by Oui
Wed Feb 15th, 2023 at 11:12:13 AM EST
Indeed it's from historical investigative journalist Seymour Hersh to nail the economic attack on Germany and Europe performed by the United States. A decision made in total secrecy for NATO allies which had baffled many for its audacity ... and stupidity. Hersh did not have to search long as the decision of Joe Biden had many NSC members who had warned of this act of war against an ally.
The main source with direct knowledge came from top level of decision making, so a "deep throat" source. Cat has covered many angles already and I will link to his posts.
Nord Stream Whodunnit [Update] | by Cat on Oct 31st, 2022 |
Western disinformation in Seymour Hersh has kicked off ...
This diary is focused on how media remains in silence at best, or worst propagate the lies coming from the White House.
Dutch media are truly horrible in their reactions ... even from expert reporters who dare to manifest they are "open-minded" to the allegations and evidence put forward.
Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal has retweeted ...
A single tweet with no follow-up
Waiting for confirmation -seems to me- from eg Norway; a partner in this action, writes Hersh. Or from others. If that confirmation is not forthcoming, Hersh will once again destroy his reputation. [🥱 sure Eelco]
OSINT-er did fact-check Hersh's claim about Norwegian minesweepers and concludes: can't be right
Covered by b @MofA ...
Seymour Hersh:
The story that Hersh tells seems incomplete and not researched as deeply as possible. I bet that his sources know more than that.
But it still fits with the tale I had constructed from open data a day after the pipeline was destroyed:
While the Baltops 22 maneuver already took place in June and July of this year the U.S. Sixth Fleet left the Baltic Sea only a few days ago (in German, my translation):
Big Fleet Group From U.S. Navy Passes [German island passage] Fehmarnbelt
On Wednesday morning the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, escorted by the Landing Ships USS Arlington and USS Gunston Hall, was en route towards west. Previously, the ships were part of US units that took part in NATO maneuvers and called at numerous ports in Germany, Scandinavia and the Baltic States.
The "USS Kearsarge", flagship of the association and largest warship of the US Navy, which was in action in the Baltic Sea in the last 30 years, has 40 helicopters and fighter planes ... the around 4,000 soldiers are heading back home on the east coast of the US after their six-month deployment.
Parts of the Kearsange operations in the Baltic Sea were dedicated to test special sub sea mine destruction technologies.
From the diaries ...
US Navy Passes Fehmarnbelt
Latest interviews with Seymour Hersh h/t Cat ...
German media reaction after days of silence ...
Cui bono: Wer profitiert von Seymour Hershs Enthüllung zu den Nord-Stream-Anschlägen?
Discredit efforts against Hersh are ongoing.
No established mass media has published an account of the Nord Stream attacks that is even remotely as extensive, detailed and plausible. In Germany, the Attorney General is investigating "on suspicion of anti-constitutional sabotage" in order, as Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) said, "to track down the saboteurs and to be able to bring them before a German court".
"For reasons of public interest"
Members of the left-wing faction in the Bundestag asked the federal government whether the federal government had results from surveillance and secret service sources that point to the originators of the explosions. Robert Habeck's Federal Ministry of Economics (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) replied in Mid-December: "
After careful consideration, the Federal Government has come to the conclusion that the questions cannot be answered for reasons of public welfare." Even the environmental catastrophe caused by escaping methane gas is apparent The FDP had already said not to really interest the Greens.
Enjoy this BS article from a former BBC reporter following the war narrative briefed by the Pentagon, MI6 and Downing Street 10 ... a second generation Judith Miller born in Georgia.
By Natalia Antelava | 14 Feb. 2023 |
Editor at Coda Media Inc. in New York. A online crisis reporting news platform, headed by Natalia Antelava, a former BBC correspondent, and Ilan Greenberg, a magazine and newspaper writer who served as a staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal. Peter Pomerantsev, a British journalist and TV producer, serves as the editor-at-large. [worked at the Legatum Institute in London with Anne Applebaum]
Explains all ...
From my diary ...
Counterinsurgency Cyberwarfare NATO vs. Russia - Part 3 | Jan. 30, 2018 |
Battles are not not won by just hard aggressive force but also through information deception or the loose term of "psychological warfare". In proper academic circles, it is the usage of "soft power"
What does the secretive 77th Brigade do? British Army 77th Brigade - Influence and Outreach
This report, "Winning the Information War: Techniques and Counter-Strategies in Russian Propaganda," is produced under the auspices of the Center for European Policy Analysis' (CEPA) Information Warfare Initiative. Co-authored by CEPA Senior Vice President Edward Lucas and Legatum Institute Senior Fellow Peter Pomerantsev, it is part of an ongoing effort at CEPA to monitor, collate, analyze, rebut and expose Russian propaganda in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
Natalia Antelava and her Coda Story dissected ...
Nord Stream, Seymour Hersh and how disinformation works
Those who didn't pick up the original story, like Al Jazeera, reported on the Russian reaction to it. (In case you are wondering, Russians agreed with Hersh). We will never know who Hersh's single, anonymous source on this story was, but in the end, the product bears all the hallmarks of disinformation.
"This is how disinfo 101 works," says Emily Bell [on the fruits of early censorship when lives are in danger], director at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University in New York. "A piece is published, it triggers a reaction. Media then reports on the reaction, further extending the lifespan of that original piece."
The result: millions of people around the world now believe that the United States conducted an act of war against Russia. Even though they haven't seen any actual proof.
And millions more who will one day hear the allegation and google "Nord Stream pipeline" will find themselves lost in the avalanche of information that will either confirm their pre-existing biases or just confuse them further. Either way, truth and nuance are lost in the noise. Disinformation wins. [EUvsDisinfo]
It is a poignant sign of the weirdness of our era, that this disinformation tale centers around one of the great legends of American journalism.
I remember my first, brief meeting with Seymour Hersh in Beirut in 2009. I was based there for the BBC, while he regularly came through the city on his way to Damascus, where he socialized with the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and his family. I remember being taken aback by how close he seemed to the Assads, but starstruck nevertheless. Hersh was a hero, whose dogged, brave, incredibly smart reporting exposed the My Lai massacre by U.S. troops in Vietnam, a number of Pentagon cover-ups and revelations of U.S. torture in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.
But by the time the Syrian civil war sent shockwaves through the Middle East, Hersh's relationship with the Assads seemed to affect his journalism.
Assad and Netanyahu close on a peace deal over the Golan Heights - Fall 2010.
John Kerry as Senator also visited Damascus on numerous occasions to meet Bashar Assad. Part of diplomacy the US has forgotten about.
The lady has a blindspot and herself deeply involved in Western war narrative and propaganda.