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NATO Is Losing the Proxy War In Ukraine

by Oui Tue Nov 7th, 2023 at 11:44:53 PM EST

The next president is waiting in exile in Austria ...

Divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing | MofA |

The recent publications about Zelenski's egomania in Time and the war 'stalemate' as claimed by General Zaluzny in The Economist have led to a conflict between the political and military sides of Ukraine:

There are sure signs that the divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing. President Zelenski, on request of his new defense minister, just removed the commander of Ukraine's special forces and installed a new one:

    Major General Viktor Khorenko does not know the reasons for his dismissal from the post of Commander of the Special Operations Forces. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, did not submit a request for his dismissal.

It is very unusual to fire an officer without a request from his superior commander.

Zelensky, Akhmetov, the State Department or the FSB. Who is voting for Oleksiy Arestovich

Our leadership has exhausted the limits of its competence, brought the situation to a standstill and continues to insist on its erroneous policy. It is leading us to a catastrophe," Oleksiy Arestovych wrote in his Telegram channel the other day. It is the political leadership, not the military, in his opinion, who bear full responsibility for the course of events at the front.

He sees a way out in the holding of elections in Ukraine, which, in his opinion, give hope for a "reset", "destruction of the monopoly of incompetence" and the coming to power of new forces "capable of making decisions that correspond to the real situation".

Divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing | MofA |

The recent publications about Zelenski's egomania in Time and the war 'stalemate' as claimed by General Zaluzny in The Economist have led to a conflict between the political and military sides of Ukraine:

There are sure signs that the divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing. President Zelenski, on request of his new defense minister, just removed the commander of Ukraine's special forces and installed a new one:

    Major General Viktor Khorenko does not know the reasons for his dismissal from the post of Commander of the Special Operations Forces. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, did not submit a request for his dismissal.

It is very unusual to fire an officer without a request from his superior commander.


A military-intelligence source explains Ukraine's chances of victory and how the embattled nation might still get those MiG fighters.

Q: How does this end?

A: It's a race against time. The Ukrainians are killing hundreds of 19-year-old Russian conscripts. The Russians are killing hundreds of Ukrainian civilians. Thousands are going to die. But the Ukrainian people have had a taste of the West, a taste of freedom, and they don't want anything to do with Russia. The Russian people, on the other hand, have had a tacit understanding with Putin: They don't get involved in politics, and he gives them some semblance of economic stability. But now, with the war and the sanctions, Putin has broken the deal. Average middle-class Russians can't go to Greece for vacation anymore. They can't watch soccer. They can't even go to McDonald's. That tacit understanding has been broken. It's really a case of this being one man's war: Putin's.

Washington Monthly ... the arrogance.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Nov 8th, 2023 at 01:48:06 PM EST
strana | In Uzhgorod, prices for rental housing increased by 200% due to the influx of Ukrainian migrants
This was told to the German publication DW by a local realtor. According to the real estate worker, there is no curfew in the region and it was almost never shelled, which is why hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians came to live there. As a result, rental prices skyrocketed.

In March, property owners asked for a three-bedroom Khrushchev 1500 thousand dollars [sic] a month. Four rooms in the old house were rented out for $2,000 [UAH 72,112]. And people paid. In January, we already wrote that because of the war, rental housing in regions far from the fighting has risen in price. In December, the rent of a one-room apartment in the Transcarpathian region tripled and cost UAH 17,304, which is 185.4% more than a year earlier. And as of the beginning of 2023, renting a one-room apartment in Lviv was one and a half times more expensive than in Kiev.

strana | Ukraine evacuated the first 43 Ukrainian citizens from the Gaza Strip
Ukraine also helped evacuate 36 Moldovan citizens. Evacuation continues.

"Our embassies in Israel and Egypt, as well as other relevant organizations, are making every effort to get more of our citizens out of Gaza," Zelensk* added.

Recall that in mid-October, the second evacuation with Ukrainians took off from Israel. 155 Ukrainian citizens, including 107 women and 23 children, flew from Ben Gurion Airport (Tel Aviv) to Romania.

Earlier, we wrote that the number of Ukrainians killed as a result of the war between Hamas and Israel has increased to 25 people, 21 people were killed in Israel and another 4 (including three children) in the Gaza Strip. Another person is considered missing.

strana | In Ukraine, an outbreak of hepatitis A. How to protect yourself and how it is connected with the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station
Hepatitis outbreaks in Ukraine have always occurred, with different frequency. So, in the late 90s and early 2000s, from 20 to 40 thousand patients were registered annually in Ukraine, but then the incidence dropped sharply.

"In recent years, there has been a very low circulation of the virus. This was due to the improvement of sanitary and economic conditions. People began to drink bottled or boiled water, which brought us closer to European countries, where the incidence was about 10 per 100,000. At this level, and we have kept it for a long time," says Victoria Zadorozhnaya.

But the war, population migration and deterioration of sanitary and epidemiological conditions have worsened the situation. The destruction of the Kakhovka reservoir by the invaders also played a role in the spread of hepatitis, which caused a lot of contaminated substances to enter the water.

"The explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station could also increase the circulation of this virus, because there was a strong contamination of water. And, unfortunately, this coincided with the summer-autumn season, when in general, in principle, the circulation of viruses that are transmitted orally and faecally increases. That is, everything is interconnected. But the fact that the war had an impact is unequivocal, " explains Victoria Zadorozhnaya.

UAH:USD, 1:0.027
by Cat on Wed Nov 8th, 2023 at 04:00:11 PM EST
Ukrainian letter of solidarity with the Palestinian people | Al Jazeera |

We reject the Ukrainian government statements that express unconditional support for Israel's military actions, and we consider the calls to avoid civilian casualties by Ukraine's MFA belated and insufficient. This position is a retreat from the support of Palestinian rights and condemnation of the Israeli occupation, which Ukraine has followed for decades, including voting in the UN.

Aware of the pragmatic geopolitical reasoning behind Ukraine's decision to echo Western allies, on whom we are dependent for our survival, we see the current support of Israel and dismissing Palestinian right to self-determination as contradictory to Ukraine's own commitment to human rights and fight for our land and freedom. We as Ukrainians should stand in solidarity not with the oppressors, but with those who experience and resist the oppression.

We strongly object to equating of Western military aid to Ukraine and Israel by some politicians. Ukraine doesn't occupy the territories of other people; instead, it fights against the Russian occupation, and therefore international assistance serves a just cause and the protection of international law. Israel has occupied and annexed Palestinian and Syrian territories, and Western aid to it confirms an unjust order and demonstrates double standards in relation to international law.

We oppose the new wave of Islamophobia, such as the brutal murder of a Palestinian-American six-year-old and assault on his family in Illinois, US and the equating of any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. At the same time, we also oppose holding all Jewish people all over the world accountable for the politics of the state of Israel and we condemn anti-Semitic violence, such as the mob attack on the airplane in Dagestan, Russia.

We also reject the revival of the "war on terror" rhetoric used by the US and EU to justify war crimes and violations of international law that have undermined the international security system and caused countless deaths, and has been borrowed by other states, including Russia for the war in Chechnya and China for the Uyghur genocide. Now Israel is using it to carry out ethnic cleansing.

Call to Action

We urge the implementation of the call to a ceasefire, put forward by the UN General Assembly resolution.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Nov 8th, 2023 at 11:34:14 PM EST

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