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City Agriculture - January 16, 2024

by gmoke Wed Jan 17th, 2024 at 04:46:17 AM EST

Liquid3, an urban photo-bioreactor that uses microalgae to remove CO2, produce O2, and biomass
hat tip MonkCanatella@MonkCanatella@sh.itjust.works

Farm to wetland
NB:  Not exactly "city agriculture" but I'm betting wetlands can be scaled down similarly to Miyawaki Forests

Farm to school in Washington DC
http://dccentralkitchen.org/2023/10/24/beyond-the-buzzword-how-dc-central-kitchen-makes-farm-to-scho ol-work-for-everyone/
hat tip Craig Newmark

First private Miyawaki Forest in Cambridge MA (and maybe USAmerica)
http://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/11/22/metro/cambridge-resident-wanted-bigger-things-her-urban-front- yard-neighbors-helped-plant-miyawaki-forest-there/
To get past the pay wall:  http://archive.ph/7nVHB
Previously:  NYTimes on Miyawaki Forests
http://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/24/climate/tiny-forests-climate-miyawaki.html?unlocked_article_code=v 8kupwL3yFzi2-IC0KNf0BfACVFIpjsbxhk-7AhXQAjnPcgfL1u0jgLszg6uQztWlpZc6_V1QOwLy6Gv10Xwtcw4Ht8XwkuGji4rD hmQ9qYforZU9MX8B7Q19uUpL1k9IKEMDgPfj6FekloEFoqn1Y2VdY6nwLtGMfO64JI_zm6W9HOOXuzcd3NCbBmj1eTS-5WwgnUq0 Tm-ywZl4thMTz41iiE6RiRI11a0b8w_kTUQ855mbxbQVNWMm6Snn-J99xG67V4n4GNA2UfGJGq0DHfoU4lbAHtzu2ALpW-XHk-wG jHpUCFZ1zvw6xBW2LkxalBrw803-EJSR0-3v-fbax0XyIIi7FY&smid=url-share
Editorial Comment:  My sources at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (http://bio4climate.org/) report that this article brought many new members and attention to their great work.

Naturebase - a database of Natural Climate Solutions (NCS)

AppHarvest - the collapse of an indoor farming start-up in Kentucky
Editorial Comment:  This is at least the second example where approaching food production as if it were a computer start-up resulted in a crash and burn disaster. The other example I know of is CityFarm at MIT's Media Lab which, from what I've read, seems to have been a complete fraud, a fraud MIT would like everyone to forget.

Netherlands' agriculture and how they plan to be the breadbasket of the world
2017 NatGeo article:  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/holland-agriculture-sustainable-farming
To get past the paywall:  https://archive.ph/BRZCZ
2021 article:  http://investinholland.com/news/from-agtech-to-table-how-the-dutch-are-reaping-a-new-harvest/

Banking winter ice in Ladakh
Editorial Comment:  This technique may also be useful in urban areas

Tree Folio NYC:  The right tree in the right place for urban forestry

Paris begins an urban forest to cover up to half the city
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-08/paris-s-urban-forest-plan-takes-a-new-step-with-tr ees-at-the-place-de-catalogne

Dallas sees a future in urban farming
hat tip Henry Gordon-Smith

Two compendia of geotherapy:

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. no 0%
. not yes 0%
. not no 0%
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. none of the above 0%

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