Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

US War Powers, Regime Change and Third Option

by Oui Sat Jan 21st, 2023 at 11:47:07 PM EST

Brutal US Sanctions, Sanctions and more Sanctions ...

Sunni provocation in local districts of Iran

During the George Bush regime, there was always a drive to overthrow the Iranian government as a revenge for many incidents of confrontation since the Revolution of 1979, not the intervention of 1953 to place the Rena Khan Pahlavi Prince on the Western oriented throne ...

Provocation in Saudi province of Bahrain with vast Shia majority

Bahrain, Saddam's Guards and Saudi Military a Sunni Front | Mar 16, 2011 |

The king of Bahrain came under heavy opposition pressure to prove his newly-stated commitment to reform yesterday by sacking his unpopular uncle, the world's longest-serving prime minister.

Shia opposition leaders said they would resist a government offer of dialogue until the kingdom's Sunni rulers made a significant gesture by sacrificing Prince Kalifa, who has held his position since Bahrain's independence from Britain in 1971. They also called for the release of political prisoners.

British Colonel the Butcher of Bahrain

(BBC News) Feb, 2003 - Colonel Henderson, who is in his mid-seventies, has had an interesting career. In the 1950s, as a colonial police officer, he helped stamp out the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya.

When Kenya gained its independence, he was dispatched to Bahrain - then a British protectorate - where he became head of state security for some 30 years.

Ansar al-Islam in Iraqi Kurdistan | HRW - 2003 |

Ansar al-Islam fi Kurdistan (Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan) is one of a number of Sunni Islamist groups based in the Kurdish-controlled northern provinces of Iraq. Its bases are in and around the villages of Biyara and Tawela, which lie northeast of the town of Halabja in the Hawraman region of Sulaimaniya province bordering Iran.


Four Decades of Assassination and Imprisonment of Sunni Imams in Iran | IranWire - 2020 |

Back in 1979, at the birth of the Islamic Republic and the establishment of a Shia government, the Sunni clergy enjoyed a brief honeymoon period. But it did not last long, a mere five months. Over the last 41 years, hundreds of Sunni clerics have been arrested, and some have been executed or assassinated.

Ahmad Moftizadeh was the most influential Sunni cleric arrested after the revolution. He remained in prison until a short time before his death. Ayatollah Khomeini once called him "a respected scientist and a brave cleric," but ordered his arrest in 1982, describing him as "corrupt."

Originally a supporter of the revolution, Moftizadeh became a critic of the Islamic Republic after Shia Islam was proclaimed as the country's official religion in the Constitution, and Sunnis were removed from political positions.

The Political Function of Religion in Kurdish and Perso-Iranian Nationalist Confrontations after the 1979 Revolution

7.0 Maktab Qur'an and Political Issues in Kurdistan

In Kurdistan, some groups brought religion into political game, despite of the little applicability of the political function of religion in the line of Kurdish rights. One of the first and important groups was Maktab Qur'an, founded by Ahmad Moftizada. They are known as `Maktabi' or `Kak Ahmadi' in Kurdistan. Here, we briefly explain this trend and its political ideas and activities.

7.1 Ahmad Moftizada and the Formation of Maktab Qur'an

Ahmad Moftizada (Note 4), well known as Allameh Moftizada or kak Ahmad, the leader and founder of Maktab Qur'an trend, was born in 1933 in Sine (Sanandaj) in a religious family. From his childhood, he was an ardent believer and follower of religious stance and he attained religious sciences. [Under the Shah he was also arrested]

On March 6, 1979, he founded the Islamic Musawat (Equality) Party. On March 18, 1979, he participated in the conference of Kurdish religious leaders in Seqiz (Saqqez). In June 10-12, 1979, he launched the conference of autonomy in Sine. Besides, in spite of canceling his candidacy in Experts Assembly (Majlese Khebregan) election by himself, he participated in the assembly after its formation. In September 1979, he conducted a series of addresses in Hosseinieh Ershad that was the beginning of new stage in his political life. He opposed with some principles of Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution especially the 12th article that led to the formation of the `Sunni Central Council' (Shoray Markazi Sunnat or ShMS) on March 31 and April 1, 1981. Through his invitation on March 13, 1981, the Sunni clergies and leaders participated in the Tehran conference that they enacted a 16 articles manifesto. On August 5-6, 1982, he launched the memorial of the foundation of council in Kermashan (Kermanshah). On September 9, 1982, he was arrested in Tehran and was taken to jail. After 10 years in August 4, 1992, he was released and in February 8, 1993, he passed away. Apart from speeches, articles and his poems, he has two important works: 'A Brief Discussion about Islamic Government' and 'About Kurdistan.'


