blkwomenradical) December 9, 2019
📸: Josephine Baker and Lena Horne at the March on Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963.
You know, friends, that I do not lie to you when I tell you I have walked into the palaces of kings and queens and into the houses of presidents. And much more. But I could not walk into a hotel in America and get a cup of coffee, and that made me mad.
A small point but I'm tired of taking the blame for traitorous rebels and their descendants just because of my skin color. It's just racism, itself. My families came to the USA n the 1890's and 1914 and had NOTHING to do with segregation.
And i've heard recently of the murder that you are talking about. That was not done under color of law. There was no legal segregation in Chicago. There were neighborhoods that one stayed out of for ethnic reasons. Italians were subject to attack for entering Irish neighborhoods and vice versa, but that's worlds different from legal apartheid.
And for whataboutism, what about the burning and looting of Michigan avenue in Chicago by BLM "protesters" protesting WHAT HAPPENED IN MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA totally out of control of anyone in Illinois.
'Winning Has Come Through Revolts': A Black Lives Matter Activist On Why She Supports Looting
Shooting by police of Latrell Allen in Chicago's Englewood led to a standoff in that community between residents and officers led to Monday morning looters on North Michigan Avenue wealthy district.
This isn't policing, it's outright intimidation and confrontation with weapons made for war in Iraq.
Violence in America is beyond pale and is increasing by the minute for every weapon going over the counter.
Denying American society is racist and denies equal representation at the ballot box, will certainly tear into the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Founding of America was started by a revolution with the French Revolution as background ... clearly the 21st Century demands change and may well be by revolt when leaders do not step to the plate.
There are many stages of poverty across the globe and leads in many regions to upheaval and terror by groups possessing weapons. The forced migration has just started ... climate change will function as an accelerator. Hurricane Katrina ... Ida ... next? The destructive wars of choice in the Middle East and beyond has led to a setback in solving problems, it has created the forever war on terror. A declaration by Joe Biden will not change that fact.
Southside Chicago doesn't need Minneapolis to fuel unrest ...
Chicago Gun Violence: 10 Dead, Including CPD Officer, and at Least 63 Wounded in Weekend Shootings 'Sapere aude'
Can I let you in on a secret?Billionaire philanthropy isn't charity. It's PR to cover up exploitative business practices and shield their wealth.— Robert Reich (@RBReich) August 31, 2021
Can I let you in on a secret?Billionaire philanthropy isn't charity. It's PR to cover up exploitative business practices and shield their wealth.
"A recent report by a non-profit think tank reveals 55 of the largest firms in the U.S. paid, combined, less than zero in federal income taxes in 2020."As my friend @RBReich often says, it's socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the rest of us. [_link]— Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II (@RevDrBarber) August 31, 2021
"A recent report by a non-profit think tank reveals 55 of the largest firms in the U.S. paid, combined, less than zero in federal income taxes in 2020."As my friend @RBReich often says, it's socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the rest of us. [_link]
"The real socialism in #America 🇺🇸 isn't what you think It's more #socialism for the rich, harsh #capitalism for the rest.It should be ended."By #RobertReich #Alternet [_link]— Thomas Vitins (@ThomasVitins) August 27, 2021
"The real socialism in #America 🇺🇸 isn't what you think It's more #socialism for the rich, harsh #capitalism for the rest.It should be ended."By #RobertReich #Alternet [_link]
SO. Any officer such as executive, legislator, LE agent, or state licensee who deliberately contravenes US Constitutional law (by statute, ordinance, interdiction, or dereliction) to abridge legal protections afforded citizens expressly coded by the Civil Rights Act of 1866 et seq. and governed by 14th, 15th amdts among others, is engaged in commission of a federal violation, entertaining both civil and criminal codes.
Accordingly, civil courts judge disputes of lawful intercourse between "private persons" according to standards of "equity law"--the balance of performance by litigants, if you will.
Real estate mortgage convenants are but one grotesque yet still active example how "free trade" in US operates under color of law and casually enforces political and economic inequity.
THE NUMBER of "private persons" who deliberately colluded, conspired, and/or materially benefited from such unlawful practices invoked by mundane ordinances or contested statutes AND EXTENT TO WHICH all "private persons" who colluded, conspired, and/or materially benefited by such acts precisely because they and their descendants were not excluded
might appear to some to be untenable equation, but it's not. The variables are known and their values are all around us and quantifiable.
How would they know? How could they measure the injuries sanctioned by the state with which they abide and are directly and indirectly rewarded? Who's tending the ledger strapped to the family bible and shredding mementos? Why would they confess handicapping the competition in the great race from the middle to the top of the pyramid of US American ingenuity and leisure built on the back of slaves' unfree labor essential workers' industry? Thus, plausible deniability is a common feature in opposition today to class action reparations.
The evolution of subjective commitment to groups: A tribal instincts hypothesis 'Sapere aude'
Dunbar's Number
Bottom Line: until the genetics of Genotypic Human Behavior changes Human Behavior will remain in the range to which we've become accustomed and when the genetics does morph enough to change Genotypic Human Behavior the result won't, by definition, be Human. She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist. -- Jean-Paul Sartre
She will be the sixth woman - and the first American born - to be inducted at the Panthéon.
