by Oui
Fri Nov 3rd, 2023 at 08:40:22 PM EST
Modern Muslims' Online Struggle: Countering Islamophobia One Tweet at a Time | Insight Turkey |
Muslims globally are using the internet, not just as a window to see and be seen by the rest of the world, but also as a tool with which to push back against the many attempts to sideline them, profile them, stigmatize them and silence them.1 Their efforts to deploy digital media as a platform that gives voice to the voiceless, thus helping them to amplify and spread their messages, became particularly important in the midst of the rising wave of Islamophobia after 9/11, especially in the West.
With the alarming increase in incidents of hatred against Muslims worldwide and the dangerous new wave of Islamophobia that has been witnessed more recently, many Muslims have resorted to online campaigns to fight against negative misrepresentations, rectify their images, and spread correct awareness about their faith and traditions, their multifaceted identities and lived realities. This commentary provides various examples illustrating how different groups of Muslims are engaging in tireless online efforts to achieve all of these goals.
Countering the Islamophobia Industry
Toward More Effective Strategies| Carter Center - May 2018 |
By President Jimmy Carter
I have watched with concern the unprecedented rise of anti-Muslim hate crimes and hate speech. From surveillance and imprisonment, with fewer procedural safeguards against anti-Muslim legislation, Muslims have been subjected to discriminatory and unconstitutional practices. Such actions not only infringe on the freedom of Muslims to practice their faith, but also marginalize them as engaged citizens.
Respect for human rights and the elimination of discrimination are essential to advancing global peace and democracy. When we turn a blind eye to discrimination against our Muslim neighbours, we cannot claim to remain true to our American values, and if we tolerate discrimination against those of another faith, we undermine our own cherished religious freedom.
None of us can ignore the challenge that rising Islamophobia presents to our nation. We must resolve to fight fear and abuse with solidarity and a commitment to justice -- especially for those whose communities have suffered oppression and discrimination.
In September of 2017, The Carter Center convened an international symposium of scholars, journalists, civil society actors, and religious leaders to develop a strategic and sustainable response to Islamophobia. We concluded that all people of good will have a responsibility to speak out and hold accountable those who seek to divide us by derogating others. We must use the laws that enshrine human and civil rights to combat Islamophobia as they have been used to combat other forms of discrimination.
It is the Carter Center's mission to wage peace, fight disease, and build hope for all people. In this guidebook we offer strategies, best practices, and toolkits to fight the spread of Islamophobia and to build a culture of respect for universal human rights.
Losing Protest Rights in EU Countries
Burning EU and other flags can now bring German jail term BBC News - 15 May 2020 |
Germany has made public burning of the EU flag or that of another country punishable by up to three years in jail, classing it as a hate crime. The vote in the Bundestag (parliament) makes defiling foreign flags equal to the crime of defiling the German flag.
The same applies for the EU anthem, Beethoven's Ode to Joy theme.
The move followed Social Democrat (SPD) complaints about protesters' burning of the Israeli flag in Berlin in 2017.
Demonstrators wave Palestinian, Turkish and Syrian flags in front of the Brandenburg Gate, next to the US embassy in Berlin on December 8, 2017. (AFP PHOTO / John MACDOUGALL)
Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht, a member of the centre-left SPD, said "burning flags publicly has nothing to do with peaceful protests". She said it stoked up "hatred, anger and aggression", and hurt many people's feelings. [fu*king ridiculous when a country launches a war with crimes against humanity or as we have seen crimes of genocide ... in 1968 the chant Johnson murderer changed the presidential election outcome in 1968]
The new law also applies to acts of defilement besides burning, such as publicly ripping a flag up. Public display of the Nazi swastika and other Nazi symbols is already banned in Germany.
The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has condemned the new law as "excessive interference in free speech and artistic expression".
The act of defiling the Union Flag in the UK is not a crime, but France has made desecration of the tri-color punishable by a fine of up to 7,500 (£6,600; $8,000) or six months in jail.
Spain, Italy and Greece also have laws banning desecration of the national flag.
What rights of Palestinians?
Germany as guarantor of the existence of a Zionist state in the Middle East ... Green Party duo Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck.
Burning of Israeli flags during demonstrations and "praising Hamas terror" were criminal offenses.
"Any German citizen who does this will have to answer for such offenses in court. Those who are not German citizens will also risk their residency status."
Recently EC President VDL spoke at the Hudson Institute (19 Oct. 2023) and praised their outstanding job.
There was no limit to the blood, Hamas terrorists wanted to spill. They went home by home. They burned people alive. They mutilated children and babies. Why? Because they were Jews. Because they were living in the State of Israel.
And Hamas' explicit goal is to eradicate Jewish life from the Holy Land. These terrorists, supported by their friends in Tehran will never stop.
Hudson Institute board member and philanthropist Nina Rosenwald, founder of the Gatestone Institute, has used her millions to cement the alliance between the pro-Israel lobby and the Islamophobic fringe. Includes Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders who may become part of next Dutch government after 22 November general election.
An American anti-Muslim megadonor is publishing fake news that's giving a boost to a German far-right party in Sunday's election | The Intercept - 22 Sept. 2017 |
Anti-Semitism Extended to Criticism Jerusalem
INRA adopted in European countries
Adoption of anti-Semitism definition curbs free speech: Report | Al Jazeera - 7 June 2023 |
EU nations called out for adopting definition that conflates anti-Semitism with criticism of Israel and fosters 'anti-Palestinian racism'.