Letter of Imam Khomeini,
The Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
To President Mikhail Gorbachev, Leader of the Soviet Union

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Iran: Explosions, Ecstasy, and Elections | by susanhu on Jun 13th, 2005 |

Cross-posted @dKos

"Top national security official Ali Agha Mohammadi told AFP late Sunday that the attackers 'infiltrated Iran from the region of Basra' in southern Iraq.

"'These terrorists have been trained under the umbrella of the Americans in Iraq,' he charged, adding that Iran suspected British troops across the border might also have links to the separatist group."

Iran's Islamic regime pointed the finger at Arab separatists, possibly backed by US and British forces in Iraq, for a string of deadly pre-presidential election bombings.

The interior ministry said outgoing President Mohammad Khatami had mobilised the country's vast security apparatus ...

"The people behind these bombing must be pan-Arabists who are based outside Iran," Ali Hadad, an aide to the governor of Ahvaz, told AFP.

Official media said eight people were killed and 75 others wounded Sunday in a series of four blasts outside public buildings in Ahvaz, capital of oil-rich Khuzestan province and an ethnic Arab majority city close to the Iraqi border. ...

Later Sunday, another blast hit a busy square in Tehran, killing two people and seriously wounding at least two others. ...


More headlines in recent years ... terrorists hiding a plain sight inside the EU

MEK's violent past looms over US lobby for regime change in Iran | Al Jazeera - March 2018 |

Secretive Iranian opposition group finds new White House ally in John Bolton, but remains a `pariah' back home.

On June 28, 1981, a huge explosion ripped through the headquarters of Iran's ruling Islamic Republic Party, killing at least 74 government officials, including the country's chief justice, Ayatollah Mohammed Beheshti and more than 20 parliament members, gathered that Sunday evening in southern Tehran.

Iran blamed the attack on the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), a left-wing political group, which also killed Americans before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The suspect reportedly placed the bomb in a rubbish bin near where party leader Beheshti, 52, was addressing the group.

The incident, one of the deadliest political killings in Iran's history, is still remembered as the Haft-e-Tir bombing, so named after the date when it took place on the Persian calendar.

Two months later, President Mohammad Ali Rajaei, Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar, and three other people were also killed when an explosive hidden in a briefcase detonated inside the prime minister's office.

'No love lost for MEK'

The MEK's history of violence has resurfaced in recent days, after US President Donald Trump appointed John Bolton as his national security adviser. The former US ambassador to the UN is a lobbyist for the group and its "government-in-exile", the Iran National Council of Resistance.

Bolton and the MEK support Trump's threat to undo the Iran nuclear deal and advocate for "regime change" in Iran. But critics warned the group's proximity to the levers of American power and the policy they espouse could be a recipe for more bloodshed in the Middle East.

A year before that, Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, a former intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia, also spoke before the group, denouncing the "Khomeini cancer", in reference to the Islamic Republic's founder and first Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Iraq's Camp Ashraf MEK internment near the border with Iran

In exchange for its support of Saddam Hussein, MEK received "protection, funding, weapons, ammunition, vehicles, tanks, military training, and the use of land".

That decision by the MEK to collaborate with Saddam only magnified Iranian public opinion against the group, Javadi said.

