by Oui
Thu Dec 29th, 2022 at 08:23:38 PM EST
Of three controversial leaders, Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, President Trump ... Netanyahu is back in power, America's closest ally in he Middle East and just as religious, bigoted and fascist as its sponsor, the United States of America. As the oppression and occupation of the West Bank continues with more military force.
Many moons ago I wrote ...
Xenophobia, Israel, Alt-right and the Jewish Question
Fascist Jewish Settlers Murder With Impunity
Related reading ...
A follow-up from my earlier diary … provoking unrest for chaos in order to push through a political extreme rightwing agenda.
Return of Netanyahu Defines End of Democracy | Oct. 30, 2022 |
A political career of hate, incitement that led to the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, sabotaged the Oslo Accords and joined Ariel Sharon as the butcher of Palestinians, Iranian scientists and gave support to the Neocon goal of a NWO starting in the Middle East by overthrow of leaders of sovereign nations. A bit of new international boundaries as we went along. No problem whatsoever with an ally, the most powerful military force on Earth. Many war crimes and crimes against humanity were covered-up or protected by a false impunity.
The diary was started with the terror attack on a holy shrine in Iran where the world clearly is split on its condemnation. Remnants of Bush's Operation Enduring Freedom
Daesh Takfiri group claimed responsibility for terrorist attack at the revered Shah Cheragh shrine in Shiraz | Press TV Iran |
Talking Persia, Palestine, House of Saud and Bandar | Dec 9th, 2021 |
Of course on a platform given to Prince Bandar by the Jerusalem Post Israel, a new and reliable ally of an autocratic Saudi Arabia. What a bs in the Israeli media. Gets me pretty mad his morning ...
The Butcher of Christians and Shiites Speaks Out | Jan 29th, 2019 |