The European Union's adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism has led to widespread restrictions on the rights of assembly and freedom of expression, according to research from a rights group.
The European Legal Support Center (ELSC)'s report (PDF), Suppressing Palestinian Rights Advocacy through the IHRA Working Definition of Anti-Semitism, published on Tuesday, describes how the definition has wrongly conflated anti-Semitism with criticism of Israel.
Israel, Hasbara Mission and Disinformation
False Propaganda Says the US Is Out to Destroy Islam | Posted by Oui @BooMan on 30 July 2014 |
From BooMan's fp story - They Drift Apart.
"I encourage (especially) our Jewish members to opine about this observation by Josh Marshall ..."
and combined it with BooMan's earlier story - Can We Just Be Honest for Once?
I love how this country devises new ways to always avoid taking responsibility for its past mistakes. Did we torture people to death for no good reason? Oh well, we can't admit it or our soldiers deployed overseas will be put at risk. This is why we never saw many of the more appalling photos from Abu Ghraib. It would have inflamed international opinion and made people want to kill our troops.
Pentagon generals have preceded my statement, but Netanyahu's Israel is endangering the security of the United States and prevents any attempt to come to a peaceful solution with the Palestinians. It's quite one-sided, having made a full 180º turn in my personal opinion through the last four decades. The assassination of Yitzak Rabin destroyed the Oslo Accords and there has not been a serious attempt to make a deal with the Palestinians.
Deep Fake, Bouncing Kerry As A Terrorist Apologist
U.S., Israel Strongly Decry Obama-Netanyahu Transcript as Crude Fake | NBC News - 29 July 2014 | Plus video reaction John Kerry
The transcript, reported by Israeli TV, quotes President Barack Obama as dictating terms to Israel's prime minister in a rude and bitter exchange.
Senior U.S. and Israeli officials sharply denounced Tuesday a purported leaked transcript of an allegedly contentious phone call between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a crude fake.
The alleged transcript, which Israel's Channel 1 said it had obtained from an unidentified "senior American official," quotes the two leaders as arguing bitterly in a phone conversation Sunday over Israel's military actions in Gaza. In its report, Channel 1 characterizes Obama as addressing Netanyahu in a "rude, condescending and hostile manner," and Obama as having cut off Netanyahu mid-sentence:
Netanyahu: I protest because Hamas can continue to launch rockets and use tunnels for terror attacks --
New CAIR Report: $105-Million Donated by Major US Foundations to Islamophobic Groups | Tikun Olam - 13 Jan. 2022 |
Jewish pro-Israel donors gave 20% of overall funding
The American Muslim defense organization, CAIR, published a new account of Islamophobia in America, Islamophobia in the Mainstream. It reports that wealthy US foundations gave $105-million between 2017-2019 to hate groups with an Islamophobic agenda. It examined the 50 largest US foundations and focussed on 35 which gave the funds to 26 organizations. Among the foundations were ones founded by noted far-right fixtures: the late gambling magnate, Sheldon Adelson, Irving Moskowitz, who earned his wealth through a Southern California bingo empire, and Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot. The Jewish Communal Fund and Jewish federations in Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco also donated large sums to these groups via donor-advised funds.
John Bolton chairs the Islamophobic Gatestone Institute
IMPACT: Gatestone has published a steady stream of content aimed at stoking fears of a Muslim takeover of Europe and America. The articles warn that increasing Muslim migration to Europe will lead to the "Islamization" of the continent. Gatestone's pieces have been cited by far-right politicians to justify their anti-Muslim policies.
Gatestone Institute was founded in 2008 under the name "Hudson New York" by Nina Rosenwald. In 2012, the organization briefly changed its name to Stonegate Institute. Later that year, the organization adopted its current name. Gatestone describes itself as an "international policy council and think tank." The former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and current national security adviser to President Donald Trump, John Bolton, served as the Institute's chairman since 2013.
Rosenwald is the heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune. A 2011 report by the Center for American Progress found that since 2001, Rosenwald, through her family foundation, the William Rosenwald Family Fund, donated more than $2.8 million to "organizations that fan the flames of Islamophobia." The Center for American Progress identified the family fund as one of the top seven funders of Islamophobia.
Written eons ago ...
Fear Inc: Funding Islamophobia in America | @BooMan on 27 Aug 2011 |
Israeli Ambassador Stepping Over Warm Body Barack Obama | @BooMan on 26 Dec. 2016 |
It is a historical fact the 9/11 attack on America, symbol of the free world, was exploited by the State of Israel to split civilization between "Western culture" and the terrorists "Islamic culture". Fear Inc. 2.0 and Islamophobia is on the rise and created the opening for fascism, populism and nationalism after the banking and financial crisis of 2008. The European far-right and anti-immigration parties developed as anti-establishment voices which led to the LEAVE vote in the UK Brexit referendum and the upset victory for Trumpism in the US presidential election.
Israel and especially PM Netanyahu took this policy one step too far, sticking in to US president Barack Obama. Bibi overplaying his hand which gets him wide criticism from an otherwise tranquille opposition in Israel.
Dutch Intelligence AIVD Manipulation and Propaganda