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Chancellor Olaf Scholz Is Fed-up w Bibi Netanyahu

by Oui Sun Aug 11th, 2024 at 09:33:12 PM EST

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz multiple times to express unconditional support ....

Gift-wrapped and send back to Berlin ... no match for Bibi

PM Netanyahu meets with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz | PMO - 17 March 2024 |

PM Netanyahu: We believe that the key to peace is security. But peace is unsustainable without a strong Israel. And if we are offered a peace agreement or a path to peace that makes Israel so weak and unable to defend itself, and our neighbors still adhering to the goal of destroying the Jewish state then obviously we will set peace backward and not forward.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Sunday, 17 March 2024), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and issued the following statement after their meeting:

"Chancellor Scholz, welcome to you and your delegation. This is the third visit that you are taking as chancellor to Israel, the second visit during the war. We very much appreciate your friendship, the support that Germany has given Israel during these trying times.

We've just had a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. You expressed your concern for two things. One, protecting civilians, and second, provision of humanitarian aid. I explained that these are our concerns as well because we agree with both goals. In fact, the army of Israel has done more to minimize civilian casualties than any other army in modern times, and certainly any other army faced with such dense urban warfare and an enemy that seeks to use civilians as human shields, as Hamas does, often at gunpoint.
Secondly, we are making unusual efforts to increase humanitarian aid by land, by sea, by air, and we'll continue to do more. The main problem that we see is the distribution of this aid once it gets into Gaza, and the fact that it is being looted by Hamas and by others. This is something that we have to have a joint effort to try to prevent. The responsibility for this disruption and for the civilian casualties should be laid at Hamas's door. Israel will do whatever it can to minimize those casualties and maximize humanitarian aid as needed.

We also agree that Hamas has to be eliminated. We cannot have a future for Gaza, a future for peace, a future for Israel if Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to our genocide, remains intact. If it remains intact, it will regroup and reconquer the Gaza Strip and, as they vowed, repeat the massacre again and again and again."

Jordanien: Stabilitätsanker und Partner bei humanitärer Hilfe

Vor seinen Gesprächen in Israel hat der Bundeskanzler in Jordanien den König von Jordanien, Abdullah II., getroffen. Erst im Oktober empfing der Bundeskanzler den König von Jordanien in Berlin und tauscht sich seitdem regelmäßig mit ihm aus. Denn: Seit vielen Jahren nimmt Jordanien im Nahostkonflikt eine stabilisierende und vermittelnde Rolle ein. 

Im Zentrum der Gespräche standen ebenfalls die humanitäre Lage der Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser und die Suche nach einer Lösung des Konflikts. Jordanien ist dabei ein wesentlicher Partner Deutschlands bei der Versorgung der Bevölkerung im Gazastreifen mit humanitärer Hilfe.

Damit Jordanien diese Rolle auch weiter ausüben kann, unterstützt die Bundesregierung die jordanische Armee mit der Finanzierung von Kerosin. Zwei Transportflugzeuge der Luftwaffe befinden sich außerdem in Jordanien und starteten bereits erste Abwürfe von Hilfslieferungen über dem Gazastreifen.

Nach Angriff Irans auf Israel

Bundesregierung bemüht sich um Deeskalation | 24 April 2024 |

Der Nahostkonflikt

Kamala surges as Israeli massacres continue | Mondoweiss |

Ten months into its genocidal war on Gaza, Israel showed no signs of acknowledging international demands to halt its attacks and seek a ceasefire this week--quite the opposite.

The United States is further into the final months of the Presidential election season. Kamala Harris is now firmly accepted as the Democratic nominee, and she's trying to court the Left, Palestinian, and Arab communities critical to defeating Trump, avoid attacks from the Israel lobby.


Netanyahu and the Israeli government believe Harris is weak and incapable of the significant political shift necessary to change the relationship with Israel. They also think that Trump will let them do whatever they want in Gaza and elsewhere. And so, during her first full week campaigning for President, Israel slaughtered Palestinians across Gaza. The brutality has gotten so bad that even Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, called Netanyahu today and told him to stop and seek a ceasefire.

But everyone knows the opinions and statements of governments worldwide do not matter. The only nation that can stop this is the United States. And the only person in the United States that can stop this is Joe Biden. He has made it crystal clear that he is willing to end his political life standing over the shredded bodies of Palestinian children he helped murder by sending weapons to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli military.

If Kamala Harris does win - and polling indicates that she has a solid chance of doing so - the most impactful and legacy-defining action she can take in the arena of foreign policy is resetting the U.S. relationship with the Middle East by forcing Israel to face accountability for its crimes of occupation, apartheid, and genocide.  

Netanyahu blocks all attempts for a ceasefire and end Gaza genocide ...

Protest Netanyahu

Israel ruft Einwohner von Chan Junis zur Flucht auf

 Die israelische Armee hat vor einem neuen Militäreinsatz in Chan Junis Einwohner eines nördlichen Stadtviertels dazu aufgerufen, das Gebiet unverzüglich zu verlassen. Sie sollten sich in eine humanitäre Zone begeben, deren Grenzen neu gezogen worden seien, teilt die Armee den Menschen per SMS, Telefonat sowie Medienberichten in arabischer Sprache und mit Hilfe von Flugblättern mit. Chan Junis liegt im südlichen Gazastreifen. Ziel der Warnungen sei es, Schaden an Zivilisten zu vermeiden, heißt es in der Mitteilung der Armee. 

Foto: Abdel Kareem Hana/AP/dpa


'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Aug 13th, 2024 at 07:30:11 PM EST

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