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Rutte Off to War

by Oui Sat Jan 25th, 2025 at 08:13:48 AM EST

Rutte @Davos

NATO head Mark Rutte: 'Very happy' with Trump's sanctions threat to Russia | CNBC |

EuroTrib key words | Rutte & NATO | Archived |

President Putin still at the helm in the Kremlin, notwithstanding the threats from previous presidents and most European dignitaries as upcoming Fireign Ministers ... all long gone and forgotten ... even the UK Prime Ministers of the 21st Century.

My earlier diary does not mince the words of NATO aggression and Europe's subservience to Washington DC ... becoming a foreign legion of Caesar in the White House ... the architecture of an empire.

Integrating Ukraine Into NATO Family | May 30th, 2023 |

Never was room for diplomacy to solve a crisis ahead of time. A stupid war of choice, not of necessity ... the military assets of Russia are no match for a war with the United States, let alone.one with all of the NATO legions.

Even a stumbling President Gerald Ford gets his personalized aircraft carrier ... no shame.

| JFK Assassination | Warren Commission | Granting pardon for evils of Tricky Dick Nixon | Impunity |

    Ladies and gentlemen:

    I have come to a decision which I felt I should tell you and all of my fellow American citizens, as soon as I was certain in my own mind and in my own conscience that it is the right thing to do.

So glad Gerry believes he has a conscience ... that surely explains the ills of Bill Clinton - George W. Bush - Dick Cheney and his Israel cabal | Barack Obama and his pick VP Biden and his Ukraine cabal |

... all roads lead to rightwing fascism and the rise of Donald Trump Trump ... a new era of red states triumphism to bully the world ... forget about global warming ... a sorry state of nature and sustainable environment ...


.. and there still are strong advocates to be subservient to a totalitarian state USA? Make America great again is quite clear to Europe's future. Capitalism, winner takes all ...



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