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Jerusalem Red Heifer Prophecy

by Oui Thu Aug 15th, 2024 at 01:18:54 PM EST


‎הקרבת וצליית קרבן פסח בבית המקדש - עברית
Sacrificing and roasting the Passover sacrifice in the Temple - Hebrew

[Taken down from public viewing across the Internet]

[Update -1]

Special documentation: this is how the Passover sacrifice was offered • Gallery

The temple organizations practiced the sacrifice of the Passover sacrifice every year, near the Western Wall, in preparation for the building of the Temple soon in our days • Photographer Haim Goldberg participated and presents a special documentation (Interesting, Land)


Practicing the Passover Sacrifice 5779 - beginning.

A right-wing Israeli activist group offered money to anyone who attempted to sacrifice a lamb for Passover on the Temple Mount

Reenactment of the Pesach

This reenactment of the Passover Sacrificial Offering is meant to awaken the Jewish Nation's longing for the "days of old," the period when we .experienced closeness to G-d through the Temple Service.

Throughout the centuries living in the Diaspora we continiously reminded ourselves at the Passover Seder with  symbols like the Karpas, Haroset, Bitter Herbs and Matzah yet our Passover Holiday is missing its essence which it represents-- the memory of the authentic Passover celebration as it was worshipped during the Temple period .

Three times daily we pray for the return to Zion to the Temple MountNow that we have returned to our Land after more than 2,000 years, the time has come to give expression to that longing and to realize the dream

This event is meant to revive the colors, smells and sights that accompanied the Temple Service and that were lost to us throughout our long exile. It is meant to bring new life into our current Passover Celebrations.

Changing the Status Quo of the Temple Mount

The Israelis set for new Jewish temple on Al-Aqsa site | France24 / AFP - June 2023 |

Jerusalem (AFP) - With imported sacrificial cows, ancient hymns and growing support, some nationalist Jews hope to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem's Old City, at a site at the heart of Israeli-Palestinian tensions.

Members of the Orthodox Jewish group claim to be descendants of the biblical Tribe of Levi, which performed hymns and music at the holy site.

According to Jewish tradition, their first temple was demolished in 586 BC by then ruler Nebuchadnezzar II at the same location.

For Haim Berkovits, a 50-year-old third temple advocate, "you can say whatever you want (about the Muslim presence), this was the place for Jews". Jewish worship at the future temple is "only a matter of time", he said.

Berkovits is part of Boneh Israel ("Building Israel"), an organisation which according to its website works at "bringing the redemption closer".

Christian Zionists Hastening Armageddon

Hastening Armageddon: The Future of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Trump's 'Deal of the Century' within the Framework of Christian Zionism

Al-Aqsa Mosque, Bayt al-Maqdis, and the fate of Palestine have emerged as central topics in the Deal of the Century (DoC), presenting a one-sided viewpoint deeply loaded with a biased political, historical and religious narrative. This paper examines the visions of Christian Zionists concerning the future of al-Aqsa Mosque as outlined in the 'deal'. Primarily, it is concluded that the Deal proposes a major change in the status quo of al-Aqsa Mosque by temporally dividing and allocating it only to Jews and Christians on their respective holidays. Secondly, it lays the foundation for spatial division giving Jews exclusive use of parts of al-Aqsa Mosque, as implemented in the Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron. The third phase, implied but not explicitly stated, revolves around the Zionist ideology of the construction of a 'Jewish Temple' over the site of al-Aqsa Mosque. This inference is drawn from the impact of Christian Zionism on American politics and the anticipation of Christ's Second Coming.

Furthermore, the inclusion of the entire area of al-Aqsa Mosque within the target of the 'Jewish Temple' plan, in accordance with the idea that Jesus Christ would enter the site and particularly from an unsealed Bab al-Rahma or the Golden Gate. As a result, the DoC proposes the division of time, space and the sharing of the mosque as a starting point, in line with evangelical plans; the successful completion of which will see the construction of a 'Jewish Temple' to hasten the advent of the apocalypse. This endeavour reflects Christian Zionists' fervent efforts to reshape the world order by forcing the 'Hand of God', and bringing about their long-held desire for Armageddon, through the instrumentalisation of Jews for the fulfilment of their scheme.

Bush and speech Christian Zionists

George W Bush's new 'crusade': converting Jews to Christianity

Red Heifer Prophecy and the End of Times

The Red Heifer Prophecy: Jerusalem's End Of Days Mystery | Religious Historian - 5 Feb 2021 |

What can archaeology reveal about the Islamic, Christian and Jewish heritage of this remarkable site?

