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RIVM: Unhealthy Dutch Baby Boomers

by Oui Tue Nov 19th, 2024 at 02:14:30 PM EST

Unbelievable Headline Health Baby Boomers

RIVM report: 'Baby boomers the unhealthiest'

Experts warn of lifestyle diseases after an alarming RIVM report: `Baby boomers the unhealthiest'

The number of people with a chronic disease is expected to rise to almost 12 million in 2050. [geez ... how many Baby Boomers still alive ⁉️ 😂 ] Older people in particular will experience more health problems, including dementia and osteoarthritis.

The RIVM warns of this in an advisory report. `Baby boomers are the unhealthiest generation we have ever had', says professor of vitality David van Bodegom.

Babyboomers are my generation born in the Liberation year of 1946-51. I was very early in that group and growing up was a matter of survival until the mid-sixties the West-European economy began catching-up with the leading economy of the world.

Nevertheless, the generation of baby boomers increased the longevity of the Dutch, besides being the tallest amongst its peers in Europe. With old age the health issues will increase, but one has survived a number of critical stages 50-55 heart and lung diseases.

Baby boomers are still booming: Dutch over-75s are having more sex 💪🏽 😂

Hier the article in full ...

Baby boomers the unhealthiest generation | Journal for Seniors |

We live less healthily

According to David van Bodegom, professor of vitality at Leyden Academy, we have had good health for less time. In the 1980s, men lived on average until the age of 55 without illness, now that is only 46 years. For women, that has even dropped from 54 to 41 years.


In the 1960s, people started smoking en masse, more alcohol was consumed, and refrigerators became more full. "We are seeing more and more people with lifestyle diseases. It is not surprising that there is much more wear and tear on joints, when half of the population does not exercise enough and is overweight," says Van Bodegom. "Two out of three elderly people have a belly."

Enormous challenge

Jos Schols, emeritus professor of geriatric medicine at Maastricht University, calls the rapidly increasing number of chronically ill people worrying in the AD: "If all those 'krakkemikkig' [translation: wobbly or rickety] elderly people have to live at home longer, that will be an enormous challenge."

The most ridiculous headlines for anyone using common sense and feel addressed as such. Shameless media.

RIVM is also responsible for measuring air quality of populated areas near industry. For decades the reports trivialized the health risks ... should we mention the tobacco nicotine industry, clean water or the Detroit lead poisoning or Monsanto Roundup herbicide and global agriculture, effecting nearby population. Lobby groups co-authoring legislation in Brussels.

Shifting blame elsewhere.

A different approach from the EU ...

"Europe urged to step up its efforts to promote healthy ageing"

If that is what you want to convey, then say it! Not promoting FEAR and disinformation BS from RIVM. Already its reputation suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination advice.


Related reading ...

Waterborne and Atmospheric Inputs of Nutrients and Metals to the Sea | OSPAR Commission |


Worst Generation on the Planet?

Recently, I've become more active on Twitter as a way to promote my writing through social media.  (See my blog on using twitter as a promotional tool for authors. Thus, I spend a few minutes every day looking for potential followers who enjoy reading or writing in my author genre. So far, that's memoir and historical fiction.

One day last week, I entered the hashtag Baby-boomers, thinking I might discover a few more like-minded people to follow. Was I ever in for a rude awakening!

The first tweet that popped up was one from @LongislandIceDP excoriating the Baby Boomer generation as "the worst generation ever to grace the planet."

"A Toxic Trend?": Generational Conflict and Connectivity in Twitter Discourse Under the #BoomerRemover Hashtag | Oxford |

Discussion and Implications

The analysis of discourse under #BoomerRemover revealed more nuanced expressions surrounding generational cohorts than widely reported in media outlets. Some users tweeted the hashtag in ways that reflected conflict, with #BoomerRemover acting as a vector through which stereotypes were perpetuated and magnified. However, a number of users tweeted the hashtag to call for intergenerational connectivity, highlighting the complexity of online discourse. These results yield implications for the study of online generational discourse, particularly in light of the unique circumstances surrounding the pandemic.

Baby Boomers Psychology Today: The generation is not as bad as you may think


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