After 35 Years, Iran Liquidates MKO Terrorist near Amsterdam | Aug. 10, 2018 |

The historical event of a savage bombing inside Iran's new leadership after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The Pahlavi monarchy was ousted, kept in power for decades by foreign states: USA, UK and Israel (Mossad trained the Savak secret police). The occupation of the U.S. Embassy and hostage taking uncovered top secrets detrimental to both the CIA and Mossad. How the Reagan administration managed to make a deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran to keep the hostages imprisoned until after the presidential election of 1980 is one of the secrets of the "deep state" - Pentagon and vast Intelligence Community (27 agencies).

In addition to the deal with Iran, delivering spare-parts needed to keep the Western purchased fighter planes in the air, the CIA used the proceeds to fund the right-wing extremists in Central America: El Salvador and Nicaragua. The military goods were delivered to Iran through emissaries of Israel.

Rear Adm. John M. Poindexter [infamous for death squads during occupation of Iraq called the Salvador Option - see also Amb. Pyatt in Baghdad and Kyiv], the President's former national security adviser, testified that he had approved diversion of the profits to the contras without ever telling President Reagan or anyone else.

The Mess the Iraq Invasion Made | Nov. 18, 2005 |


The Third Option: Covert Action and American Foreign Policy | Book by Loch K. Johnson -2022 |

Loch Johnson's new book explores the subject of covert action, often referred to as a "Third Option" between America's use of diplomacy and warfare---a shadowy approach to international affairs based on the controversial use of secret propaganda, political activities, economic sabotage, and paramilitary operations (whether clandestine warfare or assassinations).

The three major instruments that guide United States foreign policy are the Treaty Power, the War Power, and the Spy Power. Within the category of Spy Power is the "Third Option" the use of covert action. Ever since the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947, the US has often turned to the third option in the conduct of its international relations. This controversial approach includes covert propaganda campaigns, subversive political activities, economic sabotage, and paramilitary operations ranging from clandestine warfare to the assassination of foreign leaders. From the beginning of the Cold War to the present day, America's intelligence and national security agencies have employed all of these "third option" tools in order to advance America's global interests.

Confession by John Bolton: regime change is US foreign policy ...

John Bolton: Proud of A Hard Day's Work

A war criminal's confession as he was analysing the witness statements of Trump's involvement before the January 6th Commission of U.S. Congress and on America's propaganda outlet CNN ...

No rage, no raised eye brows by leading reporter ...

Joe Biden: JCPOA Is Dead

My diary -- Biden: Iran Nuclear Deal Is Dead | Dec. 21, 2022 |

Biden not serious to reinstate the JCPOA nuclear deal scrapped by the former president to favor Israel …

Biden reluctant to remove Iran's Revolutionary Guards from terror list | France24 - April 20, 2022 |

A serie of three articles on outside intervention led by the U.S. [and Israel] supporting foreign terror groups in assassinations and terror campaign of bombings. The sanction regime by the Western nations leaves Iran in an economic poor shape and poverty. The historic ethnic division of Iran leaves multiple opportunities to be exploited by funding opposition movements seeking independence or at least some autonomy. A universal trend for self-identity and nationalism.

The criminal acts by the Jewish State of Israel is not covered in these series as it would be too extensive from the Mossad training the Shah’s secret service SAVAK in methods of oppression and torture.

    The Fall of the Shah — The CIA has lost eleven espionage ground stations along the 1,600 km Iranian - Soviet border. The thousands of US military personnel contracted by the DoD have left.
The 8 years during the Reagan administration could by itself be written in a lively book.

Israeli Intelligence and Assassinations | Feb. 8, 2022 |

Has any major power been using the argument of borders and sovereignty recently? UN Charter provisions. #bansanctions #brotherhood #sisterhood


Trump Heights: Israel approves plan for occupied Golan settlement

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 at 09:16:40 PM EST
Israel approves drilling for oil in Golan Heights | JPost - Feb. 22, 2013 |

Syrian occupied territory - A New Jersey-based company was awarded the license, covering half the area of the Golan from the latitude of Katzrin in the north to Tzemach in the south.  

