Robert Habeck: "At this time we have to give political answers that are as big as the challenges!"
#CohesionVote #Climate ProtectionVote #European Elections
Robert Habeck, Grünen, pushes sustainability
,,Teils brennt schon die Hütte" : Habeck warnt vor ,,Dauerschäden" für die deutsche Wirtschaft
Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) has warned of permanent damage to the German economy due to the energy price crisis. He spoke out in favor of extensive financial aid from the federal government.
Habeck told the German Press Agency: "Sometimes it's just a smoldering fire, sometimes the hut is already burning. In any case, the sustainability of our economy is in danger, there is a risk of permanent damage. We now have to muster all the financial strength to bring the good substance of our economy over the crisis, to secure jobs and to protect the investment and future viability of our economy."
100-Milliarden-Fonds für die Bundeswehr | Tagesspiegel - 28 Februar 2022 |
The debt pot is an absurdity. The fund for the Bundeswehr can make the debt brake virtually worthless. There must be no special status for the military. A comment.
Within a short time, it is the second AmpelKoalition decision that can be classified under the category "debts in reserve". The energy and climate fund has already been granted credit authorizations of 60 billion euros. But the Bundeswehr fund has another dimension. And a very worrying one at that.
Were the Greens aware the decision (proposition) by Chancellor Scholz to increase the defense budget by 100 billion?
Germany's bitter return to arms | Le Monde |
For a nation that rebuilt itself after 1945 amid widespread rejection of war, massive investments in defense and the delivery of arms to Ukraine mark a historic turning point. However, Germans are struggling to embrace this new mindset.
😂 😂 Welfare Tourists
If I hurt someone, I'm very sorry."
@_friedrichmerz apologizes for his
#socialtourism statement.
No need to apologize a$$hole ... the remarks came from your inside moral compass for political gain, same as your sham apology today. 🤥🤥🤥
Would-be Merkel successor questions post-Nazi asylum guarantee | The Guardian - Nov. 18, 2018 |
Friedrich Merz, who hopes to become CDU leader, sparks criticism with comment about changing Germany's constitution
Germany is the only country in the world with an individual right to asylum written into its constitution. The law, drafted in reaction to the Nazi dictatorship and the Holocaust, is considered sacrosanct by many.
"I have long thought we must be prepared to openly discuss this constitutional right to asylum," Merz said in the town of Seebach in the eastern state of Thuringia. He said that Germany needed a considerable public debate over whether the right to asylum should be softened with a "legal caveat", suggesting that he considered the current conditions too generous.
Merz has pledged to win back at least half the voters the CDU has lost to the rightwing populist party Alternative für Deutschland, many of whom were disgruntled over Merkel's immigration policy.
This is the same political strategy of Dutch VVD leader Mark Rutte, to keep the rightwing voters within his electorate for short-term political gain. As a result, discrimination and racism flourishes and becomes mainstream within a few years. Complete lack of integrity and personal courage. Only expedites the move towards a rightwing majority ... and fascism. Well done!
If Angela Merkel is ousted, Europe will unravel | FT Opinion by Philip Stevens - Oct. 29, 2015 |
She has been the rock of certainty. Without her the fractures would multiply
It is more accurate to call it panic than plotting. This week I spent time in the company of members of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrat party. Startlingly for an outsider, the conversations turned on whether the German chancellor would survive the refugee crisis. Some thought she had just weeks to turn things around. Never mind that only yesterday she had towered above any other European leader. Overnight, the unthinkable has become the plausible -- for some in her party, the probable.
Other voices say the fever will subside, but Ms Merkel's vulnerability speaks to the convulsions across Europe caused by the tide of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Maghreb and Sahel countries of Africa. In the eastern, post-communist part of the continent, the influx has strengthened the hands of the ethnic nationalists who never quite signed up to the idea of liberal democracy.
To the west it has bolstered the fortunes of nativists such as Marine Le Pen's National Front in France. Rallies of the far-right Pegida party in Germany now feature speakers who lament the loss of concentration camps. If Britain's David Cameron loses his referendum to keep Britain in the EU it will be because emotions over migration trump economic self-interest.