I just granted posthumous pardons for the Martinsville seven--young Black men executed 70 years ago after speedy trials by all-white juries. This is about righting the wrongs of our criminal justice system. I hope it brings some small measure of peace. [_link]— Governor Ralph Northam (@GovernorVA) August 31, 2021
I just granted posthumous pardons for the Martinsville seven--young Black men executed 70 years ago after speedy trials by all-white juries. This is about righting the wrongs of our criminal justice system. I hope it brings some small measure of peace. [_link]
Virginia governor pardons seven Black men executed in 1951 for rape of a white woman | The Guardian | 'Sapere aude'
Ya know why they're crying, dontcha?
Mental disorder is a communicable disease for which no vaccine or "vaccine" exists.
Super article by @PreetKGillMP on the Hidden Heroes campaign & specifically her call for a statue for Sophia Duleep Singh - not one suffragette of ethnic minority heritage has been commemorated."Why We Need New Statues Reflecting Britain's Diverse History" [_link]— Zehra Zaidi (@Zehra_Zaidi) September 1, 2021
Super article by @PreetKGillMP on the Hidden Heroes campaign & specifically her call for a statue for Sophia Duleep Singh - not one suffragette of ethnic minority heritage has been commemorated."Why We Need New Statues Reflecting Britain's Diverse History" [_link]
Ninety-nine percent of people arrested by Beverly Hills `safe streets' unit were Black, suit says [_link]— Guardian news (@guardiannews) September 1, 2021
Ninety-nine percent of people arrested by Beverly Hills `safe streets' unit were Black, suit says [_link]
Very proud that West Point is doing this.As Confederate statues come down, West Point honors Buffalo Soldiers [_link]— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) September 1, 2021
Very proud that West Point is doing this.As Confederate statues come down, West Point honors Buffalo Soldiers [_link]
An Emmett Till historical marker in Mississippi will be repaired after being knocked off the pole that supports it. [_link]— ABC News (@ABC) September 3, 2021
An Emmett Till historical marker in Mississippi will be repaired after being knocked off the pole that supports it. [_link]
Compare the hatred on the face of the young white woman to the calm, courageous dignity of the young black woman. [_link]— Ben Hodges (@general_ben) September 4, 2021
Compare the hatred on the face of the young white woman to the calm, courageous dignity of the young black woman. [_link]
On that date as a new immigrant, I started 7th grade in a parochial school in a St. Louis suburb .... one heckuva adventurous journey. 'Sapere aude'
"Czechia has not had this reckoning with its past when it comes to communism, nor the Holocaust."A book by a Czech historian challenges not so much established national narratives of the Terezin ghetto and Holocaust, but a virtual wall of silence.[_link]— Balkan Insight (@BalkanInsight) September 3, 2021
"Czechia has not had this reckoning with its past when it comes to communism, nor the Holocaust."A book by a Czech historian challenges not so much established national narratives of the Terezin ghetto and Holocaust, but a virtual wall of silence.[_link]
In the early 1900s, UK and US women often ran Tea Rooms, an acceptable form of employment in a limited world for females, which soon became subversive spaces linked to suffrage campaigns and women's rights #WomensArt— #WOMENSART (@womensart1) August 30, 2021
In the early 1900s, UK and US women often ran Tea Rooms, an acceptable form of employment in a limited world for females, which soon became subversive spaces linked to suffrage campaigns and women's rights #WomensArt
19th Century Peace Movement and Women Suffrage
Bas les armes! (1899): The late and troublesome birth of a non-bestseller Bertha von Suttner's famous anti-war novel, Die Waffen nieder! (1889), was a bestseller that was translated at the time in most languages. However, surprisingly, it took ten years before a French edition, Bas les armes!, was published (1899). Recent French biographers of Bertha von Suttner barely acknowledge the existence of the translation. Moreover, the first reprint in more than a century of Bas les armes! (2015) is virtually silent about how the original translation and publication came about. The story is told for the first time in "Bertha von Suttner's anti-war novel in French - "Bas les armes! (1899): The late and troublesome birth of a non-bestseller", by Peter van den Dungen.
Bertha von Suttner's famous anti-war novel, Die Waffen nieder! (1889), was a bestseller that was translated at the time in most languages. However, surprisingly, it took ten years before a French edition, Bas les armes!, was published (1899). Recent French biographers of Bertha von Suttner barely acknowledge the existence of the translation. Moreover, the first reprint in more than a century of Bas les armes! (2015) is virtually silent about how the original translation and publication came about. The story is told for the first time in "Bertha von Suttner's anti-war novel in French - "Bas les armes! (1899): The late and troublesome birth of a non-bestseller", by Peter van den Dungen.
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 17
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 10 3 comments
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 1 6 comments
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 3 32 comments
by Oui - Sep 6 3 comments
by gmoke - Aug 25 1 comment
by Oui - Sep 18
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by Oui - Sep 13
by Oui - Sep 124 comments
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by Frank Schnittger - Sep 103 comments
by Oui - Sep 10
by Oui - Sep 92 comments
by Oui - Sep 84 comments
by Oui - Sep 715 comments
by Oui - Sep 72 comments
by Oui - Sep 63 comments
by Oui - Sep 54 comments
by gmoke - Sep 5