Sources informed "Globes" that, a few days ago, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources' Petroleum Council recommended awarding the license to Genie Energy Ltd., headed by former minister Efraim Eitam. Shareholders include chairman Howard Jonas, Lord Jacob Rothschild, and Rupert Murdoch. Former US Vice President Dick Cheney is an adviser.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 at 09:19:05 PM EST
[ Parent ]
h/t Cat Interview with John Pilger

Duane R. Clarridge, Brash Spy Who Fought Terror Networks, Dies at 83

Duane R. Clarridge, a pugnacious American spy who helped found the C.I.A.'s Counterterrorism Center, was indicted and later pardoned for his role in the Iran-contra scandal, and resumed his intelligence career in his late 70s as the head of a private espionage operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, died in Leesburg, Va. He was 83.

Mr. Clarridge was an unflinching champion of a brawny American foreign policy and of the particular role played by the C.I.A.'s clandestine service -- a cadre he likened to a secret army that "marches for the president" and ought to be subjected to as little outside scrutiny as possible.

Mr. Clarridge, widely known by his nickname Dewey, delighted in the role of rogue. He often arrived at work in white Italian suits or safari jackets and bragged to other C.I.A. officers about the brilliant ideas he had conceived while drinking the previous night.

"If you have a tough, dangerous job, critical to national security, Dewey's your man," Robert M. Gates, the former director of central intelligence and later defense secretary, was quoted as saying in "Casey," a 1990 biography of William J. Casey, the Central Intelligence Agency's chief during the Reagan administration, by Joseph E. Persico. "Just make sure you have a good lawyer at his elbow -- Dewey's not easy to control."

Clarridge: Iran-contra: The Underlying Facts

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 at 10:38:57 PM EST
Searching for studies in this framework:

Weaponizing Human Rights for regime change LGBT protest, Islam women

Reference the initiatives to use the R2P policy of the moment to use military force in the Arab Spring protest for regime change in Libya and Syria in 2011 in the shadow of the "successful" Iraq campaign to remove dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003 by the Bush/Cheney administration. The extensive social media campaign and pro-active role played by American tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Google. An extension of American global power, intelligence agencies and the Pentagon. Another element is tribal warfare and creating division.

Related reading ...

Invisible issues: Hidden people, hidden problems | UNA-UK - Autumn 2012 |

Exploiting human misery in the Third World by global powers for a new form of Colonialism.

Identity Politics 2.0: Cyber Geopolitics and the Weaponization of Social Media | Arab. Enter Washington DC - June 2019 |

The processes by which group identity instigates conflict can be attributed to group-based marginalization, whether real or perceived. When members of ethnic, religious, or socioeconomic groups feel threatened, they retreat to tribalism. Similarly, powerful political elites have used identity delineations to deny rights and control populations and resources. Social psychology research has shown the thin line between identity politics and genocide; through a gradual process of inter-group dynamics, the demonization of the out-group as a threat to the in-group can lead to the dehumanization of out-group members and the belief that violence against them is a virtue and a moral obligation to protect the in-group. Some of the most atrocious crimes and genocides in history started with hateful disinformation about a community.

But identity politics in itself is not the problem. Perhaps the most useful classification of identity politics is that of Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, who propose two versions. The first is an inclusive identity politics where the collective community is united yet recognizes the injustices experienced by certain groups within it and the need for political processes to resolve them. The second version is based on politics of fear with a binary, zero-sum, "us vs. them" perspective. The problem lies in the upsurge of the latter rather than the former.

In the Arab world today, the zero-sum exclusionary identity politics is prevalent. Much of the region's conflict is based on inter-group competition, group-based marginalization, ethnic tensions, and fear of an existential threat, all of which create a self-perpetuating cycle of violence and counter-violence. While identity has long been a fixture of political discourse, the explosion of social media tools has intensified division and expanded the domain of conflict to the digital sphere. Due to the role of identity in instigating conflict, its manifestations and dynamics on social media are of vital importance when addressing conflict and strife.

Identity Politics: The Double-Edged Sword

The election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States has intensified identity politics and polarization. These have flooded media and political conversations not only in the United States but around the world. On the one hand, with identity playing a major part in the grievances of marginalized communities and with unequal power structures continuing to affect minorities, identity politics becomes a platform to confront, recognize, and address disparities.

