by Oui
Sun Jan 26th, 2025 at 05:29:22 PM EST
Return of Teddy's Rough Ryders
President William McKinley's Address to Congress Requesting a Declaration of War With Spain, 1898
When men were Real Men ..sick ‼️
Waanzin ‼️
Civilization is being abused to conform to oligarchs advocating genocide and Manifest Destiny.
The love for William McKinley expressed in the longing to conquer Panama again ... the crucial cargo ships' thoroughfare between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean ... soon to be renamed Trump's Ocean for coming generations ... the canal steal by the mob boss from Queens NY.
As I have written, fascism rolled out over Europe to expand the America Empire ... not a dream but a nightmare for human kind. The evil is embedded in the "Shiny city on the Hill" ... exceptionalism another term for white supremacy and G*d's chosen people ... Jan 6th was just an experiment of the Revolution to come ... the second chance Trump is a danger to all of Europe. No time to waste ... be decisive, act now.
Needed a persuasive cause to attack Cuba ...
Teddy Roosevelt assembles a group of men in the First United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment.
Trump >>> McKinley the Americas and expansionism
Trump rings in Gilded Age & McKinley era, tapping into 'Manifest Destiny view of American expansion'
What the History of American Expansion Can Tell Us About Trump's Threats | Mother Jones |
The Death of America - no comment
Brief history of Israel-Palestine conflict
The Israel-Palestine conflict did not erupt overnight; here’s a brief history.
Tales of the Olive Trees
Human Rights & Liberation for ALL. Oppression
Stephen Kapos not in his name
Holocaust Survivor Tells Me: Israel Is Committing Genocide | Owen Jones - w. Stephen Kapos |
The Kahanists in Israel's War Cabinet and Netanyahu announced decades ago there would be second Nakba .. genocide by condemning the Palestinians to destiny of Amalek ... as the western Allie's watch in some disbelieve, supporting the cowardly bombing raids on civilians and Gaza infrastructure and medical facilities.
One hundred years ago these fascists would propose and support the German chancellor to clear out all the depraved Jews and have Hollerith and Chemical industries to take care of the problem in a most "humane" way.
Holocaust by another name ... genocide of the Palestinian people.