Ms Merkel has rarely been called a conviction politician. Her longevity in office has resided in her skill in finding the natural point of balance in the German national mood; and, it should be said, her ruthlessness in despatching potential rivals. The adjectives most often applied to her leadership style, sometimes with more than a note of frustration, have been cautious, deliberative and consensual.
VDL the same trap of dependency
Stupidity the EEC was build on economic interdependencies to prevent another great conflict on European soil that may broaden to World War III. Only way forward is building on multilateralism, the fundament of the United Nations.
Too dumb, the enemy next to you ...
Short term gain ... long term economic disaster and great human toll.
Germany's former minister of Defence meets Jens Stoltenberg, EU's defense minister through NATO. Only need NATO if you have an enemy state and when there is a conflict or existential threat. Neither prerequisites existed after the Soviet Union disbanded the Warsaw Pact of nations. The US-UK alliance pushed NATO into an aggressive partnership to fight proxy wars.
Putin tried to use the EU's fossil fuel dependency to blackmail and divide us. He failed. We are turning to reliable and trusted suppliers like 🇺🇸 We are also cutting our need for imported gas, saving and storing more. The EU will end its reliance on Russian fossil fuels.
How America Led Campaign of CC Denial
Who are running America and its politics?
America's Red States, fossil fuel lobby, QAnon conspiracists, Trump supporters and a dysfunctional U.S. Congress with a puppet as Commander-In-Chief triggered by the immense modern Military Industrial Complex. The War on Terror fax come to fruition thanks to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfowitz, Neocons in administration. NATO's mission was revamped into a blunt instrument to fight a regional power Russia.
Have your pleasures in America Ursula, with like-minded "intellectuals" ... the fun lasts until coming November elections and rightwing extremists broaden their power base across America and in Congress.
The United States in a mindset of pre-emptive warfare forever
Paul Wolfowitz's Neocon Blueprint for US Strategic Action | Asia Sentinel - May 21, 2019 |
The document was classified secret for many years but apparently has recently been declassified. As made available to Asia Sentinel, it comprises 93 pages of drafts, some written by aides, and includes descriptions of defense outlays for the services.
As Undersecretary for Defense Policy under the first Bush, Wolfowitz was an early advocate of the second Gulf War although in the aftermath of what became what has been called the country's worst military and diplomatic disaster in history, he denied influencing policy and disclaimed responsibility. Along with Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Stephen Hadley, Richard Perle and Scooter Libby, they became known as the Vulcans, named for the Roman God of Fire.
Wolfowitz bailed out of the Bush administration in 2005 and was nominated to head the World Bank amid considerable controversy. He was later forced out of that job over a personal relationship that was deemed a security risk.
The most fundamental of the four goals, it said, was an aggressive stance to deter or defeat attack from whatever source against the United States, its citizens and forces and to honor the country's treaty commitments, a goal abandoned by the current administration, or at least its leader, Donald Trump.
The second was strengthen and extend defense arrangements with allies, and provide a collective response to preclude threats or, if necessary to deal with them as a key feature of US regional defense strategy.
The third was to preclude any hostile power from dominating a region critical to US interests, and to strengthen the barriers against the reemergence of a global threat to the interests of the US and its allies. "These regions include Europe, East Asia, the Middle East/Persian Gulf, and Latin America. Consolidated, nondemocratic control of the resources of such a critical region could generate a significant threat to our security."
The fourth goal, according to the document, was to "reduce sources of regional instability and limit violence should conflict occur by encouraging the spread and consolidation of democratic government and open economic systems and discouraging the spread of destructive technology, particularly of weapons of mass destruction.
A collective response, Wolfowitz wrote, "will not always be timely and, in the absence of US leadership, may not gel." The US, he said, cannot allow its critical interests "to depend solely on international mechanisms that can be blocked by countries whose interests may be neither can be very different from our own."
In other words, the US should be prepared to act on its own in areas where it feels its interests are threatened.
The collapse of Soviet Communism, he wrote, "leaves America and its allies with an unprecedented opportunity to preserve with greater ease a security environment within which our democratic ideals can prosper."
With the Warsaw Pact dissolved, he wrote, "we can work to shape the future environment and to preclude hostile nondemocratic powers from dominating regions critical to us.