On the other hand, shifts brought on by globalization have increased identity politics on the right, especially among middle-class white populations, leading to resentments over perceived lost economic opportunities, affronted dignities, and threats to status, lifestyle, and even existence.

The resulting global rise of populist nationalism(1) and the shift from multiethnic democracies and multilateralism to internally focused narrow identities that vilify minorities have caused many to question the utility of identity politics and to view it as detrimental to liberal democracy. The impact of this discourse was evident in increased extreme-right attacks, most recently on the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania synagogue and the Christchurch, New Zealand mosques.

    Note (1) Study new religions: Christian Identity

    I watched a discussion on Al Jazeera on white supremacy, Trump presidency and role religion, the difference between Christian nationalism and Evangelical nationalism. The role of the Supreme Court's role to break down the barrier between Church and State. Moving forward to a "Christian" nation of the Aryan race of God's chosen people -- exceptionalism as underlying cause.

I would strongly argue the fictional "Clash of Civilization" narrative augmented by a few dozens Saudi and Middle East terrorists on 11 September was further amplified by the ugly racist and fascist statements of Bibi Netanyahu to declare all Palestinians as terrorists. In many ways, the cult of Israeli and American neoconservatives intend to remold the whole Middle East in Israel's interest. This is continuing today, except the clash of civilization is now about a Global Order and a division between East and West, a hot Cold War and stand-off between the United States on one side and Russia and China on the other pole. The unipolar position of the US will not last.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 at 01:12:00 PM EST
Another amazing narrative found here ... after a quick glance misunderstood by me. Worthwhile vision from the largest populated nation of Africa, Nigeria.

M.A.D. Anti-Einstein Rhetoric

About checks and balances and America policing the world -- that pivotal year 2014. US bona fides earned in the global war on terror and the Afghan and Iraq campaign. Failure of diplomacy, communication between global nuclear powers and increased distrust.

Unipolar World In Crisis as Russia Challenges the U.S. and Allies, Dragging other Disgruntled Nations along

By F.A. Olasupo - Sept. 2014 | Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria |

Again, if in error, Soviet Military had retaliated, nuclear war would have ensued. Americans too would have looked nowhere else for harbinger of the calamity other than USSR and, might therefore have also responded.

The second incident was a "major war game exercise, Operation Able Archer, which involved 40,000 US and Nato troops moving across western Europe, co-ordinated by encrypted communications systems, imagined as scenario in which Blue Forces (Nato) defended its allies after Orange Forces (Warsaw Pact countries) sent troops into Yugoslavia following political unrest. The Orange Forces had quickly followed this up with invasions of Finland, Norway and eventually Greece. As the conflict had intensified, a conventional war had escalated into one involving chemical and nuclear weapons" (Guardian World News, 2013a).

Earlier in "September 1983, Russia shot down a Korean Airlines Boeing 747, killing all 269 people on board, after the plane had mistakenly strayed into their airspace. There is evidence to suggest that Russians thought the Boeing was an American spy plane".

Before these and in the same year 1983, US President Ronald Reagan, made a high-profile speech describing the Soviet Union as the "evil empire" and announced plans to build the "Star Wars" strategic defense initiative. With distrust between these two powerful nations in the world at unparalleled levels during this period, both sides "were operating on hair trigger" (Guardian World News, 2013a).

As Able Archer commenced and Russia close to threating the exercise as prelude for a nuclear strike against them (USSR), the Kremlin gave instructions for a dozen aircraft in East Germany and Poland to be fitted with nuclear weapons.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 at 01:15:15 PM EST
[ Parent ]
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Jan 24th, 2023 at 06:09:08 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 at 01:15:57 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Largest ever demonstration against war and placing short-range nuclear NATO Pershing II and cruise missiles in Europe.

More than 600,000 people demonstrated Saturday in The Netherlands | UPI - Oct. 29, 1983 |

More than 600,000 people demonstrated in The Netherlands and Denmark, and hundreds of anti-nuclear activists blockaded two U.S. bases in West Germany to protest NATO plans to deploy new nuclear missiles in Europe.

Some 120,000 people took to the streets in cities and towns across Denmark to protest the missile deployment. It was the Scandinavian country's largest nationwide demonstration ever.