Unblemished Red Heifers Key to Understanding Conflict in the Middle East | Hudson Institute - Nov 2023 |

The main danger in many conspiracy theories lies not in their truth or falsity, but that people believe them to be true and act on that belief.

We ignore this at our peril.

One theory, held widely in the Middle East, is that Israel is planning to destroy the site of Al-Aqsa complex in Jerusalem, which includes the Muslim holy sites of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Some add that this is part of a project by Israel to clear these buildings from the Temple Mount in order to build the Third Temple. A key part of this scheme is believed to be efforts to breed a flawless red heifer.

Why a red heifer? In the Bible, Numbers 19: 1-2 recounts: "The Lord said to Moses and Aaron: `This is a requirement of the law that the Lord has commanded. Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke ....'"

There is a parallel recounting in the second chapter of the Quran. Those who hold these views believe that the sacrifice of such a heifer is essential to the ritual purification that is a necessary precondition for building the temple.

There are Christian groups who hold this view and active Jewish groups in Israel such as the Temple Institute. The institute has been training men to be priests and in September 2023 announced the birth of a suitable heifer that it said would undergo "extensive examination" to determine if it's free from any blemish.

The previous September, it had announced that it had imported five suitable heifers from a Christian rancher in Texas who shared their views. Among those on hand when the heifers arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport was Israel's Heritage Ministry's Director-General Netanel Isaac.

Provocation March 2024

Reports on Religious Freedom: West Bank and Gaza 2022 | U.S. Department of State - 15 May 2023 |

The Israeli government continued to allow controlled access to religious sites in Jerusalem, including the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount (the site containing the foundation of the First and Second Jewish temples and where, the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque are located). Israeli authorities in some instances barred specific individuals from the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount site. Several instances of intercommunal violence during the year culminated in deaths.

On May 13, Israeli authorities used force against the funeral procession of Palestinian-American al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jerusalem, beating mourners, including casket bearers, with batons, firing stun grenades into the crowd, and seizing Palestinian flags. On May 16, Israeli police and Palestinians violently clashed during funeral processions for Walid al-Sharif, a 21-year-old Palestinian who died from a brain injury sustained in clashes on April 22 on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

On May 29, as part of Jerusalem Day celebrations, the "Flags March"took place in Jerusalem in which an estimated 70,000 Israeli marchers entered the Old City of Jerusalem through the Damascus Gate and the Muslim Quarter, according to press reports. Crowds danced and chanted anti-Muslim slogans including insults to the Prophet Muhammad and "death to Arabs". A record number of more than 2,600 Jews toured the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount during the day, while young Palestinians reportedly threw rocks in protest and barricaded themselves inside the al-Aqsa Mosque. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that Israeli authorities responded using rubber bullets, sound grenades, pepper spray, and, in one instance, live bullets, injuring 79 Palestinians and caused 28 to be hospitalized. Police detained more than 60 suspects and remanded 35 for trial.

On April 14, Israeli police arrested six Jewish activists who were planning to sacrifice a goat on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount ahead of Passover. Israeli police imposed new restrictions on Christian attendance at the Orthodox Easter Holy Fire celebrations in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem on April 23; Christian leaders said there was no need to alter the ceremony and that the restrictions infringed on religious freedom and worship, while Israeli authorities said the crowd control measures were necessary for safety.

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel | United Nations General Assembly - 5 Sept 2023 |

Never ending crimes against humanity by colonizer in an apartheid state ...

Gaza Doctor Accuses Israel of Using Exploding Bullets,
Israeli Ambassador Calls Norwegians `Nazis' for Denouncing Gaza Massacre | Tikun Olam - 2 April 2018 |


Did the violent uprising bursting out of the Gaza concentration camp come as a surprise? Hardly ...

In the land of free speech and tolerance - daily rubbish I pledge allegiance - U.S. Constitution and NAO by nine judges in black robes.

Caroline Fohlin, an economics professor at Emory University, was one of several arrested during an on-campus protest against the Israel-Hamas war - 26 April 2024.

Caroline Fohlin has been booked on charges including simple battery against a police officer | The Independent |

Police launch violent crackdowns on Gaza protests at colleges across the US: 'We're terrified of another Kent State'

Is Israel's Netanyahu provoking a regional war in the Middle East? | The New Arab |

Analysis: Israel's escalatory assassinations show Netanyahu's willingness to risk a regional war in order to ensure his political survival.


Anti-Israel protesters disrupt NYC support rally for Harris campaign | TOI |

The United States 🇺🇸 has been held hostage by Israeli leaders for decades, not in the interest of America, Palestinians and the Jewish community themselves ...only peace ☮️ will guarantee security on a small sliver of land.


'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 at 08:50:11 AM EST

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