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Biden and Soured US-Saudi Relations

by Oui Fri Mar 8th, 2024 at 10:37:57 AM EST

How Joe's fist bump became a slap in the face of Saudi leadership

The Jewish State of Israel could always count on that young Senator from Delaware to come through on behalf of its interests. American battleship in the Middle East the Pentagon could always count on.

Trump even proposed the make Israel the leader of a ME defense organization ... took Israel out of EUCOM to strengthen CENTCOM in fight against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Biden opened his eyes and saw the benefit for all nations.

Israel formally moves to US Central Command's area of responsibility | TOI - 2 Sept. 2022 |

From the diaries ...

Israel: Attorney General Announces Intent to Indict Prime Minister for Bribery, Fraud, and Breach of Trust, Pending a Hearing | 16 Jan. 2022 |

Joe's House of Cards came tumbling down with a roar of F-35s in the skies above the Gaza Strip.

Saudi Arabia Offers Its Price to Normalize Relations With Israel | NY Times | [cached]

The Saudi crown prince is seeking a civilian nuclear program and security assurances from President Biden, a steep price for an agreement long sought by Israel.

Is a Saudi-Israel Normalization Agreement on the Horizon? | USIP - 28 Sept. 2023 |

While progress has reportedly been made in talks, there are many complicating factors to securing such an historic deal.

In recent months, a drumbeat has built around the U.S. effort to negotiate a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The deal would be a tectonic shift in Middle East geopolitics, but also carries major implications for other actors beyond the three negotiating parties. Israel would, of course, benefit from normalized relations with the Saudis -- long seen as the "holy grail" of potential normalization agreements for the country. The Saudis, in turn, would see their interests advanced through strengthened U.S partnership in key areas. But this deal could also have serious implications for the future of the Palestinian national movement and, further afield, for the role of China in the Middle East.

My comment @TikunOlam ...

Normalization would mean joining the Abraham Accords, I do not see this happening within 24 months.

KSA sees itself not only as guardian of the most holy shrines, but also the Islamic canter of all 1.5 bn Muslims. I watch the development in other majority Islamic states like Indonesia (HSR BRI deal), Pakistan, Kazakhstan, ... and Maldives. These nations are turning towards China.

The rapprochement between KSA and Iran is not a done deal, but is the balance how King Salman (yes ultimate decision maker) views Israel and agreement with Netanyahu.

Why is Israel so afraid of the Arab Peace Initiative? | TOI - 18 June 2013 |

It promises full diplomatic ties with the Muslim world, including Iran. It's the `best idea ever,' says an ex-Likud minister. So why does the government reject the Arab world's ostensible path to peace?

Israel could easily make peace with Iran: it only needs to evacuate some settlements, allow a few Palestinian refugees to enter Israel, and the bitter enmity between Jerusalem and Tehran is a thing of the past.

Of course, it's not quite that simple -- but there is a theoretical kernel of truth to the aforementioned proposition. According to the Arab Peace Initiative, 57 Arab and Muslim states will establish "full diplomatic and normal relations" with Israel, in exchange for a "comprehensive peace agreement" with the Palestinians. The Islamic Republic of Iran is among the countries that endorse the initiative.

Though not Arab, Iran is a member state of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which time and again expressed its support for the Arab Peace Initiative, including this past May in Cairo.

Time is way too short to change from villain to hero Joe ... you lost all credibility over past five months 🔥 😡

Recent post J'Accuse: Senator/VP/President Biden is a War Criminal

Joe Biden's long history of pro-Israel statements ... nothing new or original. Must have been tough eight years under President Barack Obama ... 2024 his Waterloo ⁉️

Bearing fruit after decades of effort ...

America On Path to Break-up the European Union | 21 May 2018 | [minor edit - Oui]

Very much the theme of the AngloSaxon conservatives joined by the alt-right [led by Steve Bannon] across the Western world ... once again warmongering coming out of the Pentagon, White House and the National Security Council under leadership of neocon John Bolton.

  • Donald Trump predicts breakup of EU | The Guardian - June 27, 2016 |
    ○ The harsh reality: Donald Trump does mean Europe harm | The Guardian - Opinion |

  • Further reading my previous diary ...
  • NY Times: Collusion Trump Transition Team with UAE/Israel

There is no light between Trump and Biden administration illustrated by lack of diplomacy and (un)willingness to coexist with great nations and cultures.

From EuroTrib archive ...

Biden's Force During First 100 Days | 12 Feb. 2021 |

US aid delivery to Gaza criticised as 'distraction'

Plan criticised as attempt to 'divert attention' from widening famine in Gaza as Israel obstructs aid operations

US continues to supply the Israeli military with weapons and remains a staunch ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden gave few logistical details, but US officials said the operation would "take a number of weeks to plan and execute", and that the required US forces are in the region or would soon begin moving there. Washington would also coordinate with the Israeli army regarding the security situation on Gaza's coast, they said.

    The report cited an assessment of the proposed arms transfer drafted by the US embassy in Jerusalem as saying the Israeli government has requested "rapid acquisition of these items for the defence of Israel against continued and emerging regional threats".

    The assessment also dismisses potential human rights concerns, saying "Israel takes effective action to prevent gross violations of human rights and to hold security forces responsible that violate those rights".

So full of crap ... the World's top court (ICJ) in The Hague has spoken ... not Joe's NWO is leading in International Law.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 at 04:41:10 PM EST

Biden's maritime aid corridor to Gaza slammed as 'unrealistic' | Mondoweiss |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 at 04:48:53 PM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 at 06:25:18 PM EST
Kick out Misogyn Trump and Genocide Joe

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday (Mar 7) called the ongoing war in Gaza a "tragedy for humanity" and a "disgrace for human civilisation". He said that China supports Palestine's full membership in the United Nations.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Fri Mar 8th, 2024 at 06:26:18 PM EST
[ Parent ]

Fascist leadership in an oppressive Middle East ...

Abraham Accords

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 at 12:40:41 PM EST
Build on white supremacy and Islamophobia ... hatred for Muslims

Evil of Kahane terror is very much alive ... Ben Gvir and Smotrich

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 at 12:41:33 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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