Peace movement in The Netherlands "Before the Bomb Drops"

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 at 01:17:08 PM EST
[ Parent ]
After Exterminism | New Left Review - Mar/Apr 1988 |

Signing of an INF Treaty at the Washington Summit of December 1987 has brought to a symbolic (if illusory) close a dramatic episode in postwar history.

It will not, it seems, mark a decisive reversal in the nuclear arms race. Compensatory adjustments, on the nato side at least, and the us determination to develop a new generation of space-based weaponry will probably carry the military competition forward into a qualitatively new round, while sea-based systems will take over the strategic roles of Cruise and Pershing II.

It will not represent the recovery of a European popular sovereignty against superpower occupation, or the emergence of a progressive `third way' in the political alignments of the international community. The Thatcher and Kohl governments came unwillingly, and under strong American pressure, to an acceptance of the deal; and they looked ahead not to dealignment and denuclearization but rather to the coalescence of a European nuclear pillar of nato. It may not even be the solid foundation it appears for improved superpower relations.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 at 01:18:08 PM EST
Within two years all trade with China will suffer from harsh economic and financial sanctions form US-UK-NATO Western powers. The Iron Curtain moved toward Russia's capital Moscow and broadened from the Barents Sea to the Persian Gulf.

Agreement signed between the US and EU on SWIFT banking system -- EU-US agreement on the processing and transfer of financial messaging data for purposes of the US Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme (TFTP)

Warning from the diaries ...

The long SWIFT arm of the US IRS | by ARGeezer on Nov. 28, 2009 |


Financial Sanctions, SWIFT, and the Architecture of the International Payments System | January 2023 |

It has become so much easier to define terrorism, a terrorist and a terror state or NGO ... the hybrid warfare of a collapsing empire of US dollar transactions. Waiting for a move by Saudi Arabia. China has introduced its very own crypto currency.

U.S. four-star general warns of war with China by 2025

A four-star general in the U.S. Air Force has warned of war with China within the next two years, likely over self-ruled Taiwan, in remarks that the Pentagon quickly sought to distance itself from.

Gen. Mike Minihan, who heads the U.S. Air Mobility Command, warned in a letter to the leadership of its roughly 110,000 personnel that it must speed up preparations for a looming conflict, citing Chinese President Xi Jinping's goals and the possibility that Washington and Taipei will be preoccupied with other domestic issues in the ensuing two years.

"I hope I am wrong," Minihan wrote in the letter dated Feb. 1 but sent out Friday. "My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. Xi secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan's presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States' presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi's team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025."

Dutch far-right conservative PM Mark Rutte agreed with Joe Biden in White House pow-wow to block sales of ASML advanced chip lithography machines to China to avoid crippling sanctions by uncle Joe ... poster "I Want You" has been upgraded.

News headlines today in the greatest democracy of the world and protector of universal human rights, except ... Politico USA

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 at 10:35:44 AM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 03:23:50 PM EST
OPCW Syria whistleblower and ex-director attacked by U.S., UK, France at UN | MROnline - Oct. 15, 2020 |

At the UN Security Council, the U.S., UK and France were confronted with testimony from OPCW whistleblower Ian Henderson and ex-chief José Bustani that challenged the rationale for their bombing of Syria in April 2018. They responded by attacking and silencing the witnesses. Aaron Maté recaps the extraordinary events.

From the early beginnings more questions than answers. #johnbolton #opacity

Ex-OPCW chief Jose Bustani reads Syria testimony that US, UK blocked at UN | Oct. 5, 2020 |

It is against this backdrop that serious questions are now being raised over whether the independence, impartiality, and professionalism of some of the Organisation's work is being severely compromised, possibly under pressure from some Member States. Of particular concern are the circumstances surrounding the OPCW's investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, on 7 April 2018. These concerns are emanating from the very heart of the Organisation, from the very scientists and engineers involved in the Douma investigation.

In October 2019 I was invited by the Courage Foundation, an international organisation that `supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record', to participate in a panel along with a number of eminent international figures from the fields of international law, disarmament, military operations, medicine, and intelligence. The panel was convened to hear the concerns of an OPCW official over the conduct of the Organisation's investigation into the Douma incident.

The expert provided compelling and documentary evidence of highly questionable, and potentially fraudulent conduct in the investigative process. In a joint public statement, the Panel was, and I quote, `unanimous in expressing [its] alarm over unacceptable practices in the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma'. The Panel further called on the OPCW, `to permit all inspectors who took part in the Douma investigation to come forward and report their differing observations in an appropriate forum of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, in fulfilment of the spirit of the Convention.'

I was personally so disturbed by the testimony and evidence presented to the Panel, that I was compelled to make a public statement. I quote: "I have always expected the OPCW to be a true paradigm of multilateralism. My hope is that the concerns expressed publicly by the Panel, in its joint consensus statement, will catalyse a process by which the Organisation can be resurrected to become the independent and non-discriminatory body it used to be."

The call for greater transparency from the OPCW further intensified in November 2019 when an open letter of support for the Courage Foundation declaration was sent to Permanent Representatives to the OPCW to, `ask for [their] support in taking action at the forthcoming Conference of States Parties aimed at restoring the integrity of the OPCW and regaining public trust.'

The signatories of this petition included such eminent figures as Noam Chomsky, Emeritus Professor at MIT; Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair of the Swedish Doctors for Human Rights; Coleen Rowley, whistle-blower and a 2002 Time Magazine Person of the Year; Hans von Sponeck, former UN Assistant Secretary-General; and Film Director Oliver Stone, to mention a few.

Almost one year later, the OPCW has still not responded to these requests, nor to the ever-growing controversy surrounding the Douma investigation. Rather, it has hidden behind an impenetrable wall of silence and opacity, making any meaningful dialogue impossible.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 03:25:15 PM EST
Bolton's role in diplomat's ouster questioned | NBC News - June 4, 2005 |

John R. Bolton flew to Europe in 2002 to confront the head of a global arms-control agency and demand he resign, then orchestrated the firing of the unwilling diplomat in a move a U.N. tribunal has since judged unlawful, according to officials involved.

A former Bolton deputy says the U.S. undersecretary of state felt Jose Bustani "had to go," particularly because the Brazilian was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad. That might have helped defuse the crisis over alleged Iraqi weapons and undermined a U.S. rationale for war.

Bustani, who says he got a "menacing" phone call from Bolton at one point, was removed by a vote of just one-third of member nations at an unusual special session of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), at which the United States cited alleged mismanagement in calling for his ouster.

Firing set 'unfortunate precedent'

The United Nations' highest administrative tribunal later condemned the action as an "unacceptable violation" of principles protecting international civil servants. The OPCW session's Swiss chairman now calls it an "unfortunate precedent" and Bustani a "man with merit."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 03:26:40 PM EST
President Trump ousts John R. Bolton, his 3rd National Security Advisor who replaced Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster | TIME - Sept. 10, 2019 |

Bolton's departure represents a turning point for the Trump presidency. A blunt, famously effective bureaucratic knife fighter, Bolton had sometimes succeeded in steering Trump towards a tougher line in some parts of the world, including against Iran. Since joining the White House in April 2018, Bolton did away with much of the National Security Council deliberation processes and, in a break with his camera-shy predecessors, stepped into an outsized public role. He used his Twitter account to issue dire warnings in order to keep the America's adversaries off-balance. In several instances, Bolton threatened Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with imprisonment or worse unless he abandoned power. He issued formal written statements on military posture, most notably on May 5 when he announced the movement of U.S. forces the Middle East "to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 03:27:47 PM EST

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 03:28:44 PM EST
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'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:24:07 PM EST
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by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:25:25 PM EST
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BTW The quake province Gaziantep was renowned for passage for foreign jihadists by the tens of thousands into northern Syria for the US-UK-NATO alliance with Arab states to overthrow Bashar Assad. International borders, UN Charter and sovereign state ...

Adana: Turkey Finds Sarin Gas in Homes of Suspected Syrian Islamists -- Reports | May 30, 2013 | Id. Report from my diary

Washington 'Cherry-picked' Intelligence on Sarin Production Syrian Rebels | @BooMan on Dec. 9, 2013 |

Even No News on Syria and Sarin Makes the Media Headlines | @BooMan on Jun 29, 2017 |

Key words: Sarin nerve agent smuggled border Adana MIT Turkish MP Eren Erdem CHP

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:27:57 PM EST
The Syrian-Sarin 'False Flag' Lesson | Ray McGovern - Dec. 11, 2016 |

Accumulating evidence offers persuasive proof that Syrian rebels supported by Turkish intelligence - not Syrian Army troops - bear responsibility for the infamous sarin nerve-gas attack killing hundreds of people on Aug. 21, 2013 in Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus. The incident bears all the earmarks of a false-flag attack.
But U.S. and other "rebel-friendly" media outlets wasted no time in offering "compelling" evidence from "social media" - which Secretary of State John Kerry described as an "extraordinary tool" - to place the onus on the Syrian government.

However, as the war juggernaut started rolling toward war, enter Putin from stage right with an offer difficult for Obama to refuse - guaranteed destruction of Syria's chemical weapons on a U.S. ship outfitted for such purpose. This cheated Washington's neocon mousetrap-setters out of their war on Syria. They would get back at Putin six months later by orchestrating an anti-Russian coup in Kiev.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:30:57 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Nigergate: The Great Nuclear Centrifuge Scam | June 2007 |

Funny thing...did you know that the next day Nicolò Pollari met with Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley?

    Stephen Hadley is no low-ranking underling in the White House. Today he is National Security Advisor. In 2002, he is deputy to Condoleezza Rice and a node in the parallel intelligence conduit ["Stovepipe"--Nur] desired by Dick Cheney to legitimize a war on Saddam Hussein. He is the man who, among other things, is responsible for the sixteen words pronounced by George W. Bush in his January 28, 2003 State of the Union Address which served as a declaration of war on Iraq.

Yeah, it's true. I know it is not normal for the head of a foreign intelligence agency to meet with a counterpart above his grade, but it happened and it was confirmed by our own government. Those aluminum tubes happened to be used for 81-mm rocket artillery shells in Italy's Medusa air-to-ground missile defense system. Pollari didn't bother to mention that. Or...if he did, they don't want to discuss it.

In any case, for anyone that is interested in these things (i.e., not the American press) you can find much about the underlying crimes here from Nur al-Cubicle's translations of La Repubblica's investigation.

Role NATO in torture flights from Europe to destinations across the globe. Reign of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.

Partners in crime: Europe's role in US renditions, Italy's SISMI Nicolò Pollari and abduction by CIA agents of Abu Omar in 2002 | Amnesty International |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:33:27 PM EST
New Twists in the Never-Ending Yellowcake Saga | by de Gondi - Dec. 5, 2005 |

In the Italian media battle over the Niger forgeries both the Sismi and the government try to get mileage out of the FBI's closing of  the case, as well as FBI Director Robert Mueller's July letter that exonerated Italian officials of involvement in the scam.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:34:53 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Operation Iraq Propaganda Copied for Ukraine

No doubts about it IMO

The Pentagon. Information Operations, and International Media Development | CIMA - NED |

    A core principle of the
    United States is that a free
    and independent press is
    vital to the formation and
    maintenance of democracies.

About the same time in 2004, the Joint Psychological Operations Support Element was formed at the U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa. In June 2005, it awarded three contracts worth up to $300 million over five years to SYColeman, Lincoln Group, and SAIC to develop radio and TV commercials, Internet ads, podcasts, billboards, and more to improve foreign opinion of the United States.

    "If you want to influence someone,  
    you have to touch their emotions,"

    Col. James A. Treadwell
...The Joint Contracting Command awarded four contracts to Leonie Industries LLC, SOS International, Ltd., MPRI/L-3 Services, Inc. [cached], and the Lincoln Group to provide media services to the multi-national force in Iraq-specifically to produce news stories and public service announcements for the Iraqi media.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Feb 9th, 2023 at 04:37:12 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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